"Know" is one of the most common verbs in English, and I know that you know what it means! But what you might not know is that we use this word in many idiomatic expressions, such as: for all I know know the drill not know what hit you you don't know the half of it You can learn these expressions with "know" in today's lesson! Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/10-more-english-expressions-with-the-word-know 300+ English Idioms Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/english-idioms-cour...
Mar 26, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The English language has a lot of colorful words, which are great for improving your vocabulary. You'll learn 10 interesting verbs in today's lesson. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/10-interesting-verbs-to-improve-your-english-vocabulary Vocabulary Builder Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabulary-builder-course/...
Mar 19, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you confused about how to use HAVE HAD and HAD HAD in English? Today’s lesson will help you! First, we need to understand the present perfect tense and past perfect tense. Both of these tenses are formed by using an auxiliary verb + main verb. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/have-had-and-had-had Advanced English Grammar Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/advanced-english-grammar-course/...
Mar 12, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s lesson I’m going to give you four important tips for speaking English faster. A lot of English learners notice that native English speakers tend to speak fast, so they think that speaking faster will help their English sound more fluent. But you have to be careful – it can be dangerous to try to speak very fast in English if you don’t follow these tips. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/how-to-speak-english-faster/ Pronunciation + Shadowing Courses: https://www.espressoengl...
Mar 05, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s lesson, I want to teach you some phrases that you can use in a specific situation – that is when you want to say something but you’re not completely certain that it’s correct. There are a few different phrases that we can actually use to show that we are saying something that we believe to be true, but we recognize that we might be wrong and we are open to correction. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-what-to-say-if-youre-not-completely-certain Everyda...
Feb 26, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I want to talk to you about a phrase that’s I’ve seen some students use – and that phrase is “According to me” – to express their opinion. Can we use this in English? Hmm. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-can-we-say-according-to-me Everyday English Speaking Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/everyday-english-speaking-course...
Feb 22, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast I want to teach you about a mistake that I often hear students making when speaking. It has to do with the difference between “ I like …” and “I’d like …” It’s a very small difference, but it actually changes the meaning of the sentence and the way we use these phrases. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-i-like-vs-id-like Everyday English Speaking Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/everyday-english-speaking-course...
Feb 19, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s lesson, I want to teach you some phrases that native English speakers use when talking about making mistakes. Because you don’t just want to say, “I made a mistake. I made a mistake. I made a mistake” over and over, it gets boring and repetitive, so here are some different phrases you can use. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-for-acknowledging-mistakes Everyday English Speaking Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/everyday-english-speaking-course...
Feb 15, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast I want to teach you about a phrase that one of my students asked me about. That phrase is, “It can’t hurt.” This is an interesting expression. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-it-cant-hurt Everyday English Speaking Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/everyday-english-speaking-course...
Feb 12, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I want to answer a student question about the phrases I’m afraid and I’m scared . Is there any difference between them? How do we use these in spoken English? Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-im-afraid-im-scared Everyday English Speaking Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/everyday-english-speaking-course...
Feb 08, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast This month, I want to focus our lessons on phrases, some kind of informal phrases that you might hear in every day spoken English. You might not be sure how to use them or what they mean. Today’s lesson is going to focus on a few different phrases all using the word ‘kidding,’ like ‘I’m just kidding,’ or, ‘no kidding,’ or, ‘are you kidding me?’ You’re going to learn how to use each of these in conversational English today. Lesson text: http://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-english-phrases-with-ki...
Feb 05, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we’re going to practice pronunciation of words ending in -ow. Make sure to check out my Pronunciation and Shadowing Courses for a lot more pronunciation training, including an evaluation of your English pronunciation. I noticed a mistake that some of my students are making with this word: ALLOW. They are saying it like “alloe,” but it’s actually pronounced “allow.” It’s funny, the words low (the opposite of high) and below (which means “under”) have the same “o” sound in “ no ” – low, belo...
Jan 31, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I want to teach you about the confusing words criticize, criticism, critique, critic, and critical. These are all similar and they come from the same roots, but they have different functions and some slightly different meanings. Lesson text: http://www.espressoenglish.net/difference-between-criticize-criticism-critique-critic-and-critical 600+ Confusing English Words E-Book: https://www.espressoenglish.net/600-confusing-english-words-explained/...
Jan 24, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast A "joke" is a funny comment or short story that is supposed to make people laugh. Do you know any good jokes? Today's lesson will teach you some useful English vocabulary for talking about jokes and humor! You'll learn: how to describe a funny joke vs. a bad joke what it means to be a "laughingstock" when to say "just kidding" Now you know some new vocabulary words! Improving your vocabulary is a great way to become more fluent in English. When you have a vocabulary, you can express yourself the...
Oct 04, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast English pronunciation and spelling are very tricky - the same letter can be pronounced in different ways, and the same sound can be spelled with different letters. Today you're going to learn about a common pronunciation mistake that students make with the letter "U," and practice words with the long and short U sounds. I first noticed this mistake when I was doing evaluations for students in my Pronunciation and Shadowing Courses. Everyone who takes one of those courses gets feedback from me on...
Sep 20, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today is my birthday! I'm now 33 years old :-) That's why today's new English lesson will teach you 30 expressions with "party." This word actually has a few different meanings in English - take the lesson to find out what they are! Do you want to get me a birthday present? The best thing you can do for me is to SHARE my lessons on Facebook , Twitter , and YouTube! Knowing that thousands of students like you all over the world are learning English from me is the best birthday gift I could receiv...
Sep 13, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast In American culture, people go to bars to socialize, flirt, and even to get to know business colleagues. In today's lesson, you'll learn 21 expressions about bars and drinking alcohol. Many of them are slang or informal expressions. This is a guest post by my teacher friend Ryan from EnglishForMyDream.com ....
Sep 06, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb + preposition that has a specific meaning. Sometimes the meaning of the phrasal verb is quite different from the meaning of the regular verb by itself! I often see students make mistakes by mixing up regular verbs and phrasal verbs . Here are some common verbs and phrasal verbs in English, and the situations in which each one should be used. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/regular-verbs-vs-phrasal-verbs/ One of the best ways to learn phrasal...
Aug 30, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are a lot of words in English that seem to be the same – and in fact they are very similar – but we use them in different ways. In today's lesson, you'll learn the differences between 5 pairs of confusing words: deem / regard elder / older loyal / faithful crush / squeeze joke / prank Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/students-asked-me-about-these-confusing-english-words/ You might be wondering about the differences between other confusing words such as specially and especially,...
Aug 23, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast The English language has some interesting expressions with the word "business" - and not all of them have to do with companies or work. Let's learn 10 of these phrases and how to use them. Lesson text: https://www.espressoenglish.net/10-english-expressions-with-business/ If you're learning English for work, my Business English Course will teach you the phrases and vocabulary you need....
Aug 16, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast A student recently asked me how to pronounce English words starting with CON- such as content , contest , and conduct . My answer was - "It depends!" These three words are interesting because they each have two forms, with different pronunciation. Take today's lesson to learn how to pronounce these and 38 other English words with CON-....
Aug 09, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you think you have a good understanding of English vocabulary? Today I'm sending you a challenging quiz to test your knowledge! Click here to take the vocabulary quiz. Choose the best word to complete each sentence, then click on "Get Results" at the end to see your score and the correct answers. If you can improve your vocabulary, you'll have a lot more ways to express yourself in English. You'll be able to say exactly what you want, instead of trying desperately to think of the right word. ...
Aug 02, 2017•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you're embarrassed, it can be almost impossible to think of the right thing to say... especially in English! In today's lesson, you'll learn useful phrases for responding to embarrassing situations . Learn these, and you'll never have to worry about saying the wrong thing during an awkward moment. You might also enjoy my Everyday English Speaking Courses , which teach you phrases and expressions for lots of situations in daily life. These conversation-based lessons are a simple, fun, and effe...
Jul 26, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Students often say "I have a doubt" and then ask me something about the English language. However, native English speakers don’t usually say it this way. If you want to know the answer about something, you should say "I have a question." So when can we use the word "doubt"? Click here to find out in today's lesson! English has a lot of words that seem to be the same... but native speakers actually use them in different situations. This is where a lot of English learners make mistakes. I've colle...
Jul 19, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I see this problem in a lot of more experienced English learners: Their written English might be 90% fine, but there are still some small errors. These mistakes don't affect communication... but of course we still want to correct them! In today's lesson, I'll teach you 8 common English grammar mistakes with examples from real students of mine. Are you an upper-intermediate or advanced student, and do you want to make sure your written English is completely correct? If so, then you would definite...
Jul 12, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast We're in the middle of the month of June, and next month is July... so today let's learn 10 vocabulary words that begin with the letter "J." Don't just read the lesson... also, make sure to listen to the words and repeat them out loud to practice your pronunciation. One of the most effective things you can do to improve your English is to improve your pronunciation. If you have BAD pronunciation, then nobody will understand you (even if your grammar is perfect and you have a great vocabulary). B...
Jun 21, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today’s lesson is inspired by a student question – he asked what the expression “we're spinning our wheels” means. Take the lesson to find out! You'll learn 10 interesting expressions for progress , including: run into a brick wall shift into high gear at breakneck pace ...and more. You can learn a lot more of these casual and colorful expressions in spoken English in my courses. I especially recommend: Everyday English Speaking Course Level 2 (helps you learn expressions from conversations) or ...
Jun 14, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast When writing a business letter or when e-mailing a business contact who we don’t know well, we use slightly more formal words and expressions. Today you’ll learn how to transform casual, conversational English into more appropriate business English phrases. If you’re learning English for your career, make sure to check out my Business English Course , with 40 practical lessons for work. In this course, you can improve your ability to handle interviews, phone calls, meetings, and negotiations in ...
Jun 07, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Let's learn some collocations - words that often go together! In today's lesson, you'll learn 30 different collocations with the word "country." At the end of the lesson, I also clarify the difference between "country" and "countryside." If you want to learn more collocations, you'll love my e-book 1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day. It has short lessons and quizzes to help you learn new expressions every day. Here are some comments from English learners who have enjoyed the 1000 coll...
May 31, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast What does it mean when someone asks, "Do you drive at all?" In today's lesson, you'll learn how to use the expression "at all" in negative statements and questions. Lesson text: http://www.espressoenglish.net/how-to-use-at-all-in-english
May 17, 2017•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast