Featuring Ethan Pech ( Spock ) and Celia Rose Gooding (Uhura)
Producer Tom Negovan discusses his restoration of the infamous 1980 film, starring Malcom McDowell Pand ter O'Toole and Helen Mirren. We also talk about comic artists Dave McKean and Bill Siencewicz's involvement in the project, plus Tom's forays as a comic book publisher through his company Century Guild
Armin tells us about his career in star trek writing novels, and acting
From the Justice League Cartoon: Wonder Woman (Susan Eisenberg) and Superman (George Newburn) act out the scenes from the Kingdom Come Graphiv novel,. Narrated by the Author Mark Waid.
Updates about his After Relm Kickstarter, the UFO book Blue Book, The Sci-Fi Adventure Galaxy Of Madness , and his new Dark Horse Series William Of Newbury
On this Big Bout Podcast replay I present my convorsation with Hollywood and Sport Legend Budd Schulberg . Budd was of the Mad Men Age of magazines film and early tv . Had shared 80 years of memories. We discuss films like The Harder They Fall with Humphrey Bogart and A Face In The Crowd fighters like Jack Dempsey (who became a close friend) Max Baer and more .
Season 2 of Star Trek Prodigy premires July 1 on Netflix. Enjoy this conversation with the Bensons who wrote on season 1.
a repost of my talk with ed brubaker who is the story editor of the new amazon show starting in auguust. ed assemnled the writers of this new series