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We are joined by the orphans of satirical comedy shows past. From the Roast, and Tonightly, Jazz Twemlow joins us to plug his new Amazon Prime sketch show. And from The Feed, and At Home Alone Together we have Vidya Rajan to plug nutritional yeast. Then there's me Dan Ilic and Lewis Hobba — you know us already.
SkyNews being kicked off YouTube.
Barbie Dolls we really need.
How to solve the farting cows.
Barnaby Joyce's day drinking.
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Dan Ilic 0:00
Happy Friday, Louis,
Lewis Hobba 0:01
Happy Friday dad. And I'm glad you told me it was Friday because I have no idea what day it is.
Dan Ilic 0:08
Well, I there's a, there's a store in Bondi that has the number of days sydneysiders have been locked down, plastered upon it. They take their menus, and they make a giant giant gribbon numbers. So the currently is 41 days we've been in lockdown. 41 days, Louis, and void. It just still feels like day five to me. Yeah,
Lewis Hobba 0:27
well, I've been on a little holiday for the last week. Pretty cool holiday, obviously, just staying at home and going insane. And I was trying to think about what like what I could do to pass the time while I was here. And so I was taking inspiration from the movie Groundhog Day, because that's what we're living in. And I was like, What is he doing Groundhog Day to like, you know, improve his situation in. In the original version, he killed himself, which is not what I've always done, decided to do the thing where he learns to play piano. Remember how he how he plays? So yeah, so what have you learned? What have you learned one song? Yeah, five days ago, I bought a piano and, and I'm learning to play a song on it. And I've never played piano before. I'm terrible at it. And that's how I'm passing my time.
Dan Ilic 1:13
What's the song you're learning to play?
Lewis Hobba 1:15
Well, I'm learning to play Billy Joel's Vienna, which if you know the song is really difficult. It's so like, it's not a beginner's pace. It's a stupid, it's a foolish thing that I'm doing. But I won't rest until I learned that song.
Dan Ilic 1:30
So next week at the end of the show, you're going to play Billy Joel so yeah,
Lewis Hobba 1:34
well, I'll play you some version of it. They're like play G major. Mike. I'm just making noises. Yep,
Dan Ilic 1:43
yep, I'm recording my end of irrational fear on gadigal land in the eora. nation. sovereignty was never stated we need a treaty. Let's stop the shop.
VO 1:51
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks cambro COMM And section body, or rational fear recommends listening by immature audio.
Dan Ilic 2:04
So not Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston has been charged with allegedly concealing sexual assault abuse, which plays his way to becoming the Attorney General by the year's end. And hungry Jack's founder says Australia should learn to live with a virus just like they've learned to live with a whopper. And the whole state of Victoria is gone into its sixth lockdown due to an outbreak of smugness. It's the sixth of August 2021. And with more breaches than an airport holiday in this is irrational fear. irrational fear.
Hello, webinar rational fee. I'm your host former Olympic skateboarder Dan Ilic. Let's meet our fee mungus. For tonight, she's casually been a guest on everybody's satirical comedy shows over the last little bit won't be long before she has her own buy shares in Vidya Raja because she's gone to the moon.
Vidya Rajan 3:01
Everyone, happy luck.
Dan Ilic 3:05
Happy lockdown Vidya How is Victoria lockdown how's Victoria is lock number six lockdown for you.
Vidya Rajan 3:09
You know it's we're about six minutes in and this is probably dissipating.
Dan Ilic 3:18
And he got his start performing at irrational fear. Now he's has his own la dee da amazon prime Shar from the Mass Effect. It's jazz tremula
Jazz Twemlow 3:27
Hello, my boss actually is going to the moon leaving us all behind. That's very, very kind.
Dan Ilic 3:35
And it's a man who doesn't have a Netflix deal just yet Louis harbour
Lewis Hobba 3:39
no Short but sweet and accurate that introduction? Yeah. 100% accurate.
Dan Ilic 3:45
Coming up a little later on the show. We'll get on the booze and Barnaby Joyce but here is a message from this week's sponsor.
VO 3:50
Tuesday the 10th of August is senseless night. each household is required by law to fill out the online form. So the Australian Bureau of Statistics can collect data on the makeup of Australia and to see if the NBN is working in your area. It then gives that data to the federal government so they can build critical services like car parks, sporting facilities and hospitals in coalition seats, regardless of what the data says. The senseless, providing scientific data to the Australian Government so they can willfully ignore it. Authorised by a bunch of glittering idiots in camera.
Dan Ilic 4:22
All right, this week's first year Sky News been banned from posting on YouTube for a week after posting COVID denial videos. According to YouTube's three strikes in your out policy. Sky News is peddling at least three videos of misinformation about COVID My question is only three short like anyway, fee mongers awake without Sky News. How will our uncle's cope? Oh well, I
Lewis Hobba 4:47
cuz I said I've been on a little break from work over the last week. So I've basically read no news over the last week. So I'm so excited to find out from this podcast. What's been happening Fingers crossed. Some good stuff.
Jazz Twemlow 5:00
This feels like good stuff. If I'm totally honest, there's even less news for you to not read now, so you're gonna save even more time you're not doing stuff. That's great.
Dan Ilic 5:09
Yeah, that's right. There's at least one brand of news that is is banned from YouTube Vidya. How do you how do you feel about Sky News taking a break from YouTube?
Vidya Rajan 5:18
Well, I think this is just gonna galvanise the uncles to start their own channels if they aren't. From my experience of uncle. They're about like one bad night away from becoming YouTube radicals.
Lewis Hobba 5:31
He was crazy. I did sort of have a look at some of the stats about the viewership that they do have online like because we all everyone always says like Sky News. Who cares? no one watches it like this guy. And he's orthodox a joke. You know, 50,000 people something like true, worse than breakfast television numbers like really, like, almost as bad at this podcast, like almost insignificant. But they do do quite well online. So it is it is pretty massive for them. I'm sure they are. I wonder what they'll like whether this will change anything in the future football
Jazz Twemlow 6:01
really start like an outsider's outsiders channel now. It's not on YouTube. If I count more outside, can you pretend to be anyway,
Lewis Hobba 6:11
I like to imagine the Sky News will eventually just be a town crier.
Dan Ilic 6:15
Just what every good uncle should be doing for a job. You're absolutely right, Louis, their numbers are tiny on TV. And they do get millions of hits online and over the last three years have been really pummeling the YouTube channel to boost it to make sure they make the most click Beatty stuff. And Sky News has become like the top of the funnel for laundering misinformation for all of kind of the news corp Empire. So I don't know if we all remember where we were when Sherry marks and told us about the Wu Han lab theory with all the authority of a Facebook post written by divorce dad. I don't know if you you were there. I remember seeing again, you're absolutely not sad, crazy. We
Lewis Hobba 6:51
still don't have all the evidence on that, Dan.
Dan Ilic 6:55
But the great thing is, you know, the way they want why she did that was that so other news corp networks can pick up that as saying, well, we didn't say it but look at Sky News in Australia, they've reported this, and so they can point they can point to something wacky and zany that the people in the colonies have done to kind of justified telling the story to their other millions of people. It's It's It's awful.
Jazz Twemlow 7:17
I love the I love the defence of like, well, we're just putting stuff out there you know, we're providing but it's just not you know, it's like sort of it's someone saying like, Oh, it's weird. My Channel telling people to eat cyanide has been taken down like where's the barrel? And so we don't need balance on that. We don't need balance on that. It's pretty clear.
Vidya Rajan 7:34
I was back in Perth recently where my family is and one of our other friends slash uncle's has completely gone down that that rabbit hole. Wow. have you dealt with it? Well, I mean, I had to you know bite my tongue and be respectful because of like, you know, hashtag brown family vibes. But um, it was it was actually very disappointing to me because I was like, you know, half these people like white supremacists and you'll literally like they don't they don't like you. You're not on their side. But also it was like Shouldn't you be spending your time like policing your daughter's sexuality or something like what what are you doing? Back to the classic? Yeah, nothing vibrant uncle should be falling for this but I think they are
Jazz Twemlow 8:15
to become an uncle when you is because it seems like so tied to that specific relation. Like if you fall down like a queue and on hold or something and you don't have any any nephews or nieces? Do they spawn as soon as you become an uncle? If you fall prey to the ideas or is it you're the uncle first and then the idea is it seems so specific to that. But I think
Vidya Rajan 8:39
now like like Daddy, anyone can
Lewis Hobba 8:43
just choke me uncle is the new, the new. He's gone full on call.
Dan Ilic 8:51
I went through some comments about this story on The Daily Mail and I found some great ones. I thought I'd share them with you. This one is from line in the sand from Vero Beach United States. Your poor country is turning into Korea. Hmm. I'm pretty sure you mean North Korea but i think you know, we kind of get the point we kind of
Lewis Hobba 9:08
like point that Yeah, you guys are doing some great boy bands. You've got a really good mobile phone company. Like congrats
Dan Ilic 9:15
looks like really turning this thing around. won an Oscar recently. Cut the crap from Sydney Australia says no surprises there. Social media big tech have been booked burning for ages. I know that's not true. Look, we can say what you want about Amazon destroying the book industry but they didn't really do any burning. That's terrible. This is this one here from Louis from Sydney. Anybody just anybody who thinks this is good? It's completely clueless and uninformed. Soon we'll have just one government news source and we'll be told what is happening and it will fit the government narrative. Louie from Sydney has obviously never watched Sky News.
Jazz Twemlow 9:56
The one news who does feed the government narrative is gone. It's all Got a narrative now? That's great.
Vidya Rajan 10:02
Has Kevin Rudd reacted to this? Because I know this is like this wakes him up in the morning so,
Dan Ilic 10:08
yeah, this is this is gonna be this is this is Kevin Rudd bait. This is Kevin Rudd back. This is this is like a tweet. This is a thread for Kevin Rudd, where did I have it? Yeah.
Lewis Hobba 10:17
I have been following Kevin Rudd some tweets though, because I just curious because it is so easy to let me say this, like at the start of the pandemic, some friends and I were like, Who do you think would be the best Prime Minister that we've ever had right now? Like, who? And we were like Kevin Rudd, like the guy is the guy never sleeps. He says, like obsessed with detail. Like he was a nightmare. And everyone hated him internally, but like, he's the guy you want right now. But he was also like, pretty unlikable and smug by the end. So I was really curious to see what happened when he started to get a little bit of like positive press, and everyone's like, oh, he did the Pfizer jabs and old uncle calves back. And then but he hasn't, he's been really restrained on Twitter and he has not gotten smug and he must be killing it.
Dan Ilic 11:04
I don't know if you were out and about last weekend, like me, I was driving around trying to find a place to do some exercise, but it's really hard because there were cops everywhere. It was very difficult in Sydney to kind of do anything. Lastly again. And I have to say though, when it comes to lockdown protesters, the Melbourne anti lockdown protesters have they've been doing it a while they're really practice that their whole sovereign citizenship bullshit. Whereas in Sydney, the anti lockdown sovereign citizens haven't done the rating. They haven't kind of learned enough about the Magna Carta to pull off being a sovereign citizen. I've got a clip here. Let me play it for you. This is from a Sydney pro locked down protester who's been pulled over by the police. My under arrest are free to go. And committed events.
Unknown Speaker 11:49
What's the offence, sorry, what's the offence? unsecure light drunk for the Australian flag, and
Dan Ilic 11:54
also it is obviously a potential COVID which we're trying to figure out if you want to provide it. I think you're making a comment to say that you haven't committed the offence and we'll accept that. If not, then it's up to you.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
This is a sad day for Australia, the Anzac guide for this flag. And now you're penalising or attempting to and if you do this, this will go down in history. This is 74,000 people are watching live. Now we're talking about, we're talking about
Dan Ilic 12:22
it. If you're going to point your camera at a cup, just don't show them the screen. I love that the cost said you've got one person you'd like to have one person watching.
Vidya Rajan 12:37
I mean, yeah, the enzymes did die for my right to inflate my engagement.
Jazz Twemlow 12:44
I love how they use that phrase. They fought and died to sleep. So we could do something they've what they didn't fight and die so you could fight to die. That's such an inversion of what they were going
Dan Ilic 12:55
and also I mean, Tim Schafer makes a good point on YouTube, the anzacs died for England, which is absolutely correct. Let the flag that we fought under was actually
Lewis Hobba 13:04
and also they were a lot of masks. Because they had a pandemic. Yeah, and there was gas, you know, like they knew the health risks.
Unknown Speaker 13:18
Gladys berejiklian in New South Wales have been the gold standard when it comes to responding to the virus can you still describe New South Wales as having a gold standard response? This unfortunately is the state of disaster or rational fear.
Dan Ilic 13:33
This makes second fear Professor Gilbert, the CO creator of the Oxford AstraZeneca jab has a Barbie doll made in her own it's very inspirational. That's pretty amazing stuff. jazzy got a question for you. Are there Barbies that we can use to prepare kids for real world adult life when other Barbies well? I
Jazz Twemlow 13:49
mean yeah, this this It feels like the pendulum has swung too far the other way I mean, he used to be kind of happy playtime and my little pony and now kids are being told they have to you know invent a world saving vaccine when they become an adult I think it's a bit bit much like week what about you
Dan Ilic 14:04
know just too much precious
Jazz Twemlow 14:05
yeah just prepare them for what's coming like you know out of work actress still waiting for the government arts rescue package Barbie like to something that kind of destroys the illusion and creates the you know, break makes them less innocent by the time they're a full full adult or I thought oceanographer who has to clean up discarded Barbie plastic from the ocean Barbie. That's another one. Also called don't throw another Barbie on the shrimp. That was what I thought you could call call it Yeah, just do some some just original kids toys. They'll just prepare kids. For the for the trials and depression of adult life think it's either too innocent or that's just aiming too high. somewhere in the middle would be the would be the sweet spot, I reckon.
Lewis Hobba 14:49
Yeah, you're so right, because they've gone from unrealistic body expectations. Like you need to have this really thin neck and no genitals to unrealistic career expectations. Yeah, I found a spot chief that
Dan Ilic 15:04
I like to think of I was given a best new talent Loki Barbie I would be in a different place right now as a kid. Wow. Yeah, you take it a bit on Home and Away
Vidya Rajan 15:11
wondering what the Bratz dolls are marketing at the moment cuz they've always been like this CD. Yeah the bad ones are they like you know anti Vax bread and yes sausage like bread is what's happening
Jazz Twemlow 15:26
well that's the other thing is like this this Bob is very pro kind of one side of the story like what seems to be excluding all the people who you know think that the virus isn't a real thing like where's q anon who's we're falling down in internet hole Barbie or you know any of those ones as well. And weird uncle Ken, Ken has become an uncle
Lewis Hobba 15:47
just in Australia flag.
Vidya Rajan 15:50
Flashing is fine with his one view. Fear.
Unknown Speaker 15:56
Now look, I'm a member of a religious community. And my pastor knows what's going on in our church community. Because that's the responsibility of a religious leader to actually to protect the integrity of your faith community,
Dan Ilic 16:10
a rational fear. This week's third fear greenhouse gases released by New Zealand's dairy industry have hit an all time high according to the latest data, fear mongers finding cows are going to bring us all down how do we fix this video?
Vidya Rajan 16:24
I do not know. I just always love when the cows come into the global warming debate because I kind of forget like I focus on the call and then and then it's like no other thoughts are a real problem. a delightful way for humanity to go like I feel like taken out by cow farts like some genetic modification they're trying to do to the gut so that the thoughts on as powerful which you know, I'm sure would be popular in many markets. But um, yeah, I have no idea. I'm just just fascinated that these cows will bring us down and for meat and dairy I guess I switched your nutritional use recently. So I feel like I'm you know, not to be worth but I'm doing really well. Sorry. kind of work over something attritional. Yeah, I don't want to work up on you. But yeah.
Lewis Hobba 17:15
I don't even know what that means. Because she's substitute. Mm hmm.
Unknown Speaker 17:20
Dan Ilic 17:21
Do you do do you make your own cobs? Is this What's going on? No, no, I'm
Vidya Rajan 17:25
just trying to cut down dairy. You know?
Jazz Twemlow 17:28
Was it the the president of federated farmers who was saying, you know, telling us to cut agricultural emissions is virtue signalling, and it's like, as if, as if we're trying to like save the planet so we can brag about it like who we virtue signalling to like Pluto? Like who's like with its virtue signalling, if you want to kind of save the planet, the reason you do is to stop the world ending and so like calling a neurosurgeon like virtue signalling for saving people's lives, like he must love himself. It's really not the intent is good, I think. Yeah,
Lewis Hobba 18:02
I'm a big fan of the brain are you
Dan Ilic 18:07
that jazz, like the big this, the best thing about that quote is like, if you can imagine that quote, in a New Zealand accent, then you don't have to take it seriously. That's what's great about it. So New Zealand to go off on some Vici singling crusade to shut down the agricultural sector to say, hey, we've reduced type of emissions. It hasn't solved anything. Hey, don't even take it seriously. It's great, shall we call us right off,
Jazz Twemlow 18:28
but you call us a bunch of latte sipping lefties. But by drinking lattes, we're actually helping the industry so to share.
Unknown Speaker 18:38
government made a list of the Top 20 marginals in order to allocate taxpayer money to projects in coalition seats and the community. Did you see that? I can't hear any other questions. You're shouting at the top of a rational fear what Australians are getting a more Carfax
Dan Ilic 18:54
we're gonna play. Hang on a second. Now, I'm gonna play a clip from the week if any of you have a comment, yell out, hang on a sec. I'll stop the tape. You chime in and we'll keep rolling. This hang on set comes from the Deputy Prime Minister at question time this week.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
I like I like going to the movies and I can't I can't read. I can't remember how it is how to do the IV either. But yeah, how is the IV a little bit the Labour Party got out by the advocator? Yeah, great. The great thing.
Jazz Twemlow 19:22
I mean, there's no joke. There's no joke here beyond like, What a weird movie like what a odd segue and reference just to pull out such a sheet part. Because that's such a long way to go. to like, bring up the water needed.
Vidya Rajan 19:40
If you say insult, it's a good thing to advocate.
Dan Ilic 19:45
This is what Albanese should be doing advocating and we don't say enough of Albanese advocate.
Vidya Rajan 19:51
He could do more.
Lewis Hobba 19:53
Yeah, it's funny that in, in within this allegedly drunken ramble. All he managed to do was say quietly thinks about how I actually didn't even bother trying to really possibly to try to get to I was just taking you know the fact that he was hammered on Well, you know, yeah allegedly probably habit.
Vidya Rajan 20:10
Yeah. compose a poem like you know a aviators from with advocator and advocate Alberni sees alliteration. Like, I just feel like maybe he helped his kids with poetry.
Dan Ilic 20:26
Barnaby Joyce, the bush poet is the deputy prime minister.
Unknown Speaker 20:30
The great ideas, man, the great ideas, man striped. All right,
Lewis Hobba 20:36
hang on a second. And he's mixing he's getting all mixed up now, isn't he? He's been to say a few. He's one of those dads who's gone to sleep on a Friday night watching one film, and he's woken up watching the castle. And he's like fire out. Howard Hughes is really slipped one minute he's a millionaire next minute. The fact that airport stealing his house.
Jazz Twemlow 20:56
I remember a movie was the Terminator, the Terminator. And the musical numbers at the end. were fantastic. Now I think I think you've seen a film or a TV
Dan Ilic 21:06
show called The West Wing in the press. The President did great governing like alderney's he does great.
Lewis Hobba 21:14
Up Prime Minister regime is sick, the leader of the opposition on a point of order, hang on a sec. You know, like I'm watching a parliamentarian or what Barnaby Joyce in particular but any politician just be hammered that publicly. He reminds me of those those old posters that people used to buy uni where it had a different spider's web on all the different drugs like all want to see Barnaby every day of the Parliament sitting. I want him to come in and be like, it's masculine today, fellas, and then we all just get to see what happens.
Dan Ilic 21:48
This is Yeah. Barnaby on Ba ba ba on. Tequila. matavai on vodka. Yeah,
Lewis Hobba 21:54
just barley on MDMA just being like, actually, although I fuckin love you, mate. I really I fucking love you. I love you and I'm sweating but that's just usual I fall in love.
Jazz Twemlow 22:03
I've seen The Aviator and I can tell you we can all fly right now.
VO 22:09
I'm supposed to bring out the on weirdness. The I'm weird.
Vidya Rajan 22:13
What? What is he saying? Um, weirdness, or own weirdness. Like what is he saying?
Dan Ilic 22:22
Is my tra weirdness is kind of like omnipotent is that the thing?
Vidya Rajan 22:30
is omnipotent? I'm weird. Oh, God, why
Dan Ilic 22:32
Omni weirdness? I don't know. why
Vidya Rajan 22:35
don't why are they all convinced they're gonna coin a catchphrase. Yeah.
Lewis Hobba 22:41
Yeah, going back through the history of Australian politics, like, how many of them have managed to coin a really useful catchphrase that stuck around
Dan Ilic 22:48
conga line of sockos was the only one I can read that was that one will always tell statistics data test
Vidya Rajan 22:54
data Keating thing or
Dan Ilic 22:56
did I was kidding. Yeah.
Vidya Rajan 22:58
No kidding. It's not gonna happen.
Jazz Twemlow 23:00
So why why do you try and counter Barbies fumble and reach for a weird movie by then also just coming up with something that makes possibly even less sense. Like it's it's a I've done what the like an extra layer of an own goal is but it's like I'm goal ception at this point. It's very confusing.
Lewis Hobba 23:21
It's just a game of soccer where right at the start they always turn around they never face each other.
Dan Ilic 23:28
Like it would have been just great if he came out and called out the obvious like Barnaby is clearly blowing 1.0 here like that's what you really need to nail it down.
Vidya Rajan 23:36
Was it confirmed that he was drunk?
Dan Ilic 23:38
I don't think it I don't think it is ever good
Lewis Hobba 23:42
It's so weird that there are no cops of breathalysers in Parliament for some reason.
Dan Ilic 23:48
Yeah, you don't walk far you get the great thing about the bar is that it's a walking distance and a driving
Lewis Hobba 23:53
well I in before my like last job that I had one of the last jobs I had before I started working in Telly was working as a barman at Victorian Parliament House.
Dan Ilic 24:04
No way really. I
Lewis Hobba 24:05
didn't know. Yeah, yeah, I was a Victorian Parliament House barman for about 18 months. And yeah, just watched and I had to sort of like sign an NDA. All this like you know, let's talk about what you say in there.
Dan Ilic 24:17
It's a sign an NDA, you're breaking an NDA right now I'm
Lewis Hobba 24:20
allowed to say I worked there I just can't tell you all the people I so fucking each other.
Dan Ilic 24:30
That's for the Patreon members. point of order. The deputy prime minister has the kulacz no should continue on there. Great.
Lewis Hobba 24:41
So, so he's hammered. Elbows tried to stop him on a point of order. And the point of order is on weirdness. So like, why would you just stop him? He's like, Oh, it's on. I'm the point of order. I'm going for his own weirdness. And I like that sort of point of order. Back to Barnaby. And the first thing Barnaby says when he gets the issue is like Weird mumble that now I get under that.
Jazz Twemlow 25:05
Because now he knows he can get away with it if on if on willingness isn't a legitimate cause, well, if I've got free licence to say whatever wacky shit I want, I'm just gonna let loose. It's great.
Unknown Speaker 25:15
You're never going to get anything constructed by him. But he did have one bright idea before the other the other day. $300 per jab $300 per jab. I think that was just your ID. I think that was just your It
Dan Ilic 25:30
was so strange. It's like It's like, easy trying to have a goat the idea it's actually probably a legitimately good idea to get to put in there. It's so weird. It's good
Lewis Hobba 25:40
because so many people think it's a good idea. I like hey, Sue, like, that's a great idea. Heaps of other countries are doing it. It's working all over the place. And he's like, you know, this guy who I just called the advocator, which is obviously a great thing. It's great guys had a great idea. And let me tell you, it was just his idea. Just he's a genius, a genius.
Unknown Speaker 25:59
Nice resume he sees and I think we might as well leave it there. Whilst he was asked about alternative policies they need to be alternatives to the issues laid out in the question.
Dan Ilic 26:11
I don't know what the question was. That is it for our show. Tonight. big thank you to all of our fear mongers Vidya Rajon jazz twemlow Louis harbour and myself Dan knowledge Do you guys have any plug vicentina plug anything I
Vidya Rajan 26:26
have nothing to plug follow me on Twitter for deranged lockdown takes
Dan Ilic 26:32
a very good time. Vidya is exemplary on Twitter for deranged lockdown to eggs. I've been living off them for the last little bit. Jazz twemlow Do you really think
Jazz Twemlow 26:41
I've got the Yeah, the show the moth effect. Episode Two is coming out. Tomorrow, Friday at 11 episode ones already? Yeah, check that out too. It's very deep and weird.
Dan Ilic 26:54
Louis, do you really have to do anything to play?
Lewis Hobba 26:56
No dad, nothing at all. If anyone has any tips on how to play piano very quickly, very well. Hit me up play slide into my DMS on Instagram. But otherwise no, I'm pretty clear.
Dan Ilic 27:07
I'm looking forward to that next week to see getting a taste of where you're at. big thank you to rode mics our Patreon supporters Lance Whitford naurelle fi hen Cassandra Bennett Joe Pittman, Ashfield Sam McLean lane steed, Robin with a Y Margot Laura and Ben cook. We had so many people sign up this week. Thank you so much. It makes a huge difference. JACK makes thanks to jack brown on the tepanyaki timeline. The folks in the discord including Maddie Parma adds Killian and P McNeil. Until next week, there's always something to be scared of good night.
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