Before Bezerker, Lumberjanes and Something is Killing The Children. This 2006 conversation with Boom Studios Founder Ross Richie lays out Boom's first wave of comics that always leaned towards untapped genres with big comic book names like Keith Giffen and JM DeMatties . Relive the memories on this very early Word Balloon Episode.
The guys discuss the winding down of the series and the future TV Streaming plans for an adaptation !
A great writers roundtable discussing the issues of making creator owned and corporate comics in today's market. Zeb Wells (Spider-Man Robot Chicken) Brian Azzarello (Batman 100 Bullets) Steihanie Phillips (Harley Quinn Rouge-Gambit) Kyle Higgins ( Radiant Black, Nightwing) and David Pepose (Savage Avenfers, Hulk)
First, my thought on the downsizing of Ike Perlmutter at Marvel / Disney. Then a reprint of a 2009 Marvel Talk with Tom Brevoort talking about the Marvel books of that era, and the philosphies of event books tie ins and multiple titles of a group or hero. This is at the start of The Heroic Age which followed the Dark Reign period. You'll hear about the characterization of the Marvel Retreat Summits which would dictate the directions of the Marvel Universe This was all pre-disney era marvel., rig...
What happens when an Adam West like hero is faced with the grim and gritty world of modern urban comics? Or... What happens when a grim and gritty street hero is unleashed into the silly cities of the silver age? Tom Peyer discusses the origins of Dragonfly Man and Dragonfly in the Ahoy series The Wrong Earth
Shelly and Diana discuss teaching comics studies at Portland State University, and Editing some of the most important comics of the last 30 years, with craetors like Frank Miller and Grant Morrison and working with other legends like Karen Berger.. We also talk about the Visible Women Initiative, promoting aspiring women comic creators and how they can get their works seen and get comic jobs
John Is Busy setting up the DC adaptation of the Suicide Squad Vs Arkham Asylum Vido Game prequel, plus we talk about Star Trek Picard.
A great 2015 live chat with Mark, where I'm trying to convince Mark that Streaming TV is the place for his ideas. This is 3 yerars before the Netflix deal. Was he really anti-TV or just being coy? You decide.
Part 2 Big things happened to Rob in 2011 and he had a lot to say about how the comics market had changed
Part 1 Big things happened to Rob in 2011 and he had a lot to say about how the comics market had changed
The Man behind Moondog Comics tell stories from the biz side of the 80s and 90s.
Part 2 of our talk as Bendis tells stories about trying to write The Spider-Man Broadway Musical
Remember The Spider-Man Musical,? Remember That Bendis Was first approached to write the story for it? Finally the whole story is being told.
In the wake of this years Oscars, Mr Skin is back to discuss his own 24th Anatomy Awards. They're free to view at Mr
Terry Beatty talks Ms Tree with Max Collins Batman Adventures and The Batman strikes, plus his current run on The Rex Morgan MD comic strip. This was recorded at the start of covid. Despite the anxiety of the moment we had a blast talking.
From 2005, Mark talks about his TV film and comic book work
When Lucifer was brand new . Joe Desct=ribes the experience getting it on the air.
Fun chat with the Serious Star Trek Youtubers/FaceBook Video hosts Larry Young and John E Price.