Help / Issues FAQs

Frequently asked questions about issues that may arise in Metacast.

Why are some episodes not playing?

Sometimes, podcast hosting services have outages and podcasts hosted on those services cannot be played by podcast apps. When this happens, typically the service is restored within a couple of hours.

In rare circumstances, episodes may not be playing due to errors in the data provided by podcasters or software bugs. If you believe we should look into the issue you're experiencing, please send us the details of the issue at

Why some podcasts are stuck in "importing"?

In some rare cases, podcasts may get stuck in the "importing" state due to various errors. If you're experiencing this issue, please reach out to us at

How can I request new features?

Please create a post on our subreddit r/metacastapp or send us an email at if you want to keep your request private.

How can I leave the beta program on Android?

To leave the beta on Android, open Metacast in the Google Play Store app on an Android device. Under "You're a beta tester," tap Leave.

Note that this option is only available in the Android Play Store app. If you open up the Play Store in your web browser, you may not see this option.

After you have left the beta program, uninstall Metacast from your device and install it again from the Play Store.

Note: If you created an account, your playlists and followed podcasts will be preserved, but your listening history and downloads will be lost. If you used Metacast in the anonymous mode, all of your data will be lost. To avoid losing your data, we recommend creating an account.