Stocking up on Corona. Super Tuesday & Newsfighters. - #COVID19 - March 5th 2020
Mar 05, 2020•23 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast Episode description
Well, Dan lost the show. Always eject the disk properly people!We lost the show!
But we still have a podcast! Chock a block of content.
(03:30) Sponsorship announcement: Local Newspapers.
(05:25) We speak with journalist Asher Wolf about how people with vulnerable immune systems are taking coronavirus seriously.
(10:30) And we speak with progressive comedian Francesca Fiorentini about the wash up of Super Tuesday and the way forward for Bernie Sanders' supporters.
(17:50) Credits
(19:00) Newsfighters on Coronavirus
____________________________TRANSCRIPTION by
Unknown Speaker 0:00G'day Dan Ilic, here from A Rational Fear. Well, we just had a great show. We had Christiaan Van Vuuren. We had Madeline Stewart. We had Louis Hobba. All in this space here at FB high radio, and we had a fantastic show. But I lost it. Yes, I pulled the hard drive out before I was meant to. And the whole show is totally gone. But the good news is we've got a stack of content to get through stuff that we have made earlier for the show. And I'm just going to put it together and run it for you right now. It's that easy. So before we play, the hits, are gonna let you know we do have a Melbourne Comedy Festival show. The Tickets are on sale. Now. We're about 30% 40% sold out. So probably in about five weeks time when the show is on will be completely sold out. So make sure you get your tickets for that. We're playing the Melbourne Town Hall on April six. One show only. It's a big show. We've got the ARIA award winning comedy Joe bridey and white from tonight late we've got the Walkley award winning Patricia vellus the Walkley award losing James Colley he writes for the weekly
Unknown Speaker 1:00Multiple award winning Alex Fraser, DJ Dylan Bain with their Louis harbour and I will also be there we have been nominated for several esteem prizes. Also, we have a Patreon go to forward slash irrational fear and give us some money. The show takes a little bit to kind of put on the road. So we've got a few expenses if you can help us do that, that'd be great. I would love 100 of you who listen to jump on Patreon and subscribe to the three bucks a month. I promise you we'll be delivering new podcasts that exist now and won't get deleted. Oh my god, I can't believe it deleted the first show back. This show is recorded on gadigal Land of the euro nation and I pay our respects to elder's past present and emerging sovereignty was never stated. And as I would normally say let's stop the show. A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks cambro fan and section 40 of a rational fear recommended listening by emerge your audience
Unknown Speaker 2:00Tonight on a rational fear as the Australian Government prepares to ban cash transactions over $10,000 It leaves drug dealers with only one choice to buy and sell drugs with rolls of toilet paper instead. And the federal government has rolled out funding Australia's only dedicated bushfire Research Centre, claiming that there's no way to guarantee the prevention of bushfires in only marginal electrics. And after last year cutting $100 million from the CSI row, the federal government generously boosted their funding by 2 million to fast track a Corona virus faxing $2 million. So to put it in a way that a government minister might understand it's about the same price as a rugby clubs women's change room, wash your hands twice and don't touch your face. This is irrational fear.
Unknown Speaker 2:58Like I said at the very top of the show where you
Unknown Speaker 3:00We have a very short show for you tonight. First up, we spoke with journalist Asher wolf about what kinds of things people should really be stocking up on during this coronavirus pandemic. And from AJ plus MSNBC and the Young Turks, comedian Francesca Fiorentina, he gives us a taste of what young progressives are feeling like after the Joe Biden search on Super Tuesday. Also, we've got a great sample of news fighters as they wade into the petri dish. That is the corona virus. The first step it's 2020. And as well as the Patreon we also have sponsors. He's our first sponsor for irrational fear this year.
Unknown Speaker 3:37Hello, I'm rupert murdoch, defender of freedom and owner of some of the world's greatest democracies. Therefore, I was a successful mogul of many media. I started out in just one local newspapers. Well actually I inherited from my dad, but that's beside the point that always used to say TV, gonna rock your mind. So I thought, that's how
Unknown Speaker 4:00And I started Sky News. He also used to say radio doesn't have pictures and I thought that's perfect for ugly men with beautiful things to say. He also used to tell me you can't tear the internet into strips and wipe your ass with all he would have if he was alive fucking internet. So why not get hold of a news corp local newspaper today? We're specialists and providing two or three pages of inaccurate and poorly written local articles copied and pasted from press releases by 19 year old kids whose dreams of being real journalists will slowly fade. Mix in 50 pages of real estate porn for houses your neighbours don't want to live in ads for sex workers traders, secondhand car sales and third hand power sales and you've got yourself a local newspaper. Pick up a free local newspaper down Put on the nature strip or underneath a hedge new you today.
Unknown Speaker 5:00On have a rain. Actually, we don't care if you do, we've already been paid by the advertisers. So they're
Unknown Speaker 5:10fair. During the last taping of irrational fear. We did speak a lot about the crazy pandemic and panic buying that people are going through when it comes to stockpiling toilet paper. But you know, some people have no choice to take this stuff seriously. Here is a chat I had with someone who has to do just that.
Unknown Speaker 5:31Joining us now is one person who has a real reason to be cautiously pragmatic. It's journalist Tasha wolf. She suffers from Ehlers danlos Syndrome and autoimmune progesterone anaphylaxis. She's basically allergic to her own hormones. And while she's actually a young person, even the slightest threat to her immune system is very, very real. Ashley, thanks for joining us.
Unknown Speaker 5:55If someone who, whose body is actually probably more prone to this virus than
Unknown Speaker 6:00But being still a young person how do you deal with all the jokes about missing toilet paper and things like that? Look on one hand there is some crazy cracking going on where people are right out there grabbing Kansas, you know my wife cheese
Unknown Speaker 6:16but on the other hand it's a privilege to make fun of people who
Unknown Speaker 6:21probably are at a higher risk of being seriously ill if they catch cruda virus but you have people who are like, you know, it doesn't matter to me like the 1% of people who are seriously ill who are going to die and I'm like, yet I'm one of those 1% who have low immune to skin issues. If I catch a general flu, I walk away feeling terrible. For months. I really like not to catch coronavirus.
Unknown Speaker 6:45It's a risk. It's a real risk to me, but I also didn't want to go wild, I guess you could say with prepping, but I wanted to be cautious. The other night you put out a list on Twitter about things that folks with disabilities have to think about.
Unknown Speaker 7:00During this oncoming crisis, what are some of those things that people with disabilities kind of need to consider when you're a person with disability quite often you have a very different experience of life and survival than the average Christian you know, you might not have the income to order
Unknown Speaker 7:18on a regular basis, you may be allergic to certain foods, and it becomes quite hard to eat out, or you know, order a great because now even if you did have the cash to do it, then you're allergic to half of the things that get put in, you know, take away food, you really do need to cook for yourself, if you have some allergies and sensitivities say, for me, it would be completely it'll be both impractical and potentially cause me a good deal of pain if I was just you know, 100 or a noodle dish for demonstrate if I had to stay home. So there's a few people who I've talked to on Twitter, who said certain things going off their shelves like crazy like people are obviously
Unknown Speaker 8:00bulk ordering. So they call doc storage. And then distortions that are used for online orders, things that they really seeing flying off the show. Nothing formula. If you're a parent with a small toddler quite often, you find that some toddlers have certain issues with like regurgitation, and they can only use certain sorts of formula. If you had a child like that. And it's already difficult to find the right formula. I would be stocking up as a parent with a child like that. I mean, to me, it's just if things go badly wrong, I don't want to injure myself tryna handle a trial and illness and your mid I had to to access any my schedule, right? You might want to have a chat to your doctor about the supply chain of short, sir, get you like drugs because it's absolutely awful to detox off those kinds of meds at home without support just because you want out and you can't get anymore. The other thing people might want to have a chat to their doctor about is is they have meds that are already hard to access.
Unknown Speaker 9:00Kind of like acid to start building sometimes. And sometimes it takes interrupted for migraines you want to get for the packet when it comes to sumatriptan with trying to mimic acid dozle already some problems with supply chain, you might want to put aside a little bit extract or getting early research your scripts now because proximately 90% of our meds come from China and things not shipping as per normal contract. What kind of late time Can Can people still those kinds of meds on their own in their own fridge? right they weren't that's the problem. There's a thing called psycho script, which means that you get deemed a pharmacy if you try and take out certain men early. For one way around. It may be that doctors decide to order the script, put it in their own fridge and hold it for a month for patients. And then they can release it to patients when needed. But I think it would be a really terrible situation. If you ended up with people who are or IPS. You know, there's a range of skinny
Unknown Speaker 10:00Drugs fortunate
Unknown Speaker 10:03including palliative care patients.
Unknown Speaker 10:17turning out to Super Tuesday, Joe Biden's search past all predictions and knocked the wind out of Bernie Sanders the sales. The most surprising thing of was, of course, was that Mike Bloomberg didn't win anything after spending $700 billion of his own money, except for American Samoa. Earlier today I spoke with Bernie Sanders Die Hard and comedian Francesca if you're intending on just how she's feeling a day after the bomb and wipe out
Unknown Speaker 10:48in a bunker somewhere in California is a comedian and broadcaster too scared to face the reality of what could be the return to normcore 90s politics in the USA from AJ plus and MSNBC and TYT
Unknown Speaker 11:00Francesca Fiorentina. Hello, Francesca. Hello? No, just Yeah, all the acronyms. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 11:08I assume people know what all those things.
Unknown Speaker 11:12It's the day after Super Tuesday in the USA right now or I, as I believe you call it woeful Wednesday. How is progressive America dealing with the news that Joe Biden could be the new daddy?
Unknown Speaker 11:24Yes, it's it's Boxing Day for our hopes and dreams. And what the Biden pill has been, the vitamin pill has been one that's a little bit tough to swallow, because, you know, he is a very rapid, rapidly ageing, cognitively eating old man. And I know that's strange to say when someone like Bernie Sanders is in the race, but, you know, Biden has like regular mental gaffes. And you're kind of just like, I don't know if I want to watch this debate between Biden and Trump, which effectively is like you're in
Unknown Speaker 12:00Laws arguing over who's going to carve the turkey with it? Oh, you gotta use an electric knife. No, you know. And that, I think is the fear that a lot of people are looking at like, Are we really going to put our senile old man up against their senile old man?
Unknown Speaker 12:20And I don't know if our see no man's gonna win? Well, at least you know being from the left. It's a fair fight. No. And obviously it's not over yet. I mean, that's the big thing is that there's still more than half the delegates to get remember, in this country for some reason we have and just in this party, we don't elect the nominee based on popular vote. It's just this ridiculous, kind of wonky delegate math that nobody gets. And so there's still more than half the delegates. It's not over yet. Of course, a lot of folks are saying that young people didn't turn out to vote over Super Tuesday. Why is it that young people in America don't like divide? It's not cool, and it's long Tick Tock? No, it's got it.
Unknown Speaker 13:00Once and this is a thing, Bernie or Biden will have to be big on Tick Tock and once they are, if they have a coordinated dance where every elbow jab also points to like, where the voting station is like that's, you know that that's when voting becomes cool, but no, I think Bernie, Bernie is the renegade Ben Bernie could do the renegade. He is the original Renegade. Oh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 13:25I mean, I think young folks, I'm not sure about all the data. That's like one article that I saw that was like young folks aren't turning out.
Unknown Speaker 13:32I do think that of all the young people, it's the Sanders campaign that has overwhelmingly the majority of support among young folks of all races, religions, ethnicities, etc. But it is a hard moment in your life to go out and vote in a primary, right? You're like, just starting to have sex and smoke weed. You are you're you're maybe in college, you're like, how am I gonna afford to pay for this? Also, I'm learning about
Unknown Speaker 14:00colonialism. Oh my god. So you're like voting that feels stupid. So I think there's a lot of reasons why young people, especially in a primary are like I got, you know better things to do. Why would I vote without? There's only six on me? Yeah, I just exactly get it off. Now even though Mike Bloomberg did get in the race quite late, he spent half a billion dollars he did win American Samoa, what do American Samoans see him Bloomberg and no one else can listen. I'm pretty sure he bought the entire island. Oh, my mistake. This is the thing with every time there's a you know, there's an election and we're like, wait a minute, we still have American Samoa what like what are these like vestiges of colonial past that for some reason the US wields way too much power over and as like devastated and impoverished. And I think it is kind of sad to be totally honest with you that people aren't reaching out to American Samoa and then it was advertised
Unknown Speaker 15:00Mint dollars, mostly that reach them. But it's hard to send canvassers out there or it's hard to get, you know, canvassers there. Listen, I'm happy to be sent to Americans and volunteer work on the very end. I thought that'd be fun. I would learn how to serve and cook barbecue or something. I think a hunger a hunger, I think I think they call it a honey. It's a barbecue in a pit. Yeah, a honey. Exactly. And we will barbecue the billionaire's roast them on an open flame. When Bernie Sanders gets into office. Obviously, that's what democratic socialism is about. At the time of recording right now. Warren still hasn't conceded she's still hanging in there. Why do you think that is?
Unknown Speaker 15:40Yes, it's this is a very interesting for progressives in the US.
Unknown Speaker 15:46And people out there just progressives, again, people want actually something a little bit different than then, as you said, a return to 90s politics, which is the Warren question and whether she should have dropped out sooner or not. I just want to say from the outset, like
Unknown Speaker 16:00I distinguish between her supporters who I feel like, I'm not all but a lot of them, their hearts are in the right place. They do want, as she says big structural change. They believe that she was the best messenger and the best vehicle and the best leader for that structural change, I think after three or four races, and US states where she came in, third, fourth, and fifth, you can't really say that anymore. You can't really claim that she's got a plan for everything because clearly that plan should have included at winning at least one of the early states, whoever is running her campaign, and her herself. They've really been watching this. It's been hard to watch the heel turn away from Medicare for all the heel turn when she was swearing that she wouldn't raise the taxes of the middle class. And it's like, you know, that's a trick question. Elizabeth, like, you know, you were just being asked whether you were going to raise taxes on the middle class, just to
Unknown Speaker 17:00appeal to a conservative voter who would never even vote for you anyway. And you kind of fell for it in the same way that you fell for a DNA test to prove that you were point 03 percent Native American. She absolutely needs to drop out now. And but we'll see. You know, I liken it a little bit to Game of Thrones, no spoilers, but you know, the generic question is like, which way is she going to go? How is it going to end is Khaleesi going to be on the side of good or on the side of burn it all down? And that would be I think, going with Biden, throwing the progressive movement under the bus, a rational fear. Knowing your viewers know how crazy Trump is, and they know that same people have to work together.
Unknown Speaker 17:48You can listen to the full interview of Francesca on our Patreon. Also, you can check out Francesca's work on a j pluses news broke and MSNBC. Red, white and hurt now next week on irrational fear.
Unknown Speaker 18:00promise we will have a show that I won't lose. Chris Taylor will be on the show from the chase bridey corner from tonight will also be here, and we're back weekly until our Comedy Festival show so please head to our Patreon and give us a few bucks to help us make the show cost us a little bit of money each way to make it a big thank you to Robert De gas Peter G. Jacob brown FBI radio and our fear mongers tonight Lewis harbour Christian Van Buren, Madeline Stewart, who have all got great things on that they need to plug including Madeline Stewart has got a comedy festival Sharon called the underdogs. She's taken to the Melbourne Comedy Festival and the Sydney Comedy Festival. She runs a great night called crypts and crepes. It's for comedians who have got disabilities. And she runs it monthly at one of seven projects in Redmond. So do go check that out. We'll leave you right now with the latest news fighters episode on coronavirus from DJ diabolical Until next week, there's always something to be scared of, namely, pulling the USB disk out before it's free.
Unknown Speaker 19:00fully exploited a rational fear and I haven't touched my face in weeks and weeks. This is News fighters.
Unknown Speaker 19:10We fight the news so you don't have to. Okay, so first up, it's time for an update on the coronavirus and a New South Wales. Things are getting real health minister Brad has suggested that people stop shaking hands. I think it's time for us to stand shaking. It will be sensible not to be hand shaking, no hand shaking, no hand shaking. I mean, I think for sydneysiders this will be normal for us. I mean, our traditional grading when we encounter someone for the first time is just to get out of my way. So what is the New South Wales health minister suggesting we do instead of shaking hands then why would be suggesting to the community in New South Wales and a more morally afoot, the time that Ozzy's actually gave each other a pat on the back, you know, like your parents never gave you But it doesn't stop there. You could be exercising a degree of care and caution with
Unknown Speaker 20:00Whom you choose to kiss? What no more indiscriminately French kissing my mailman and my barrister on a daily basis. Sorry Corey normal kissy kissy for you the new self was fun police have ruled it out. But New South Wales health minister bread has odd says there's no need to be totally alarmed. Common Sense should prevail.
Unknown Speaker 20:19It's not as if faces are constantly touching public spaces. Yeah, except for this passionate fellow in Iran. This man is one of several who've posted videos of themselves licking a famous shrine to prove it safe. Yeah, he was just looking at trying to see if it was safe from the coronavirus. He wasn't still high from Mardi Gras on the weekend or anything. Meanwhile, around the world the authorities are saying there's one simple way to protect yourself from coronavirus. Wash your hands so you got to do we all have to be washing our hands. The single most useful thing that we can all do is to wash our hands washing my hands. This is Sydney we haven't had a public toilet with soap in it since 1998. All right. How long should I
Unknown Speaker 21:00wash my hands for two times Happy birthday. Keep scrubbing until you've sung the Happy Birthday song twice. You know that song your parents never sung you to get the hand marching message out the World Health Organisation has joined us social media platform, tik tok normally harm to lip synching videos and dance offs. Here's a clip from their first video frequently clean your hands using an alcohol based hand rub product like in jail or wash your hands with soap and water. Boring who you should add some rap music or some dancing at least.
Unknown Speaker 21:32New coronavirus
Unknown Speaker 21:35Yeah, I did a bit of a troll through the old tik tok means and it turns out there's already the perfect tik tok Corona virus meme template. It's this one for when the government tells you you have to self isolate for 14 days, but you can't because you've never had paid sick leave in your entire life. You know, I'd really like to do that. But I don't have any fucking money. I don't have any fucking money. And if this is making you feel doomed, maybe that's why
Unknown Speaker 22:00Doing this as the virus spreads, so too does the panic buying bulk buying at supermarkets as shoppers stockpile food essentials and toiletries. Yes, everyone is panic buying because of the corona virus. Or at least that's what I said when I ran into a workmate who caught me buying 10 frozen pizzas and four blocks of chocolate last night. Yeah panic buying coronavirus got a stuck up, but there's no need to worry everyone while the Australian media keeps us up to date and well informed with this smartest and brightest coronavirus experts. Well for more on the coronavirus emergency we're joined by nationals and pay Barnaby Joyce.
Unknown Speaker 22:36This is
Unknown Speaker 22:38where we fight the news. So you don't have to
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