Mayor Kownik from Cary on with Joe and Tina!
Mayor Mark Kownik of Cary talks about what’s happening in town and the new blue letters that are 5 feet tall. If you haven’t seen them yet you can go to
Mayor Mark Kownik of Cary talks about what’s happening in town and the new blue letters that are 5 feet tall. If you haven’t seen them yet you can go to
Some really funny calls from Star listeners after Joe and Tina talked about Show N' Tell! It really was too much, but after hearing the items couldn't stop laughing! Catch them live from 5A-10A in the burbs of Chicago on the air and streaming at!
We heard this story of a kid bringing margarita mix to school in kindergarten and opened the phones about what you've brought or seen brought in by kids. Christine talks about a spider with a HUGE egg sac. And, well, you can guess what happened and it wasn't good! Follow us on social media for some great comments about show n' tell and more! Click here for Facebook. Joe and Tina are on Star 105.5 Monday through Friday from 5A-10A Central and streaming at!...
Tina's hubby installed one in their kitchen and Tina is already in love with this thing. If you haven't seen it, it's probably one of the FB posts that has been tagged the most because others want one! Some said they have it for hard liquor too! Check it out when you click here . Joe and Tina are live in the NW Burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and stream at star105com!...
Beth called Joe and Tina and talked about how her hubby was clueless about doing laundry and that she ended up going back to work full time! Joe said that he has family that has done this. Retired and figured it's too much time at home. Joe and Tina are live in the burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and streaming at Monday through Friday 5A-10A Central!
You can hear the emotion in her voice as she talks about how her boyfriend at the time broke it off with her two days before the prom and what she did to recoup. Wait until you hear what she says to boys! Joe and Tina are live in the burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and streaming at Monday through Friday 5A-10A Central!
Randomly came up that the electric company sent an email out that said that both Joe and Tina were gonna have higher bills. But it was a week after they sent an email saying they aren't consuming as much as their neighbors. Next thing you know they are knocking on your door telling you to turn the lights off! From the Chicago area - you'll enjoy it most! Joe and Tina live on Star 105.5 in the burbs of Chicago mornings 5A-10A Central and stream at!
Brenda called to guess that families spend an average of almost $3500 on eating out every year! She told Joe and Tina she has 7 in the family and you won't believe what she spends on groceries a month! Joe and Tina are live in the burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 from 5A-10A Central Monday through Friday and online at!
For fun, Joe and Tina have decided to make a map of every town and city, state, country, etc., where Star listeners have us on air and streaming at! They started it out and as Joe said "It's a marathon, not a sprint." They will put pins into a map (old school!) to track everything and you can keep up at and on our Facebook page too.
Joe and Tina discuss how some of us do not clean either our coffee cup or pot out when you make some hot brew. Maybe gross, but also, it might be stronger? Joe and Tina air live from 5A-10A in the burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and stream at!
There's a building in NYC that people keep getting stuck in. Scary for many of us! Joe and Tina discuss and what they say to do if one starts to fall. It's a nightmare scenario and listeners started to post their stories on the Star 105.5 Facebook. You can read some of the crazy stories by clicking here ! Joe and Tina air live from 5A-10A in the burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and stream at!
Just one of the things that indicates you are turning into your parents. Joe explains, and then some posts come in on the Star 105.5 Facebook and they are exactly what you would expect! Check them out on our social here:
Great job by Briargate School in Cary! They raised $1700 for the Cary Food Pantry! The Student leadership Club led by Mrs. Haun and Mrs. Kick came up with a March Madness competition and the classes went up against one another for this great cause. The really fun part is the top class, Mrs. Clapper's 3rd room, and second place class, Mrs. Wagner's, got to play the staff in a basketball game! Job well done! Have something like this at your school you want to share - message us! Find more about Jo...
Joey V! He is just 8 and was invited to Copper Mountain in Colorado for snowboarding nationals! Joe and Tina were proud to feature him on air as he is looking for donations to help him and his family be there together for the competition! What an exciting time for this youngster. Can't wait to hear how it goes! You can donate here:
20% of people say they eat while using the bathroom. Who? Why? Cesar guessed the answer to the Impossible Question with Joe and Tina and like them, could not BELIEVE that this was a thing. Conversation gets fun as the call goes on. Listen to Joe and Tina live in the burbs of Chicago Monday - Friday on Star 105.5 or stream them at!
Joe talks about his trip to Alaska to follow through on a bucket list item - seeing the northern lights just outside of Fairbanks with his two aunts. Goosebumps seeing it unfold and it was different than what he expected too! If you're ever going to try and see them you might get some useful info. Joe and Tina air on Star 105.5 in the burbs of Chicago from 5A-10A Monday through Friday and stream at!
Super sweet as Tina, her hubby, and other family headed to N. Carolina for the wedding of her cousin, Krystal, and her new hubby Mike! They stayed at the Black Stallion and had a room named after a horse. Discussing it with Joe and giving some of the details. See pics and more at in the morning show section and catch Joe and Tina live from 5A-10A Central in the burbs of Chicago!
Do divorce papers count? Tina has high school notes! Joe asks her about those and other stuff that you may save. Joe tells a story of using something for a new girlfriend that was he ex's! Joe and Tina live in the NW Burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and streaming at from 5A-10A Central!
Tina is just shy of 5 feet tall and next to a 6' ladder looks tiny! It came up and calls and comments started coming in with short people problems including never getting socks out of the washer and more! Joe and Tina are on mornings in the NW Burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 and can be streamed from 5A-10A Central through! Facebook page is
Dolly Parton took a phone out of her bra for a Super Bowl commercial, and Joe and Tina were wondering what else you might stash in there! Our first call was hilarious and you will get a kick out of it! Catch Joe and Tina mornings in the northwest burbs of Chicago from 5A-10A Central on air and stream at!
Some places are giving you two small cups in place of one large cup? Is this the next shortage that we are going to have to deal with? Joe and Tina can be streamed from 5A-10A Central in the Chicago burbs at, or, listen live on Star 105.5!
Joe and Tina chatting about how some singles plan on going out on a first date on Valentine's Day! Obviously, some pressure to get it right and Joe mentions what could go WRONG if you decide to do it. Like, you BETTER make it good! Joe and Tina can be streamed from 5A-10A Central in the Chicago burbs at, or, listen live on Star 105.5!
It's the 90's in Chicago and Nettie's hubby wanted the doctor to wait until halftime of a Bulls game on their championship run to do a C-Section! Joe uses the iconic music played for the starting lineup to make the baby announcement. Too fun! Listen to Joe and Tina on Star 105.5 in the Burbs of Chicago from 5A-10A Central or stream at!
Joe was talking about an old rickety ladder he had and Tina had a great idea of what to do with it. Joe then explains that it's not rustic, it's rusty! Fun convo in the NW Burbs of Chicago! You can listen to Joe and Tina live on Star 105.5 and stream anytime from 5A-10A at!
Wow! The amount of calls for names (Zuzanne is Suzanne?) that get screwed up all the time are pretty entertaining. You may hear yours if it's one that gets messed up all the time. Listen and check out the FB post with 200+ comments too. Go to . Joe and Tina are on air from 5A-10A weekday mornings in the burbs of Chicago! Listen live and stream at!
Joe and Tina read statement of D300 to cancel school for Monday, February 7th and talk about their kid's schools and masks. Look for the post with parent's comments at
Both Joe and Tina noticing their teenagers sprouting up. Joe went to see a movie with his boys and took a pic, sat and looked at it like "what is happening?!". Conversation about the kids being so tiny and NOT talking back, to being your size and always talking back or fighting with siblings. Tina talks about how she was the big sister and wanted her sister to be a boy so they had to bribe her with ice cream to go see her! You can hear Joe and Tina when you stream them live from 5A-10A at star10...
In all seriousness it could be a great class to take given Taylor Swift's role in pop culture and more. The Me Too movement, her song writing. Joe and Tina have some fun talking about whether or not the class is for you and what it may cost too. You can hear Joe and Tina when you stream them live from 5A-10A at or live on Star 105.5 in the NW Burbs of Chicago!
Joe and Tina brought up legendary shows with artists you may not see again and there were no shortage of calls about seeing bands like U2, Guns N' Roses, and more in their hey day! Even Pink Floyd. Check it out and catch Joe and Tina live in the NW Burbs of Chicago on Star 105.5 or stream anytime from 5A-10A Central at!
Joe and Tina were live on the Woodstock Square where the movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed 30 years ago. Janine talks about being on the set of the movie with Bill Murray and more of the stars. They go to take pics with them the last day on the set. Plus, what her husband yelled when he saw her on the big screen. So cute! Joe and Tina are live on Star 105.5 in the NW Burbs of Chicago and online 5A-10A Central at!