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G'day Fearmongers —
On the podcast this week: Sami Shah makes his case to be the new host of Q+A.
It is compelling.
We also dive into the ethics of the guy who got both the Astra Zeneca vaccine, and the Pfizer vaccine, and look at how the Australian Government is trying to do the numbers to delay UNESCO's decision to put the Great Barrier Reef on the endangered list.
Close the hatch, and have your skittles ready with fearmongers:
Dan Ilic
Lewis Hobba
Jenny Tian
& Sami Shah
Yours, truly waiting for a vaccine.
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Dan Ilic 0:00
Get a Louis Hello Daniel. How are you? Look I'm well I have. We've had about a month off this podcast because thanks to Coronavirus, several shows have been cancelled and I want to I want everybody to know I decided we should start the podcast again to sell our Melbourne shows. Because we have Melbourne to Melbourne shows on sale for the middle of August and today, they will also cancel congrat
Lewis Hobba 0:23
we should just book shows that we know we can't sell just be like,
Dan Ilic 0:28
yeah, where are the ends? Where the MC j?
Lewis Hobba 0:31
Yeah, like through the MCG in early August.
Dan Ilic 0:34
I did it for a comedy festival prank which would be to actually book like a conference room in the MC j and only do three nights during festival and then order some gigantic billboard saying Dan illage mc g three nights only. And when you turn up you have to go up to the like the members standard. I mean like this.
Lewis Hobba 0:54
Yeah, yeah, I gotta do that. So more show up more cancelled shows which is great. But really good to be back then.
Dan Ilic 1:01
Yes, it is good. Yes, I'm recording my end of irrational feet on gadigal land and the eora nation. sovereignty was never ceded. We need a treaty. Let's start the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:09
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks cambro
Unknown Speaker 1:16
COMM And section 14, our rational view recommended listening by immature audience.
Dan Ilic 1:22
Tonight the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony is hours away. But critics are saying that it's a mistake to allow delta to perform. And Jeff Bezos flies into space to feel what it's like to no longer be the richest man on earth. And it's got Morrison regret saying that the vaccine rollout is not a race when clearly it is the race that has stopped the nation. It is the 21st of July 2021 and this is the podcast that unifies the entire world. This is irrational fear.
Welcome to irrational fear. I'm your host former Queensland premier Dan Ilic. Let's meet our female guest for tonight. First up is a Melbourne man who is quite satisfied with the gold standard containment of the Coronavirus in New South Wales. It's Sammy Shah How you doing everyone? I'm quite quite loving this lockdown life that we've already presented with I've decided that's the approach I'm taking everyone is taking it I'm gonna be the weirdo who loves it it's gonna be my brand that's my that's my
semi locked in shot. Next is a Sydney stand up comedian. He was definitely okay with not being able to do gigs to earn money is Jenny tiaan Hi. Yeah, I'm
Jenny Tian 2:42
also in lockdown at the moment. I'm the opposite of Sami. I have been dying here. I've been doing a haircut tutorial off tic Tock and now it looks like I've got like three. One. My hair looks like a decorative rug, honestly.
Dan Ilic 2:58
Well, I'm glad you said that. Because finally our final guest while in lockdown allowed his girlfriend to cut his own here. It's Louis hava.
Lewis Hobba 3:05
Yes. And look at these beautiful results. Obviously, the hair on the top of the head I think is actually pretty good. The moustache which you can see on the podcast, so let me describe it to you. Yeah, and everyone loves it. No, no. 100% definitely no one calling me a sex pest or sex tester Jason. Descriptions like 80s PE teacher, which is essentially the same thing.
Sami Shah 3:29
It's very 70s German porn star was definitely got a vibe there is to get a moustache. We're like if you walk into a car dealership, they give you the white band band. Like clearly you this is your calling.
Dan Ilic 3:48
We're better for it for having you here. Louis. Thank you so much. Hey, I don't know if you folks noticed this. But while we're on hiatus for the podcast, irrational fear made it into the New York Times. Yeah, yeah, yeah. During um, during the break when the government put out their ad for the Coronavirus campaign, the scare tactic ad, the one that used that use matrix green, no one uses matrix green anymore, but they insisted on using matrix green to scare people in getting a vaccine. I made a parody of that and put it up on a rational fear. And we got into the New York Times well done. Well done, which is huge.
Lewis Hobba 4:25
Yeah, no one buys newspapers anymore.
Dan Ilic 4:30
Tragic consequence there our sponsor for this way. She was a 39 year old non essential graphic designer who was merely eight months away from being eligible for a Pfizer vaccine. And yet, she refused to enrol herself into St. Joseph's College. Let's be COVID-19 together, turn 40 sooner or be the son of liberal party donors. spoken by someone who never be held to account from the either hold a syringe to BB and gamma. Brilliant. Thank you. Thank you. The same in the original ad that really Got me was that they just made it so easy to rip and parody. It was it was a parody proof. It was like a parody. Open slather because they had no voiceover over the top of it. And you can rip it and add your own voiceover. I encourage everybody to do it. It's easy to do. Yeah, I mean, I saw that I thought it was the real ad. Are you any closer to 40? Jedi? Oh, yeah, yeah, exactly. That's precisely Yeah.
Sami Shah 5:29
Am I the oldest person here today? Am I the only one over 40? Actually,
Dan Ilic 5:33
are you the only one vaccinated?
Sami Shah 5:35
I've had one round I got I got one round of AstraZeneca. So I've had the first round of Astra. And by the way at the reaction, like I was shivering and shaking and like it was Yeah, it was very much what you know, this is like one o'clock in the morning when I'm lying in a puddle of my own sweat. I was like, maybe the anti vaxxers have a point. The next morning, I was fine again. But yeah, I've had one round so I'm still not Delta proof. But I'm a little bit closer. Yeah,
Lewis Hobba 6:05
I'm not 40 obviously I still work at Triple J. They'd put a bolt in your head when you hit 40 I I'm one round Dean as well. So I'm bad people. No, I'm fine. I'm fancy as hell.
Jenny Tian 6:22
So one round in five. were late. Everyone getting Pfizer's?
Dan Ilic 6:28
I'm the only one out here in Bondi Beach note vexes.
Sami Shah 6:31
What's going on? You're in ground zero. is basically dry humping patient zero of the new Delta out. You don't have a vaccine. Well, this
Dan Ilic 6:43
is the first story for today is Sydney man who's received his fourth dose of Coronavirus taxane. He's doubled up he's done the AstraZeneca and the Pfizer. This is last week. 34 year old Tom Lee got to lots of vaccines over the last month. Jenny, do you think this is fair that this guy's has gone and doubled, doubled up his vaccines? You know,
Jenny Tian 7:05
what I think is really genius about it is that the what the way he did it was that he just hung around vaccination centres basically. And then just went and like, ask people and then he managed to get him. So I reckon he's kind of a genius.
Dan Ilic 7:19
I think this is probably a good strategy for everyone. Just to look,
Sami Shah 7:23
this is very much how most comedians start their career as well. You just got a club and you hang around until finally they're like, Alright, do you want to get on stage in fact, is also how most ABC employees start their career. How I got mine by just going to hang out with God or they got embarrassed gave me a job. So if that works in Australia for these two industries, it makes sense it would work for everything else in the country as well. You know what, I'm gonna start hanging your curability just roaming around kirribilli waiting to be the next pm eventually you will get embarrassed and make me pm.
Dan Ilic 7:57
I was thinking about this today, Sammy, I was thinking Chief, I reckon I would have been a really awesome Prime Minister. 18 months ago, I could have foreseen all of this and put in a bunch of shit. Rather than read to fix Coronavirus before I got this bad before.
Sami Shah 8:14
This is exactly like when you watch the Winter Olympics and you sit there and those Olympic skiers are going downhill bobbing and weaving and you're sitting at home on your couch or the remote going on. Please, I could do better than that. Semi gravity does most
Dan Ilic 8:28
of the works. Gravity doesn't work. Of course you can. I'm a short man. I'm a short heavyset man. I've got I've got gravity on my side brother.
Sami Shah 8:38
saying let's give Scott Morrison the benefit of the doubt clearly, he's doing the best he can. And it is it is ablest to make fun of someone doing the best they can, with the best they can is just that.
Lewis Hobba 8:50
Definitely was he was just looking. He wasn't the Prime Minister. He was just there. Then he was third in line and two he Bradbury's way like it he 100% followed this.
Sami Shah 9:01
It was like the movie The death of Stalin but with none of the cleverness, intelligence. Ravi das personality, not a political savvy or any of those things, as he was nothing like the movie death of Stalin.
Jenny Tian 9:16
Unless in the movie, he went over to the UK to get like a DNA test and find his ancestry.
Dan Ilic 9:26
Or the Death Star the story I saw death of Stalin at at the Sundance Film Festival but I had 100 idea.
Lewis Hobba 9:33
I had an edible unvaccinated
Sami Shah 9:44
I saw this story right now this bond guy scum story on vaccine anti vaxxer data. I saw the death of Stalin in Cannes Film Festival while having an edible. Were you wearing thongs and running up to the manboobs flapping in the breeze.
Dan Ilic 10:02
Sammy, it was Sunday. It was
Lewis Hobba 10:06
one day So Dan will be Sundance and on your grey live out drain.
Dan Ilic 10:13
I had an edible before the show and I was having a great time and I was laughing my head off. But none of the Americans in the audience were enjoying it as much as I was. And then during the q&a, I decided I said to myself, Oh my, I love Armando Iannucci, I've got to go meet him and and he and I got down to the second or first row and at the Sundance Film Festival, and after QA, I was so stoned that I walked out, Damon said, Amanda, and then I can't remember anything I said something about being a satirist to you and I was satirise, but I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure it was just a jumble of fucking consonants and vowels. And
Sami Shah 10:59
anyway, I'm on our Patreon subscribers. I just say for the record
Unknown Speaker 11:06
as a politician, the vaccine rollout in
Dan Ilic 11:09
Australia is a shit show. It is just a mess. And Scotty from marketing has got to take some of the responsibility for it. That was exactly the point I was making just about a rational fear exactly the point. Our second fear this week is who will replace Hamish MacDonald on q&a. Yes, Hamish MacDonald has quit the ABC said no more. And he's now kind of back to the project where he came STEMI Have you got any ideas about who may replace Hamish MacDonald on q&a?
Sami Shah 11:39
I mean, there's who should replace him and then who will replace him? Right. Well, two separate conversations. The first thing is I do know that announcement I know that announcement very well, which is when they say he's moving on to other projects. It means the ratings in work out the way we were hoping they would we're going to not continue his contract. We might even end his contract early. And we're going to make it sound like it's all his decision while the real people whose fault it is that the show is no good and basically unwatchable. Who are the producers and executive producers on the show will continue on their contracts getting the salaries that they will get it again, anyway, fuck off. Poor Hey, Mitch, because it is not his fault. It was a shit show. And he was hosting a shit show. But regardless, he's gone. Here's why. I think you want to know my honest opinion other than myself, and I genuinely think I do a fine. Good job.
Dan Ilic 12:29
Sammy, this is my pointer. Well, I want to hear you say I want to hear you give the case yourself. Ah, all right. Here's the fucking
Sami Shah 12:36
right, let's fucking do this. But it's a debate show. In the end q&a is a debate show. And believe it or not, but I was a world class debater growing up in high school. In university, I paid my way to university, not to prostitution the way young man does. I did it to debate competitions. What kind of world class nerd Do you have to be to be a debater? Who pays his university fees? Using the money and winning to debate that was me? All right. Go on. These kinds of shows which due date have been so bland, so utterly boring, so lacking in personality that the hosts were interchangeable with planks of wood and wood had the exact same low ratings? I'll do it. I'll make it funny. I'll call bullshit when butcher is said I will fact check people do we revisit regular diligence that never happens? And at the same time, encourage good conversation? How many times do you watch q&a? And the conversation is about to get spicy, too. People start arguing and then the presenter goes, Okay, we don't have time for that. We want a viral clip on YouTube and we can comment on Twitter about cutting the conversation short. The hackers job is just making sure everything's as black is a cream. No, fuck off. Let me host the show. But no, they never gonna do it. Then I'm going to give it to me. Give to Nicki and Louie. We're going to give it to anyone with a vaguely interesting you know who's going to get the show. It will be Spears, it will be fucking David Spears, who's the only person who can make Anthony Albanese look at Nick. He's so fucking dumb. All right, and he's going to be the next presenter of the boring show on Australian television history. Wait until the ratings go completely into the toilet. q&a
Jenny Tian 14:32
that was so beautiful. I'm so inspired.
Sami Shah 14:37
I need this much semi. Yeah, imagine meeting one of those beautiful rants on television. You're like I'm pretty sure we got guests to talk. You're This show once by the way, I turned it down three times. Show one time I sat next to Jim Jim molan. That's right, and who's unfortunately now very tragically been diagnosed with cancer. And I'm not making fun of him at all for that, but I will say that he had the worst breath I've ever smelled on being when sitting next to him. Every time he spoke, I had to lean back in into my seat so that the breath would walk past the present.
Lewis Hobba 15:28
What is that a intubating? Is there any rules against that? Or is that quite a good tactic sort of
Sami Shah 15:33
tactic? That is that is basically that the blackout said he was well versed in
Lewis Hobba 15:40
if, if we're taking the lurking approach, if we think that lurking around somewhere is what gets you the job, someone should whoever wants to hush. It should look back on Monday nights. His wife or whoever is currently logging on Monday night. I don't know what shows, but just move it back there and whoever's currently hosting it 830 on a Monday give it to them.
Dan Ilic 16:00
I've got a plan. I can get into the building. I can do some working every day. Yeah, I'll take the leftovers no dignity. Jenny, do you have any ideas about who you'd like to host q&a?
Jenny Tian 16:13
Dude like after hearing Sammy talk I'm just like wow, I had no idea that was like so much that went behind it and into it I am team Sammy like all the way that's that's my final decision. I haven't considered anyone else. I haven't seen any other candidates but I've been moved.
Dan Ilic 16:30
I think giving it to somebody who wants it is a good idea is a good first step
Sami Shah 16:35
that's been believes it I career so far is trying to get up to host q&a and they refuse to give it to him. Now Ronnie just being cruel. They give me give it to everyone in Australia, but valida Lee.
Dan Ilic 16:46
Well, I know that you know Wiley, Dali and Hamish are represented by the same agency. Maybe they're trying to do some kind of swap crazy swap here. That's interesting.
Sami Shah 16:55
Oh, look, it's I think he would be amazing. I think if he got it because of how polarising he is. That alone would drive viewership numbers up. Because you would either people who like Walid would watch it people just like what do you hate? Watch it, but they'd watch it regardless. And also Yeah, he conducts debate. Well, I think he's more interesting. And you get more personality out of it. He me, she's an amazing journalist. And way but they need to revamp the show. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who's presenting it. If the show is still present, like structured the same way it will be boring.
Dan Ilic 17:25
I agree. I think heimish is one of the best brains in journalism in Australia. Like he's so yeah, he's so good. And I think there is fundamental problems with with the show itself. Yeah. That's the fundamental problem. Yeah. Can you believe they moved in? Why would you move it off on a rock star rock step Monday night that's been there for 20
Lewis Hobba 17:44
years. It's crazy. Like if you whoever made that decision should be should be going back to the project. Like it's crazy to me.
Dan Ilic 17:53
I really like this from Tim Schumer on YouTube. He says friendly Jordi should host a q&a.
Sami Shah 18:00
Yeah, get the use of it. I'm not saying I wouldn't watch it. Wouldn't you watch it?
Lewis Hobba 18:04
Yeah, I wouldn't be very compelling. No. No, I like myself. No. But I didn't watch
Sami Shah 18:11
it anyway. So they did not watch it. But yeah,
Dan Ilic 18:14
all right. This week's third theatre, this might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The coalition believes it has the numbers to stop the Great Barrier Reef is being in listed as in danger from UNESCO. So what's happened is over the last month, the UNESCO has decided that the Great Barrier Reef is going to be listed as in danger. But to stop that from happening, the coalition government has sent Susan lay the environment minister on a seven stop whistle stop tour eight days to talk to every ambassador to the UN for various countries to try and prevent this from happening. It's like why why are they doing this and not sending our health minister to go and get Pfizer vaccine? Why? What it's what benefit is there to try and get a whole bunch of people to not vote that the Great Barrier Reef is in mortal danger when it clearly is dying before our very eyes. fee mongers. What do you think about this, Jenny?
Jenny Tian 19:09
I think it's quite hilarious that they've decided to send her on this trip over a plane and she's supposed to be the environmental minister.
Dan Ilic 19:17
Yeah, why don't why don't they send her over zoom like everybody else? Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it's quite, it's quite astounding to kind of see the kind of other people that they're talking to. And Australia's trying to shore up votes in the UN with the likes of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, and the Maldives and Mali and a whole bunch of other countries that are extensively bad actors. And
Sami Shah 19:42
why don't we just do what we normally do in the situation in which every country normally does this situation is you go to narrow and you give them $25 and a can of pineapples or whatever, it is a bribe narrow these days, and they just vote in your favour and then as a result, you get why you have to go to seven whole other Countries ought to
Lewis Hobba 20:01
actually do what we've historically done with the UN which is just wait for them to tell us about committing human rights abuses and then say we don't care.
Dan Ilic 20:10
This is why it's so amazing that the this government actually cares at all about the, the kind of threatening of the Great Barrier Reef at all, according to you, and why do they care about this and not care about our gross human rights abuses? Like
Jenny Tian 20:23
Well, I've got a theory I reckon it because the thing is, they're just kind of like delaying it till later. So it's like they're just putting in a lot of effort right now to basically procrastinate like you would if it was like a big university final assignment and they're like, we're going to just take a look at it at the last minute
Lewis Hobba 20:43
or the dream would be to kick it down just long enough till after the next election. And then if they kind of like well if we when we deal with it if we lose someone else's problem,
Dan Ilic 20:52
but that's exactly what they're doing so they actually putting off the vote they actually tried to convince the UNESCO to put up the vote to 2023 so that's exactly what they're doing Louis is the on parity. Fuck I hate I hate that.
Sami Shah 21:10
politician using these. Her travel plan for the eight days. This is a legit thing. This is this. These are places she went to over eight days. So it was Budapest to Paris, Paris to Madrid, Madrid back to Paris, Paris to Sarajevo, Sarajevo back to Paris, Paris to Maldives via Oman, Maldives to Australia
Jenny Tian 21:33
to the ground is that the film around the world in 80 days?
Sami Shah 21:39
Just around 30 countries 80 days but like that, that is basically a lot of air miles to get together to destroy the Great Barrier Reef which leaves a really good job of doing single handedly
Lewis Hobba 21:52
Can I say if the Maldives if they as like a group of island nations who are sinking if
Sami Shah 21:59
Lewis Hobba 22:01
vote against this, like that is that is the biggest cellphone you just got. No, no, this has got to be the sort of this is gonna be the only things you care about. Like you're going under.
Dan Ilic 22:14
Yeah, the boundaries is literally a nation built on top of a coral reef voting against their entire interest. Yeah, oh, well, we're all gonna die.
Lewis Hobba 22:27
So the thing is, now that there are so many different options as to how, you know two years ago was definitely climate change. Now it could be anything.
Dan Ilic 22:36
I'm speaking of Coronavirus and other diseases destroying Australia I don't know if you saw this the the unfortunately the the Australian Grand Prix has been replaced with something else. This November. Milburn's biggest event is set to blow you away like COVID clearing your social calendar strapped in to witness all the action at Albert Park racetrack like birds mating. JIRA ticket to see Lakeside drive lit up with a groundskeeper riding a lawnmower in the distance and catch all the action off the track with the colour and movement of the Melbourne cities Falun Gong practitioners. Melbourne is set to be silent this November. The Australian non pray a ticket will buy you a whole seat. But you'll only need the edge or probably no seat at all because the grass is going to be pretty nice. Now that's much better. Good these right now I'm praying. Alright folks, well, I don't know if you saw this. But Jeff Bezos went into space and and he went up and he went down. He spent like four minutes in space. And he floated around and threw some Skittles around when he got back down the hill at a press conference about that journey. And he actually gave a shout out to a bunch of people about his time in space. I want to thank
Unknown Speaker 24:11
every Amazon employees and every amazon customer because you guys paid for all this. So seriously, for every amazon customer out there. And every Amazon employee thank you from the bottom of my heart very much.
Dan Ilic 24:28
Does that does that make me wait you want to throw up as it makes as much as it makes me wonder?
Sami Shah 24:33
Do you remember the instal those booths in every Amazon factory where it was like a solitary space booth where you could go inside and you could cry or scream or pee into a bottle or whatever? and Amazon employees do when they when they get a moment alone. That booth is filled with just Amazon employees ripping their own skin off their bodies right. Your rage that matters embody a midlife crisis more. I have been divorced getting together.
Lewis Hobba 25:06
Did you ever consider getting a divorce cowboy hat?
Sami Shah 25:09
No. For some reason I had just enough dignity to stop myself from doing that. I did go blonde. So I got older. But yes, clearly there I had enough.
Lewis Hobba 25:18
The best case, like if you were to try to like present that in the best possible case, if you would like to go back in time you like guys in the future, there's going to be a new world. And you will be like, there is a man who started a bookstore. And then he went to space. People like, wow, I should keep reading. Maybe then. took out the edges of that story. It could be quite nice.
Jenny Tian 25:43
And why don't rub it in Jeff Bezos, like oh my goodness, those four minutes though when he was in space, I reckon was the best four minutes of the Amazon employees lives they were like finally a break.
Sami Shah 25:56
simultaneously. I get to pay finally. What's the achievement he didn't go any higher in space than anyone's been before? He it wasn't a commercial flight that now we can all afford to do. It was a very rich man buying a rocket and going up in this space for four minutes. Every Russian billionaire Petro craft has probably done that at this point. We just don't know about it. Like what exactly was the achievement here?
Jenny Tian 26:30
I mean, I think the achievement was that he got to have a massive press conference where he said fucking to all his employees.
Dan Ilic 26:39
Paul Ford, who is the who was the founder of postflight studio in New York, he tweeted, I never thought I'd say this day the day when space was made uncool.
Lewis Hobba 26:51
The other part of that press conference, I don't know if you watch the whole thing that you know how there is the like this the effect that they talk about when astronauts go up into space and they see the Earth from space. Yeah, down. And they're like, their mind is blown. And they understand that position in the world no
Sami Shah 27:07
borders and
Lewis Hobba 27:09
Rodas people. And clearly when he came down, he had been told by someone in like public relations to say that and I don't think he experienced that at all. But you get where he like Trump's out this line we'd like literally no feeling behind his eyes. He's like, I really learned about all you saw out there was more opportunity for slaves.
Jenny Tian 27:38
He was just like looking over at Mars like alright, that's next. Let me conquer that now.
Lewis Hobba 27:42
Yeah, ocean out there. I wonder if there's any employees, I can underpay in there?
Sami Shah 27:48
Where is the challenger style explosion disaster when you need one. I mean, really, that's the only thing. A loose bolt here rocket can take that take out a teacher who got onto a rocket but for some reason Jeff Bezos gets the lucky rocket that doesn't explode mid flight. Yeah,
Dan Ilic 28:06
I know. I agree with you, Louis. Like Dave, he did say that. And but if you look at the footage that I don't ever see, I kind of remember anyone looking out the window. Like, the footage was like of them getting out of their seats, throwing Skittles at each other them high fiving doing a selfie. And in four minutes, you don't have time to contemplate the universe and existentialism, but you don't you just don't have time to do that. And they spend like three minutes to like jumping around and hang hanging out with each other.
Lewis Hobba 28:33
And also, as I like content creator, imagine the pressure of that, like you're going All right, we've got one take one take. And we have spent a lot on this. You are not a professional actor. We've given you three tasks, we need to get all of those for the content. So don't fuck this up. And it would be so possible to ask you on the way back, Johnny, like, Did we get it? Do we get it?
Sami Shah 28:55
I'll do is I think you make a very good point. I had not thought about this, but I think the space trip for just baby by Jeff Bezos was faked. I found on a soundstage in Hollywood, using Stanley Kubrick when he was still alive. Only now seeing this footage, the entire thing was faked.
Jenny Tian 29:19
Right That's why he looks so robotic when he's saying all of that it's actually just artificial intelligence. Right? That's it's been done like all that motion capture.
Dan Ilic 29:28
Yeah, Jeff Bezos was replaced by Alexa.
Sami Shah 29:35
Alexa has a lot more personality than
Dan Ilic 29:39
a strange they were called they call themselves astronauts and not like prime plus members. I thought that would have been a better Well, that is it for the show today. Thank you so much to our fear mongers, Louis harbour, Jenny tiaan and semi shards if you guys got anything to plug, genuinely. Look, I've got nothing going on. I mean, Sammy What do you want to play?
Sami Shah 30:04
Oh look if lockdown ends then August 7 I'm doing assure the company republic in Melbourne hmm appraisal of my here's what's gonna happen I know shows that
Lewis Hobba 30:20
I have
Sami Shah 30:22
what I have now is appearing on podcasts for free people like my face enough to give money to my Patreon go to patreon.com slash Sammy Shah and to $7 my way and you'll get a tonne of awesome free stuff and and I won't cry as much as I do most nights exactly Jenny
Dan Ilic 30:39
Do you have a Patreon you
Jenny Tian 30:40
want to plug I don't have Patreon nor I die I'll donate to Sammy is or donate to
Dan Ilic 30:48
Jenny town has got an excellent Tick Tock what follow her Tick Tock it is sensational. It's really really good. Really funny.
Jenny Tian 30:54
It's at nom nom Jenny, my Instagram is Jenny underscore tn and once lockdowns over I'll be back doing stand up again.
Dan Ilic 31:01
Yeah, excellent. Louis. You got anything to plug?
Lewis Hobba 31:04
Yeah, I'll tell you what, I do a radio show every day. It's a Triple J coldharbour. and hang at the moment. Obviously a lot of our listeners are usually people who drive home from work. I don't know if you've heard of that going on. It feels quiet out there. So don't forget if you're out there listening flick all the radio three Say hello. You'll be one of about four people listening.
Sami Shah 31:27
Also Lewis will be doing circles have your neighbourhood in his wife van trying to pick up kids. Please feel sorry for him and put your child in the van.
Lewis Hobba 31:38
Can I say Can I just say on that? First of all good idea. But there was in like radio gossip. There was this story going around about Kyle and Jackie. And like all obviously there they have a lot of ideas that get to it. And then there's the ideas that I have that don't get to imagine what those speak. So there is one apparently that is the case. They had this idea where they would set up with parents to lower children into a van using lollies. And if the kid got into the van, the parents did not win money. If the kid said no and didn't get into the van. They won like 20 grand Oh my god. I think
Sami Shah 32:28
I think they should replace q&a which is that that's what q&a should be is politicians and media commentators luring kids into bands
Jenny Tian 32:38
like that. How do you know that may you've done your research
Lewis Hobba 32:45
I need to know all of the TV ideas that are based on people who look like Sex Criminals so I know what
Dan Ilic 32:52
I want to double up. big thank you to rode microphones and our new Patreon supporters Georgie cow and Irene Gary Gleason Daniel MC Carrie Rama Adams wha is a Patreon supporter, Laughlin Hatfield rose Allman we are off the we're off this sweet sweet money feed from the birth foundation. So please join us on patreon.com forward slash irrational fear chip in there until next week, there's always something to be scared of. Good night.
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