149: Summarize “How I work” from successful individuals
Fortune and Lifehacker publish a series called "How I work" With the world's top class highly successful individuals. Here is a simple solution to summarize and bundle it in a simple format.
Fortune and Lifehacker publish a series called "How I work" With the world's top class highly successful individuals. Here is a simple solution to summarize and bundle it in a simple format.
As slack is getting hugely popular and being used by many startups and enterprises, these startups and Enterprises would want to integrate with the best slackbots and would like to find out what the best slackbots are. There is a big market for this info
A lot of people love to see the world, but can't afford it or do not have the time. Here is a simple solution to fulfill that dream without them spending a dime.
Let us say college students are studying Shakespeare and in one of the books, there is a sentence “hang him in a bottle like a cat and shoot at him.” They wonder what the real meaning of this is. Here is a solution for this.
Gerald Roush started a newsletter called "Ferrari Market Letter" and made about $500k per year. Why can't you create a similar newsletter for Lamborghini.
Millennials are just entering the workforce and millions more will be entering soon. They do not like to follow the traditional investment route. There is a huge demand for investment advise for millennials. Here is a solution to capture this market.
There are a lot of high-tech geeks who love the latest technology and they would like to outfit their house with the latest smart digital devices. They would love to know the latest IOT gadgets. Here is a solution.
There are a lot of "sharing economy" taxi companies like Uber, Lyft , sidecar etc. When someone needs a least expensive taxi ride, he has to open each app and check the pricing and decide which service to pick. Here is a simple solution.
A lot of high-schoolers and college students are not fully aware of all the different career options ,which are available for them. Here is a simple solution to help them choose a good career and study for it.
A lot of people have multiple credit cards and sometimes when they get fines or late fees they would not know, since they would have forgotten to check. Here is a solution to do this without much effort from the consumer.
Millions of people especially teens love celebrity news.These people would prefer to see only latest news and do not care to see old news cause it is boring. Here is a solution for this.
A lot of business owners who have an internet business are looking for marketing advise to get traffic and make money. When they google for a problem they get too many confusing answers. Here is a solution for this.
A lot of people would like to read business books but they do not have time. Check out a solution.
A lot of people subscribe to many RSS feeds in their RSS readers like Feedly, Digg etc. Overtime, it gets overwhelming for them to read all of them. Here is a simple solution for this.
Music lovers like to listen to Top music charts. check out a solution to stream the top songs from YouTube.
A lot of people when they are sick would like to know what their illness is. Here is a simple solution to this.
A lot of people would like to listen to comedy podcasts, but they do not have the time to figure out,who the best comedians are and not want to store podcasts on their phone. Here is a solution.
A lot of people would like to start a business around their passions, but they have a tough time figuring out their passions and figuring out if they can make money from their passions. Check out a solution to this.
Lot of people want to read business books, but they are always pressed for time, plus it feels boring to read them. How about creating them like a engaging movie. Check out the solution.
Lot of entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs would like to listen to speeches and talks from successful entrepreneurs during their commute. Check out a solution to do this, without you creating any new content or doing any interviews.
A lot of people are in bad moods most of the time. Here is an easy solution to bring them out.
A lot of bloggers are interested in copywriting to increase their sales, but they do not have time to read all the good articles.Check out a solution.
According to Ronesh Sinha, an internal-medicine physician and PAMF’s director of employer health services, there are a lot of software engineers, who have many severe health issues caused due to their work habits. Check out a solution.
A lot of husbands get into trouble when they forget their wife' birthday or their wedding anniversary and do not plan gifts and flowers. Check our a nifty solution with an iPhone app.
A lot of people in a lot of cities travel long hours to work everyday and miss their stops. Here is a solution.
After Human Obesity, the next problem is pet obesity.A lot of these pet owners want their dogs and cats and make to be healthier again. check out a solution for this.
There are a lot of blogs who interview entrepreneurs, like Mixergy, Entrepreneurs on fire, Rise to the top etc. Most of these podcasts are 30 minutes to 1hr long A lot of people would like to listen but do not find the time. Here is a simple solution.
A lot of tourists travel to multiple countries on one trip. When they have to pack the clothes,they have to check the weather for each day in each country and pack the appropriate clothes.This is a little frustrating. Here is a simple solution.
There are a lot of health conscious people who would love to know if any of the ingredients in the groceries they buy can be harmful or known to cause any illness. Here is an app to solve this problem.
Lots of us would like to read new jokes many times a day, but we can't seem to find good jokes to read throughout the day. Here is a solution.