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This week's fearmongers: Dane Simpson, Angela Lavoipierre, Lewis Hobba, and Dan Ilic (me).
We talk about the ins and outs of out-of-home media buying in the USA, ICAC, anti-vaxers trying to claim segregation — and we spend a good 40 minutes trying to understand why News Corp is trying to save the world with the promotion of climate action, when they've been such a malignant force for successive governments implementing meaningful climate policy for so long. To help us break it down we speak with the Editor at Large at the Daily Telegraph — Joe Hildebrand.
This podcast episode is best described as … chaotic good.
Hope you enjoy, let us know what you think in an Apple Podcasts review.
Dan Ilic
Senior Out-of-Home Media Buyer
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Bertha Announcement 0:00
This podcast is supported in part by the birth of foundation.
Dan Ilic 0:04
Good evening Lewis. How are you? I'm
Lewis Hobba 0:05
really good, Dan. Yeah, great.
Dan Ilic 0:08
Is there anything happening interesting happening in your world? You know, anything?
Lewis Hobba 0:11
Well, I mean, I'm free. We're, we're afraid and we're day four into freedom. I'm sitting here right now in the Sydney suburb of Surry Hills, and air on all houses around me are parties. Now I don't know exactly how many people are there. I can't say for sure it's under 10. But it is it's, it's kicking off.
Dan Ilic 0:31
Hang on a second. Is this why we're recording one hour earlier? So you can go to a party at
Lewis Hobba 0:36
100% 100% dead. I've been in lockdown for 109 days and so have you if you think no, going out every night this week. You're an idiot.
Dan Ilic 0:47
I'm dedicated to my audience. Man, I gotta get this podcast out. I'm recording my end of irrational fear on gadigal land in the eora nation sovereignty was never seated. We need a treaty. Let's start the show.
Unknown Speaker 0:57
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks cambro COMM And section body or rational view recommended listening might emerge your audience.
Dan Ilic 1:10
Tonight experts claim that news cops new green campaign is just manipulating its audience use cope says it's all part of their gaslit recovery. And Peter Dutton cancels a morning team for LGBT IQ. I defend stuff angering officials, we have too many events already done and explained, including a brunch for African gang awareness. And New South Wales has reached Freedom Day with its residents relishing the opportunity to start spreading COVID again, it's the 15th of October and we're going to Broadway baby this is irrational fear.
Welcome to irrational fear. I'm your host, former premier of New South Wales Dan Ilic. And this is the show that laughs at doing it. You're doing your own research. Let's meet our fear mongers for tonight. She is a woman who in her professional life has to deal with members of the public calling her just another clown from the ABC. But Joke's on her because in her private life, she's a trained clown. It's Angela huapi. Air. Hello, and
Unknown Speaker 2:18
what a warm welcome
Dan Ilic 2:23
to honk the horn or something What's going on?
Ange Lavoipierre 2:26
I'm always honking the horn in my brain. And if you can't hear it, it's because you're not listening closely enough. Yeah, yeah, I'm Beloved. Yeah.
Dan Ilic 2:35
And he is a proud military man who has made dad jokes. He's stuck in trade. I'd get into pull my finger if I could, but he's in Walker Walker. It's Dane Simpson. Hey,
Unknown Speaker 2:42
I'm an untrained clown by the way so
Ange Lavoipierre 2:52
much more dangerous.
Dan Ilic 2:54
You don't need any accreditation to do this job. Let me tell you, Dane, what a great couple of years you've had you like get like skyrocketing up on the on the comedy charts in Australia.
Unknown Speaker 3:03
Yeah, it's been crazy. I love it. I'm loving every part of it. Everybody's getting around having a mad laugh at some of the silliness of my family, particularly my dad. And also he thinks he's a superstar now because he's he said my jokes. And so he's always he comes to my shows and he always ends it with if you think that's funny, come and see the real thing and he's
Dan Ilic 3:32
and he's a man for legal reasons, has nothing to do with his podcast is merely here as a guest every week. It's Louis helma.
Lewis Hobba 3:39
Yes, it's me Lewis. How about the ghost that haunts irrational fear.
Dan Ilic 3:45
Coming up, we speak cwis News. kobs most progressive Lieutenant Joe Hildebrand about just how he's rupert murdoch saving the planet. But first here is a message from this week's sponsor. This Sunday, it's the biggest decision in Australian climate politics history, bigger than starting the emissions trading scheme bigger than axing the emissions trading scheme bigger than implementing their renewable energy targets bigger than canceling the renewable energy targets bigger than creating the Department of climate change bigger than dismantling the Department of climate change bigger than starting a mining super profits tax they get an ending of mining super profits tax bigger than setting a sunset date for old coal plants bigger than trying to use taxes to keep those old coal plants alive you get in the High Court ruling any environment minister has a duty of care to Australia's children bigger than the environment Mr. Saying fuck you High Court I'll kill those children if I want to. Here's three new coal mines much, much much bigger, much much bigger than the size of the barrels the Nets get their pork in this Sunday, the National Party will gather to vote on whether or not to agree on. net zero by 2050. Like the rest of the fucking world will the National Party dare to do the bare fucking minimum for once? Or will they do whatever their mining donors want to help them stay in power for another 36 months and ruin the entire fucking planet for you? Every one for ever. This Sunday a decision bigger than Barnaby sperm count the national party room showdown a donation will buy your whole seat but you'll only need the edge. There ain't no party like a national party because the national parties don't adopt new policies. Really looking forward to Sunday though what are you guys ready You guys excited about Sunday? That is really funny.
Ange Lavoipierre 5:27
As a journalist, I have been previewing this moment for the last 10 years of my career about to happen is about to happen is about to happen. So I'm really looking forward to finally being right.
Dan Ilic 5:41
This week's first well this week's first view let's get stuck into it we made it a Broadway baby billboards I got to Time Square. Now to two weeks folks is a long time in podcasting last week we had a special edition of the podcast with Julie's amuro I don't think two weeks ago we were actually going to go to Broadway Louis Can you remember with what was happening two weeks ago I don't think we actually were talking about it absolutely
Lewis Hobba 6:04
not. I couldn't even dream of going to Kmart on Broadway shopping center I was so far away from from Broadway and what because you and I talked about it after the podcast two weeks ago like we should get on Time Square and then you sent me a message today like we get we will never be able to afford that and I don't quite know how you have
Dan Ilic 6:24
well it's been amazing because we have 1800 people chip in so much money now we've got about 150,000 in the Indiegogo and what's incredible is I reached out to a contact of from mine at fusion when I used to work in America and I said you guys know anyone Do you know anyone that buys ad space and in Times Square? And she said he sent me back his contact and this woman has done the most incredible deal guess how much it costs for an hour on the biggest billboard in Times Square anyone? grant
Lewis Hobba 6:57
prices I love that
Unknown Speaker 6:59
like you know if it was me, I'd be handing out flyers you know, like I'm still stuck in that age that that's what got me brah
Lewis Hobba 7:09
How much does it cost to advertise on Darryl McGuire's clay shooting facility in walga
Unknown Speaker 7:17
I bought my house for like a shilling you know right like it's crazy prices here welcome
Dan Ilic 7:24
shilling That is great. What is that in metric?
Unknown Speaker 7:31
I feel like I've got to do the math in my head you know when you're watching squid game and you need to do the math in your head how much the money they're making Yeah,
Dan Ilic 7:39
on on squid game I really appreciate that when you type into Google How much is it? Yeah automatically feels 25 million won in in Australian dollars. Oh yeah, Google knows these questions are coming. Yeah, so it costs it costs for an hour $100,000 so I couldn't afford an hour also I'm like financing this out of my own tax money that I have saved and my own house deposit. So I'm hoping I'm just hoping the Indiegogo arrives in three weeks so it's what we've done is we've bought 10 minutes of of screen time doesn't make sense on square How did you like
Unknown Speaker 8:19
you can't go to a supermarket and go now I just want one slice of bread like how'd you do 10 minutes This is crazy.
Dan Ilic 8:29
It's exactly like that time because time on advertising is like a fruit shop the longer it like sits on the shelf it starts to go off so the prices go down and down and down and if you book like pretty if you want like a spot tomorrow it's cheaper than if you book like three months in advance
Unknown Speaker 8:43
is here's what you don't know is my show didgeridoos he flashed up for one second and that cost me $1,000 It cost me a house cost me a walker Walker house
Lewis Hobba 8:54
Oh my god you're selling a lot of tickets in New York
Dan Ilic 8:57
how many shillings is that
Ange Lavoipierre 8:58
the I feel like then once you've run down the piggy bank a bit you could move into subliminal advertising and just
Dan Ilic 9:06
I should I should have done that. I should have done that anyway we've been getting some great press from all around the world. I was in the Daily Mail this week but my favorite stories from
Unknown Speaker 9:16
you said I've been getting a great press and then you went on to say Daily Mail which is
Dan Ilic 9:24
well I was so excited because in the in the title for the Daily Mail actually use my name they said Dan Ilic did this usually they just say some bloke did this going up I've like gone up a level
Ange Lavoipierre 9:34
you also got promoted to being controversial comedian, I noticed
Dan Ilic 9:39
is nothing more controversial than buying out of Home media space. That is that is very controversial. You know, no one's doing billboards anymore. Yeah, my favorite bit of press though came from pod save the world. We're on pod save the world this week. I'll play the clip and yes, there's a Obama's White House. Ben Rhodes and I will extremely good friends. As you can tell, by the way he pronounces my name.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
I got this buddy in Australia is going to Dan Ilic. Forgive me, Dan if I if I just butchered your last name, but Dan's a hilarious guy, and he hosts a podcast called rational fear where we got. So he reached out to me after one of our Australia said, No, no, he's the guy that put the plaque near the McDonald's, where Scott Morrison, the prime minister was alleged to have, you know, shot himself. And so he said, the latest thing that a bunch of Australians have done and I think there's overlapping circles with Australian world owes is they started like this kind of crowdfunded effort to just take out billboards in like places like Times Square, just like whacking Scott Morrison for his climate record, or like at a Glasgow in you know, just internationally pressuring the guy. So it's like that this has evolved from the plaque at the McDonald's to like a billboard in Times Square. It's it's a good thru line. What's your buddy's name again? Dan? I like okay, Dan.
Unknown Speaker 11:02
We're doing this in real time. We're building the coalition Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 11:08
Very positive the world view of the world I would be thrilled to work with him. Yeah. With scammers or murder. Yeah. Or any British
Dan Ilic 11:17
listeners want to wanna have some fun with Boris Johnson I say yeah, yeah, my name is Dan I like it's good to be running the show today.
Ange Lavoipierre 11:26
I think it's probably better actually.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
Yeah, it couldn't be worse it could have been I licked in so you're
Dan Ilic 11:36
yeah well, when I used to do kind of Lewis and I used to work on kind of worms and when we did that dico used to call me Danny lick and yeah, it was so anyway, so tonight well actually the billboards are going to be coming out actually before this publishes so for folks on the stream you're about to see the world exclusive of what the billboard in Times Square looks like. So are you guys ready to say this with us? Yeah. All right, here we go. So what we've got is we've got our a classic Australia net zero by 2300. This has got a bouncing kangaroo with flames on fire. It's incredible animation. That's going to be take up a whole city block in New York City. We've also got a great Australian government against humanity. AD, which is great, including to to flop This is during a deadly pandemic former commission to fix the problem by building a gas pipeline. And then the next flop says as carbon emissions reach forward in 16 parts per million the most urgent thing to do is approved for new coal mines in one month. On one of the corner billboards we've got a ad for a fake Comic Con, but instead of Comic Con, we've gone with Cali con, its special guest Matt Canavan, winner of best called cosplay 2020 and on the other side we've got a missing persons ad. Morrison last seen doing nothing answers to scomo and mykolaiv the chaser have have authored a billboard as well they sent me some artwork, which is this one called a file dump goes to Glasgow and you may have seen you may have seen this floating around people have been tagging him in tagging me in it all week it is this ad from Shaun Marsh visit Australia we're rich in sunshine wind and climate denial which is great so there you go. That's that's what some that's what's coming down the line so the biggest billboard in New York City that's fantastic you
Lewis Hobba 13:33
need to just film it for the 10 minutes and then put it on loop on YouTube so it looked like it was for an hour
Dan Ilic 13:41
well it's gonna be a three minute 20 loop people will be able to say it three times All right, let's get into the second fear I CAG vs ibac and what are some of the greatest hits of ik
Ange Lavoipierre 13:53
Ah, there's too many dimensions this is the thing I've been very effective over the years so in case anyone at all ever missed it, which just seems so distinctly unlikely but here we go. So Gladys berejiklian of course had to resign earlier this month and that was because we found out she was being investigated over the famed clay pigeon target establishment in walga Dane Simpson represent and so now that associations there forever now I'm so sorry Dane don't
Unknown Speaker 14:27
but it's it's actually well known that if you date anyone from woolgoolga we will take you down with us we do not go down if we are ever in trouble we are like your comment your comment this flame this ball of flames is now bigger with you people it's brilliant
Dan Ilic 14:45
Dana sorry and Stan had don't have you been to the walker Walker clay pigeon center. What's it No, no, I've
Lewis Hobba 14:50
never been it's just for international High Roller here. It was really expensive.
Ange Lavoipierre 14:53
It's really it's it's really well fitted out. There's like there's a little fountain like it's Should
Unknown Speaker 15:01
you also you introduce me as an Aboriginal man What do you think I'm going to be welcome at this clay pigeon place if anything it's dangerous for me to go like they might mistake click clay pigeon for me you know they like I'm hearing clear of this place now what
Lewis Hobba 15:16
welcome Olga means place at many pigeons
Unknown Speaker 15:20
It is a place of many crows is what they sort of have been building their foundations on in Walker Walker for such a long time now but one of the one of the elders from this way uncle Stan grant SR which is obviously staying grants dad has been talking about this for so long that Walker Walker means place of many dance or to dance intoxicated Lee with the spirits which is so so cool but what I find funny is that he put this out there I don't I don't use stories and this is only recent in the past like three or four years and somebody in the comments on the newspaper actually wrote you can't just come in and change tradition and blowing my mind
Lewis Hobba 16:09
Yeah, I will thank you for that correction I've been I've been I've been shooting my mouth off about place for many crows for a long time I've been wrong for a long time so apologies to all the people
Unknown Speaker 16:18
everyone has even on the walker City Council's like boards memos and stuff it's got like a little crow that's the logo so it's it's a it's something that's deep embedded in the walker Walker culture so it's only just recently that uncle Stan grants been August and grants been talking about it for a while, but it's only been adopted and starting to change in the last couple of years which is us hoping
Ange Lavoipierre 16:41
it comes up at AIPAC so there is I really think that that would be well here's my thing. Okay, so I have reached the conclusion that no one gives a shit about corruption allegations, like correct me if I'm wrong, but I am yet to find anyone who truly gives like an emotional shit I'm not talking about like, Oh, you know the story about the resignation or like getting to like re talk about Gladys and Darrell which, you know, is wonderful fodder for FM radio. You know, I'm talking about actually caring about alleged corruption. No one minds the main headline here so here we go. It's gonna blow you away. It's beautiful. Upon a Victorian Labour Party electric officer has told a corruption hearing he was ordered to buy 1000s of dollars worth of stamps with taxpayer money. And we wonder why it's not getting people hot under the collar. Like spam so quick. I can't even think of what it like maybe pet rocks, but at least that would be kooky. Like what if it was 14 $100 worth of firecrackers then? Maybe we could. Like I think they've got to they've got to watch
Dan Ilic 17:58
$800 worth of sex workers. The sexier headline here Yeah, this is this I mean, that's classic classic Labor Party fair though. That's very different. literally anything
Ange Lavoipierre 18:07
that stands like corruption has become less sexy. alleged corruption has become less sexy. Let me be
Dan Ilic 18:15
I CAC is so boring. Like what would make it more fun? What would make ipecac more fun Dan?
Unknown Speaker 18:21
I know what it is I call it and this is sort of describes the difference between aicok and ibac is if because I cakes a little bit more stronger you know like they if they come after you I catch myself you know what I mean? That's how you remember and if you if it's the other one then I back you to get out of the allegations. That's how
Dan Ilic 18:47
Yeah, I think you know, I think you know, question time itself is pretty childish, I think why not extend that childishness to like a squid game scenario put all the politicians in an arena with like Hungry Hungry Hippos? You know,
Ange Lavoipierre 19:01
I think they need to do more of like a traditional broadcast approach to this whole thing like recognize that they're in a competitive media environment, right on some drag queens to talk about the fashion crimes in the room.
Dan Ilic 19:13
Like it's a knockout it's a no calf of politicians. This is what we want to say.
Ange Lavoipierre 19:18
We want to see them fight maybe like you know, spend a couple of hours talking about pork barrel in short, but then move on to some actual pork recipes, you know.
Dan Ilic 19:29
Now on aicok, it is time for the physical challenge.
Lewis Hobba 19:34
If it was like Ninja Warrior, and at the end of instead of a million dollars cash, it was a paper bag with $14,000 worth of stamps now I'm watching.
Ange Lavoipierre 19:42
Yeah, totally. I just don't think that explored all the options. I think there is a way to really reengage the Australian electorate in the important work of these anti corruption bodies, but I just don't think they're going the right way around
Lewis Hobba 19:54
it has gogglebox ever watched I CAC.
Unknown Speaker 19:59
Rational fair For all of those still upset Gladys berejiklian has resigned this might be the remedy for you. life sized cardboard cutouts of the former New South Wales premier have been put for sale online. Apparently they are sold out
Unknown Speaker 20:13
you're listening to a rational fear.
Dan Ilic 20:16
This week's that the a small Sydney coffee shop was targeted by an anti vaxxer following the New South Wales health rules in New South Wales. This coffee shoppers received quite a swell of support now the barista and dresser cares 28 was working alone in the cafe when a man arrived and started abusing her saying you're walking implicitly into segregation after yelling at her the man walked away and he said he was very powerful and urged his visitors urged his viewers not to visit the cafe down is segregation the new black
Unknown Speaker 20:56
is at Vax is like the new black is that that's probably it for like, because it's so crazy that they are talking about a country that was actually segregated you know, and it wasn't even that long ago like we're not even reaching into that fiery history since 1967. Obviously the referendum giving Aboriginal people rights and being recognized as as real people and it's so nuts that somebody would just go Yeah, not same thing. Like that's crazy to me that the
Dan Ilic 21:29
government like oh, and also like you being anti Vax is actually a choice. Like that's Yeah.
Lewis Hobba 21:36
Yeah, like that. Yeah. And
Unknown Speaker 21:37
that the, you know, the government's going to, I don't know, go in and start like taking their kids. You know, like, that's a really dark part of our history. Yeah. A stolen generation happened to a race of people. And then just somebody who decides not to take the vaccine goes now I can relate to them. Like that's crazy to me. And I just absolutely blows my mind. I genuinely think that people really need to, like and don't get me wrong, I do understand I get that they they feel like they are mistreated. But to me it's a crazy that someone can just go on I've made choices. And now there's consequences for my choices. Since when did someone bring this in? You know, like it's Yeah, that's how the world works, idiot. Yeah,
Ange Lavoipierre 22:25
you can have too much empathy, right? You can have wet you can have too much. I mean, like, I understand what you went through and you're like, no, you're trying for empathy.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
Yeah, we've we've did some horrible things to some particularly like Aboriginal people but which which is what he's sort of like linking to but to a lot of different cultures in Australia so it's weird that that's the angle that he's decided to go down I'd be picking a lot more lighter topic if I was
Dan Ilic 23:00
here. Yeah, it's like on an iodine genocide versus getting a little NATO to put that on the scales you know, let's weigh that up here.
Unknown Speaker 23:09
Why aren't people with pimples on television more like that's where he should be going with it. You don't like
Lewis Hobba 23:18
that there was an anti Vax mom who started the yellow stars on to her kids. Oh he says heavy stuff totally like it's it's so it's between Yeah, the the like racial segregation ties and then he just like, if you are ever looking for sympathy for your cause, get the fuck away from these topics like you are you cannot as a white person sit there and I mean, it's just it is infuriating and horrifying stuff. But I will say on a lighter note that what I because that cafe, obviously, after the anti vaxxer had the big grand, the cafe went wild, filled with positive reviews, lines around the block everyone posting videos about how they were going to. So I would just like to say if there are any anti vaxxers who would like to have a rant about this podcast, we would welcome it. And if you can do it in a public place as possible. We would really appreciate it as we love subscribers.
Dan Ilic 24:15
Let's say Hang on a sec now 10 News caught up with this hashtag a very powerful anti vaxxer let's just see how mighty he is. Here we
Lewis Hobba 24:23
go. Reaching boiling point and anti vaxxer blows off steam at an innocent barista. Hang on a sec. I know we're about to get into the heavy stuff but let's I it's been a while since I've watched commercial news and full hat tip to all the puns in that first to set in like I made it's just good to
Ange Lavoipierre 24:47
piggyback as well because I don't know that like innocent barista. Like how can we know that for sure like that's really don't know what I'm already on. God is what I'm saying.
Dan Ilic 24:59
We need it. Calculating an icon for cafes. That doesn't mean
Unknown Speaker 25:03
that I'm gonna hand over my medical private information of whether I'm vaccinated or not vaccinated to buy a cup of coffee
Lewis Hobba 25:10
fresh security vision revealed his face for the first time today. And we tracked him down the man who are Hang on a second. You must be kicking himself for not wearing a mask after that. It's like oh, you know, they can track me down.
Dan Ilic 25:26
Very powerful. He looks like he looks like Louis hobas child he
Lewis Hobba 25:29
can't look like white supremacist to me. I don't I don't like it. On his dorm claims he's now sorry.
Unknown Speaker 25:39
Do you regret what you did? Absolutely wholeheartedly there's a right way and a wrong way to go about disagreeing as
Ange Lavoipierre 25:44
Hang on a sec. Hang on a sec. This is this is exactly how I would apologize when I was 15 I apologize when you're a teenager and you've been caught and you don't mean it and you're being like forced to apologize. Like it's like the child version of a court order. Like if you it's like I am so sorry for what I do. Maybe I'm being cynical,
Unknown Speaker 26:08
emotional reaction to what 20 plus moms have been locked away in our home for being completely healthy last time I checked
Lewis Hobba 26:16
It's not the first time John's publicly expressed his views regular rants or online social media streams the government
Unknown Speaker 26:23
ain't ever gonna give us back out right Hang
Unknown Speaker 26:27
on a sec Yeah, he's he's he's wearing a backwards hat I just needed to bring that up that's like if you want to be taken seriously don't do the Pucci you know arrange no one respects that dude at all.
Lewis Hobba 26:45
also given that this week the government has given back the right together is this age Paulie?
Ange Lavoipierre 26:52
like super concerned about accuracy right like its accuracy one of his core values? I'm not sure I don't know.
Dan Ilic 26:58
Yeah, neither away
Lewis Hobba 27:00
it's this has been brewing for some time having to stop Hang on a sec. Let's just take note he did say brewing. reading them all the way through it never stops. But gentlemen,
Unknown Speaker 27:15
I'm feeling very convicted today to do the right thing and send a heartfelt apology to the community and to other baristas that may have come into tracks with my anti vaccine sentiment the
Ange Lavoipierre 27:25
feelings no thick I love and I am going to borrow from this man. The casual apology like whilst apologizing to one member on every other member of that group may be offended. Apologize to roadwork is everywhere you know.
Lewis Hobba 27:46
If you did by me Feel free to watch this clip back anytime.
Unknown Speaker 27:55
Community statues Unfortunately, the whole ordeal has left a bitter taste in the mouth of bitter, bitter taste bitter taste,
Lewis Hobba 28:07
bitter taste building to Iran as well I reckon we're about to I reckon we're about to hear a bunch
Unknown Speaker 28:13
on froth in it you could sell them so looking forward to opening up and then that happened that it was just like devastating.
Unknown Speaker 28:23
But business was heaving this morning.
Dan Ilic 28:27
Perhaps stood out by some encouragement don't doubt
Lewis Hobba 28:32
that it counts.
Dan Ilic 28:33
It's I'm I'm waiting for a better latte than never is that gonna come?
Lewis Hobba 28:39
Inside state parliament.
Unknown Speaker 28:41
That community responded and has responded I encourage every member here to order a coffee from this cafe.
Lewis Hobba 28:47
Dom's also got some ground to make up with his family ground ground count. I reckon he felt like a weird sentence.
Unknown Speaker 28:59
It was like it ever
Lewis Hobba 29:01
the drama, but would he do it again?
Unknown Speaker 29:04
Let's just see what December one looks like for us, Australia, shall we? Steve had
Ange Lavoipierre 29:13
a dress like I resent to him, like addressing the nation as a whole, like the like, okay, Australia, like, come on. How do we work out how powerful he is.
Dan Ilic 29:24
And people in New South Wales named Dom have a real complex about running the state so you know, don't don't
Lewis Hobba 29:31
ask as a radio professional. You got to respect that taze. You know what I mean? Let's just see what's happening. We'll just say where I am on December 1, you like, I gotta be honest.
Unknown Speaker 29:44
It's the chocolate on top.
Lewis Hobba 29:49
Really, because again, trouble cafe he know.
Dan Ilic 29:54
If you've been following along with this podcast for a fair few years, you'll notice the trend where we mock the most Powerful news organization in the country whenever they feel their pages or airwaves with climate denial. It's kind of fun. It's like low hanging carbon emissions. It's really easy to do. But it's this week you might have seen front cover celebrating how Australia could be the number one in the new global economy the new green and gold. Joining us to explain what is going on is friend of the show who once said that Greta tunberg was the worst possible advocate for climate change, which is why he thinks he can do better himself is the former co host of Studio 10 and current ravey lefty latte sipping learning of health straight. It's the editor at large of The Daily Telegraph Joe Hildebrand. Welcome Joe.
Unknown Speaker 30:40
Hi, welcome now Can I just say you goddamn millennials, you're just never happy if you're pitching. Rupert Murdoch, he doesn't know anything about climate change on The Daily Telegraph. And everyday this beautiful 16 page wraparound saying that climate change is real we got to get to net zero. Here's all the ways we can do it. And then what do you do you just Bichon mind Simo and now you're picking
Unknown Speaker 31:06
up the small bars. local park and I cycled around on your little fixes and pretend that you're exercising
Lewis Hobba 31:18
yeah that's the pack that's the pack of having done the right thing for two decades
Unknown Speaker 31:24
we were just waiting for the right time.
Lewis Hobba 31:28
Well you missed it. It was three It was 30 years ago.
Unknown Speaker 31:32
Everyone knows that nothing real happens until the Scots get involved
Dan Ilic 31:37
now Joe Joe Don't be too funny otherwise we at the risk of humanizing you then canceled you did mention a 16 page wraparound and I did pick up today's Daily Telegraph and I'm really excited to say just what is wrapped around it oh yeah 16 months interest free from Harvey Norman Interestingly though 16 months interest free is actually the Nationals position on climate action so they take any take any interest for 16 months Okay, what is going on here? Like what is truly happening here now you are the the official poster boy for this whole initiative? What does it feel like to be a shill
Unknown Speaker 32:18
to start call Firstly, when you held up that front page I thought we were going to be talking about terrorist talkfest now that's the story
Dan Ilic 32:26
yeah you know that's the thing about News Corp they love they love freedom of speech except when terrorists are talking
Unknown Speaker 32:32
we are being funny like that I guess course old fashioned you know sour sour in your mind but you know if you're a terrorist well maybe not. I was actually thinking writing a column you know in defense of the Taliban well maybe you know, I did the one column I always wanted to write was in defense of corruption because you know surely you know look look look look at the world again
Unknown Speaker 32:58
No, the no terrorist Lives Matter hashtag. I think I think that's important and I think the cutlery supplies at the RSL that matters and now now we're just talking about it flippantly it's
Dan Ilic 33:12
jo jo has it's been it's been three minutes Joe has not answered any questions
Ange Lavoipierre 33:19
like round in this three minutes and we have covered in the podcast so far like we got the cutlery I didn't
Unknown Speaker 33:29
like people criticize down McGuire but the cutlery at the walker RSL is second to none is genuinely
Dan Ilic 33:35
like when you bought when your boss says when your boss says to you, oh, Joe, can you please get a wheel out this new campaign to help News Corp greenwash its image like how do you feel about that? What do you say? Obviously you said Yes,
Unknown Speaker 33:46
I'd say yes. And I would say we did a pretty good job. I mean, if you have a look at it, this isn't just wash. This is polished. This is Sean. You can't come to a holiday. What most people don't understand. It's been 10 years when jeans at our news companies he changes position or whatever. And then we change our position, which in fact is the position we always had. But you guys were just so disagreeable that you'd never even got credit for
Unknown Speaker 34:19
a 16 page no ads not even here. Yeah, you call it you say we're doing it for money or doing it. There's no accident. We do it all for you. We put it in nice little words. We'd love to be pictures so you can understand everything. And in what did you cop? criticize? I mean, honestly, what's the poor fella got to do he's sitting there in New York.
Dan Ilic 34:40
allowed to live is a daily show you've got two articles have you on on on that double page spread in today's paper? Well, only one's got a photo though. How come you didn't put your photo on the other one. But he's he's wondering let me just read it. Let me just read out one headline here. Solar costs a costly exercise says Gina Reinhardt, Jane and Ron Hart says the most the cheapest possible power in the world is a costly exercise and this is the opening paragraph Joe in your prime the pro climate change article you've got here. Australia's richest women woman Jenna Reinhardt is warning that rushing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions without proper costings could imperil fam a family farmers and cost taxpayers billions in subsidies there's no there's no mention in this article about the billions of subsidies the general gets.
Unknown Speaker 35:29
Well firstly, that article was written by our far right national environment reporter David Mills so I can't wrap for him but if you're okay yeah, look for his work in the Adelaide advertiser you will say this guy is arriving like Hey mate, Andrew bolt looks like look like Tim Flannery. It's disgusting and I'm trying to distance myself from him as we speak
Dan Ilic 35:51
we haven't distanced himself very well because you're you're both of your articles are on either side of his article like that's gonna talk to you to talk to your layout persons
Unknown Speaker 35:59
it's difficult for people to get their heads around but my article is the one underneath my name and the giant picture of my head that's how we differentiate them and and also we're not i'm not sure we may be pro climate change I think I thought I think you mean pro action on climate change but in fact we're not even that because we're
Dan Ilic 36:20
pro climate action fair and balanced. Yes, fair and balanced likes like our friends at Fox News. So tell us why is this position rolling out Joe? Why Why is why now a few months out from a federal election is this position in News Corp the most powerful newspaper company in Australia rolling out right now why
Unknown Speaker 36:41
cuz you asked us to you. You keep going on about and then we give it to you.
Ange Lavoipierre 36:50
Are you taking requests now that you're doing things because other people in Australia asked you to? Is that like a
Unknown Speaker 36:59
Joseph Walton GoFundMe page?
Dan Ilic 37:06
So what kind of priority Joe what kind of priority is this new campaign is your zero emissions campaign like well, what kind of priorities News Corp taking with
Unknown Speaker 37:15
it was a 16 page wraparound on Monday's newspaper how much more priority do
Dan Ilic 37:22
amazing 16 pages
Unknown Speaker 37:25
pocket there weren't even any ads on it because we do you guys were talking about that too. Even though you've got your little gaps in your Sleeping Giants and you're mad I think which is saying oh withdrawal advertising until they realized that the only way to get money is to embrace action on climate change. price action on climate change.
Dan Ilic 37:48
Joe Joe, Joe, we're not attacking you personally. But what are you doing this? Like, what when when they came to you and said could you be the face of this? What did you say?
Unknown Speaker 38:04
I said I said sorry come again.
Lewis Hobba 38:07
You No.
Unknown Speaker 38:11
Oh, I get and I said yeah, yeah.
Dan Ilic 38:18
This is this is like it's so strange. Like, for years, Murdoch papers have done irreparable damage to climate action to Australia. Inc. Going against all the policies that successive Australian Governments have put in championing for dismantling those policies. And then you think 16 pages will do the trick. Do you think 16 pages will save the world?
Unknown Speaker 38:42
Well, David, I would argue with a few of those heroic assumptions, the drivers overwhelmingly endorsed Kevin Rudd in 2007. He doesn't seem to remember that these days, as much credit for it. But certainly The Daily Telegraph in the Australian firmly endorsed his prime ministership, in the lead up to the election as all newspapers do, and they editorialize in favor of one candidate or another one party or another. So that certainly happened. And then when the Kevin Rudd was rolled by the greens, when when the greens actually were the ones who knifed his emissions trading scheme in the senate alone,
Dan Ilic 39:25
did they just do that by themselves? That wasn't that wasn't the right of that wasn't the rise of the Labour Party.
Unknown Speaker 39:33
I'm glad I'm glad you asked. I'm glad you asked. So So firstly, the rise of the Liberal Party. No.
Lewis Hobba 39:42
Climate change show it's such an absolute
Unknown Speaker 39:54
climate change the right you
Dan Ilic 39:56
need to fly these job because you're drowning. That's what I want to ask you. Is this kind of a ride across the news club Empire is is all of news club gonna embrace this this whole move to net zero emissions?
Unknown Speaker 40:09
I do not know. We are a FREE and independently spirited organization which values editorial freedom and so yeah which
Lewis Hobba 40:17
is I feel like Johnny Depp weed Barnaby Joyce just off camera
Unknown Speaker 40:31
way All right. Free and impartial organization now is something that all they examine all the metro editors so the editors of the major Metro dailies decided upon in a an editorial board meeting so
Dan Ilic 40:50
independently decided to go along this mission that which is terrific but he never say the same headline on the front page of any news cope newspaper ever you never say like all these court papers all around Australia never run the same front page ever. They don't do that.
Unknown Speaker 41:06
That's because I haven't had one written by me before. I could even do the same one I just hit crazy, those Queensland's I just go and do their own thing. It must be written by Jeanette young.
Dan Ilic 41:18
Well, here is a here's a great clip from Sherry moccasins book launch earlier this week. Joe love your thoughts on this is Tucker Carlson until he about climate change. One of your one of your colleagues in America
Unknown Speaker 41:29
shares point about the international scientific community but clowning itself and degrading its own moral authority. These are the same people and these are the same governments who when COVID finally has will use their moral authority to impose a global warming regime on the west. And that is absolutely the plan. They say it constantly. And in order to do that, they're going to need people to believe that there is such a thing as scientific consensus, and that their point of view is an expression of that consensus. And what we've learned in the past two years, and I'm trying not to use profanity at your air, but that's that's not true. It's bs actual, that these are political actors using the residual respect that people in the West have for science in order to get what they want politically. And once we know that it's impossible to unknown.
Dan Ilic 42:19
So Joe, what is your colleague mean that what are what are scientists who are investigating climate change? What do they want to do? They want to run a country? Is this what he's saying?
Unknown Speaker 42:29
I'm not I'm not sure. I'm trying. I'm busy trying to unknown that. I don't know precisely what he's saying. But I don't really care how many sees whatever he wants. Yeah, we are. We are,
Dan Ilic 42:46
Joe. Joe, I know you've got a job, you got a family. I mean, Jenny, you got to get a job as
Unknown Speaker 42:56
my opinion and say whatever I like Tucker Carlson has a job in which he can express his opinion and say whatever he likes sharing my job.
Lewis Hobba 43:04
But don't some of those opinions need to be checked by like facts. As a journalist,
Unknown Speaker 43:11
by the way, I believe that legally defensible position of an opinion is an honestly held opinion based on the valuable facts.
Lewis Hobba 43:22
Theoretically, you could put legally any opinion in a newspaper. I'm just wondering whether or not you should put all opinions
Dan Ilic 43:30
also jo jo
Unknown Speaker 43:32
million monkeys and a million typewriters.
Dan Ilic 43:36
And can I I don't think it's, I don't think it's understanding or hyperbole to say, at this point in time, in the time in the history of the world, we're at a serious rule point where everybody needs to use their power to see meaningful reductions of climate emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and meaningful leadership to make that happen. The folks that News Corp get behind do not do that. They are bad actors. Why? Why don't you use your power to help these folks really align with what needs to actually be done.
Unknown Speaker 44:12
I'm leaving an editorial series that just launched with an unprecedented ad for a 16 page wrap, all of which outlined, the actions that Australia can take to get to net zero and how beneficial it would be for the country. We're following that up and have followed it up with a series of multiple double page spreads, splashes across all the metro mastheads that again, reinforce all the opportunities that come come to Australia by embracing netzero and tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions. The series is ongoing, it is ongoing indefinitely. Our partners and countries ongoing
Dan Ilic 44:55
indefinitely. I thought you said as a limited series. You're only gonna do a bunch of
Unknown Speaker 44:59
minutes. I was limited
Dan Ilic 45:01
Oh I must have missed a master mistake
Unknown Speaker 45:04
I know it's it's going it's going for it's going for no no but News Corp Australia it's not even news it's going for at this stage about 29 years until 2015. going right up to Glasgow throughout Glasgow. We have we have contributors ranging from the Australian Conservation Foundation the World Wildlife Fund. Got an update from Adam bank in the pipeline. One from my space Yep, yep, you heard it here first. And I think we're ready
Ange Lavoipierre 45:41
for flowers to like get any of these people to participate or were they just up for it?
Unknown Speaker 45:46
No that knocking our door down there absolutely knocking our door down we broke Chris Bowen launching the Australia Institute's report. I mean, now we've got 24th Mark Carnegie I don't know what sort of people you're worried about we've got all these guys on board who are saying this if you if you're saying if you're saying that we also should silence anyone who disagrees well that is something that so Roger or anyone who believes
Dan Ilic 46:13
I couldn't help notice Joe Wallace I couldn't help notice Joe while this campaign launched, Alan Jones was harsh it was in quotes in hospital is that for a reason at all?
Unknown Speaker 46:25
Yes rupert murdoch shot his yeah he cut his brake cables on the way out any I don't I'm not sure if Alan Jones is even a columnist in the paper anymore but um but again I don't I don't understand I don't understand the logic that we do we do this we do this thing we bring out this series that outlines in full technical detail and again How am I doing this is the normal job. But hang on a minute. You used to employ Alan Jones or that you still let this person speak? I don't
Lewis Hobba 47:07
like if you knew someone if you knew someone personally who had been wrong for their whole life, and then suddenly completely changed their opinion but you'd been sitting there going I know who they are now I'm right and you're why this person and not only were they wrong, but they were telling everyone else this wrong fact and then suddenly they just pivoted it didn't bother to go Joe I gotta be honest sorry I was wrong for so long. like to just do a pivot and then a gaslight and be like no we always thought this like it's you got to understand the handbrake that you put Australia on with absolutely no warning and like not even not even a little sorry for all of the bullshit like nothing
Unknown Speaker 47:44
like thank you for noticing Louis I have always been right. And I always say I've always said exactly the same sorts of things that we're saying now in this series you can look at anything I've written anything I've say said on Sky or on radio.
Dan Ilic 47:59
I've always had gratitude and gratitude Berg is a terrible advocate for a lot because
Unknown Speaker 48:03
that's why that's why I'll have to come along she makes it she makes it look silly and ridiculous I mean, jumping up and down I mean I don't want to join the pile on against credit because she's a kid but the cult worship of grown adults who should know better who think that this is gonna somehow persuade middle Australia or country and regional Australia that this is the way to get on board that's that's madness. They're writing
Dan Ilic 48:29
kids because kids become adults Joe and and she's she's 19 she's across the science I've seen her talk I've listened to her speak she's pretty incredible.
Unknown Speaker 48:37
I don't wanna have a god I've been I've been the why the why to get people on board with tackling climate change and hitting the boys and zeros to tell them about the opportunities that are there and to tell them about the jobs the economics not to jump up and down and say
Lewis Hobba 48:59
like copyright infringement you just saying well the rest of the world has been saying for so long, it's like
Unknown Speaker 49:06
the rest of the world has actually been focused the rest of the world and if you look at a lot of the a lot of the coverage and a lot of what's been said previously, the rest of the world and many other media outlets have been focused more on the catastrophic catastrophic consequences of inaction or if you want if you want to actually persuade people and you want to get people on board, I think you offer the more carrot and less stick I'm just a positive guy. What can I say? More capitalistic,
Dan Ilic 49:34
you know like, like, like, you know like mortgage to redo your home with with with solar panels. That's a good thing to do.
Unknown Speaker 49:44
Yeah, we're doing a lot of that you should read the campaign. It's really good.
Dan Ilic 49:50
It's an editorial tubers who came on the show a few months ago, Joe and Saul's an incredible brain when he said to me said, you know, News Corp. Got to run this campaign. What do you think of it? I think I said I think that's a great thing because it actually does hit into middle Australia. It is the folks that do by the Daily Telegraph to read the rugby pages only. It is an incredible vehicle for the one with a round with the ball with the with the thing. It is incredible. It is incredible resource for folks, everyday Australians, and it is really important vehicle and a platform to tell the truth. I just guess everyone's baffled as to why you're telling it. Now,
Unknown Speaker 50:36
right? If you confuse you can read a soul Griffis plan on how households can save enormous amounts of money on their power bills in Saturday's Daily Telegraph or your favorite news quote paper wherever you live in Australia. So Griffith is a proud partner of mission zero.
Dan Ilic 50:50
Joe, thank you so much. You're gonna jump in and
Unknown Speaker 50:56
just like chatting to Joe is the conversational equivalent to untangling headphones and it's like
Unknown Speaker 51:10
everything you want, everything you ever want has done everything.
Unknown Speaker 51:13
rotten. I can finally hear that Cheers. But I've got to like, Listen, I'm not into that. Yeah. Beautiful.
Dan Ilic 51:21
Thank you for coming on and letting us ridicule you to your face. We really appreciate it. You're always extremely generous.
Unknown Speaker 51:32
There's no planet Bay.
Dan Ilic 51:34
We go. That's it for our show tonight. I want to thank all of our guests tonight Angela papa. Dane Simpson Lewis Halbert. Joe Hildebrand What would you like to plug and
Ange Lavoipierre 51:45
Oh God, I know it's gonna get the chance. Um, I've got a comedy show coming up at Sydney. It weirdly it's happening again? factory theater 11th 12th 13th of November. It's called spiders Follow me. There will be no spiders in the show. I can't contractually guarantee that but it's not likely there's going to be so many of us that probably get afraid and run away anyway. Factory theater 11 1213 spot is calling me you can find it online.
Dan Ilic 52:14
Dan Simpson well you want to play
Unknown Speaker 52:16
I've got my new show coming out. Did you read doozy I'm going to be Perth, Adelaide Melbourne all around Google me check it out. I'm all over the telly doing all these different shows as well as check it all out it's awesome also, Louis looks like youtuber Tom cardi and I
Lewis Hobba 52:35
are quite good friends that I've grown this mustache in his honor.
Dan Ilic 52:38
Oh there you go. Joe Hildebrand I not quite sure what you want to plug but what would you like to blog
Unknown Speaker 52:45
Oh apparently this campaign that the newspapers are doing called mission zero sounds real about it. But there's this thing called climate change apparently is really bad so we should get on board.
Dan Ilic 53:01
It is and they are taking it very seriously. And you can actually sign up to their email newsletter I've actually done that myself. So I went to the news corp email list and it's not under the AMPM it's not under what the buzz it's not under breaking news alert you have to scroll all the way down Blair report go pass go pass Sydney confidential go past the beat the bookies email if you want to skip that email list, it's not the real estate section. You can't sign up yet to that sports news update then go past the true crime Australia email list you don't want that's not the one you want. You definitely don't want to sign up to the divine report. That's not the that's not the one you want to sign up to go past. Extra cover a whole email all about cricket. And then at the bottom, you will see mission zero newsletter. That's the one if you're interested in climate change, the greatest moral problem of our generation, you'll want to scroll all the way to the bottom of the news corp email list to sign up to that one. So
Unknown Speaker 54:05
I want to see what she had to say.
Dan Ilic 54:10
Joe, thank you so much for joining us on rational fear again. I always enjoy having you on Big thanks to Rhode Mike's Patreon. Our Patreon supporters the Bertha foundation. Until next week, there's always something to be scared of. Good night.
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