Section 31 and The Nu Trek Debate with Keith DeCandido Pt 1
Keith has written many Star Trek novels comics and short stories. we discuss the new Scetion 31 movie and debate the merits of the new Star Trek Shows
Keith has written many Star Trek novels comics and short stories. we discuss the new Scetion 31 movie and debate the merits of the new Star Trek Shows
Oren Phillips was kind to invite me on the Bandits show. Really great chat as I share my comic collectong and podcasting origin story. check out their youtube page of interviews
Discussing Venom Carnage and more
From 2007 Dave goes an overview of his career at DC and Marvel
From 2020 So glad to welcome back John Romita talking about his approach to art and all the great collaborations he's had at DC and Marvel
Challengers Comics Co-owner Patrick Brower discusses the new status quo for comic shop owners in the aftermath of Diamond Distributors Bankruptcy.
What would you do when you discover your dead father amassed a 350,000 collection of comic books , including a 7.0 rated Superman #1 from 1939?
From 2018 My chat with Mr Williams we talk Star Wars, Schlitz Malt Liquor and so man other great films from his career.
Great behind the scenes insight into The 2003 BGS reboot, with Edward James Olmos (Adama) Ece Producer Mark Verheiden, and actor Aaron Douglas, (The Chief)
Kyle is here to update us on the present and future of Radiant Black and the rest of the Masssive Universe books.
It's DC's 90th anniversary this month with the Jan 1935 debut of New Fun Comics. Major Malcom Wheeler Nicho;son created the first stories, and his granddaughter Nicky Wheeler Nicholson gives us the story of DC's beginings
From June 2020, Joe Talked about the creation of Marvel Knights, and various moments of his Marvel EIC years.
20 years ago, I had my first conversation with the legendaru artist. DC in the 70s, Superman Vs Ali, Batman Deadman and so much more
Artist Reilly Brown (Deadpool Cable) Talks about his new kids superheo Thunder Guardian cocreated with his son, and how local comic shops should cater to the Capt Underpants Dogman Cat Kid reading audience.
Dan has a new book covering his 40 plus years of reporting on The Chyicago Bears called I Bear Witness. It gives us a chance to alk about our mutual years covering the team for WSCR, the score and tell asp glories and current frustrations with the team.
Best of 2024 Los of Trek talk plus Buffy Beauty and The Beast and Brooklyn Bridge
Best of 2024 pt 2
Best Of 2024 My first conversation with the great artist
Best of 2024
Best Of 2024 Matt Fraction talks about co-creating the Godzilla Monarch TV series for Apple TV
John Swinimer had me on his show, to talk about comics and the Canadian gusts I've had on Word Balloon this year.
Best Of 2024. Glenn recounts tales of marvel as an Editoron the epic Superman vs The Hulk Crossover and writing Hulk and Silver Surfer stories.
The guys are all here, plus Mitch and Wayne from Trek Watch to talk TV Films and the stars we lost in 2024
Best of 2024 Star Trek DS9's Major Kira , Nana Visitor Joins me for an in depth chat about her amazing career. From Broadway, To Star Trek, and Beyond.
(Best Of 2024) Fantagraphics has begun to release 2 types of Hardcover collections of Marvel's years as Atlas Comics from the 1950s . Comics historian Dr Michael Vassallo joins us to talk about The First Volume featuring the art of Joe Maneely, one of the essential artists working for Martin Goodman and Stan Lee. . In this pre Marvel superhero era, Maneely co created characters like The Black Knight Jimmy Woo and The Claw. He also did a daily newspaper comic strip with Stan , many westerns and K...