Tune in to hear all about Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) with our special guest Lesley Stubbings. This is a must for anyone who sees sheep as part of their work.
This episode follows on from the Introduction to Surveillance Resources'. In this episode I focus more on companion animals and will give you an overview of some of the information you can access about disease in dogs, cats and horses.
Tune in to listen to my conversation with Dr John Graham-Brown from the University of Liverpool. In this episode we discuss small animal exotic disease risks, so if you work in small animla or mixed practice then this episode is one for you!
Tune in for a quick introduction to some of the resources produced by the APHA to give you more information about surveillance. If you want to access the GB disease surveillance dashdoards you can find them at: http://apha.defra.gov.uk/vet-gateway/surveillance/scanning/disease-dashboards.htm If you want to have a look at the reports and publications I talk about in this episode you can find them at: http://apha.defra.gov.uk/vet-gateway/surveillance/reports.htm
I mentioned at the very start of The AHS podcast that I am a PhD student...if you were wondering what sort of research I am working on then tune in to satisfy your curiosity!
Tune in to hear a Q&A session with two farm animal vets, as we discuss all things surveillance and how it impacts on their day to day lives.
Welcome to Season 2 of The Animal Health Surveillance Podcast! Tune in to this episode for a little overview of some of the disease events that have occured over the last few months and an update of what you can expect from this series.
Tune in to find out more about how Animal Health Surveillance is organised and carried out in Northern Ireland. In this episode I am joined by Barry McInerney from AFBI to talk more about surveillance, and the pros and cons of it being handled by a devolved administration.
In this episode I have a conversation with three vets in first opinion small animal practice. Tune in to hear us chat about all things surveillance!
Tune in to take a tour through some of the major animal disease surveillance systems that are in place internationally to monitor global disease threats. If you like this episode then keep an eye out; I will be releasing another instalment which will concentrate more on how the UK uses these systems and how/if this will change following Brexit.
Tune in to find out about the Surveillance for Equine Strangles Project and the important role it plays in the control of strangles in the UK horse population. The project is a really useful resource for vets in equine practice, so if you see horses as part of your work then don't miss this episode!
Have you heard of the VetCompass project? If you work with companion animals you may well have heard the name. In this episode I talk to Dr Dan O'Neill from the Royal Veterinary College. Dan set up VetCompass and it was fascinating to hear about the work of the project and his plans for the future. If you are interested in surveillance for companion animals then this episode is one for you!
Tune in to hear my conversation with Ben Strugnell from Farm Post Mortems. It was great to talk to Ben about how he set up his post mortem service, the benefits of the project and the challenges he has faced along the way. If you work in farm practice or have an interest in farm animal pathology or disease surveillance then don't miss this one!
Are you an equine vet? If you see horses as part of your job then this episode is definitely worth a listen! In the episode I talk to Fleur Whitlock from the equine epidemiology group, formerly of the Animal Health Trust. It was great to talk to Fleur about the work of the group, where they are now and their plans for the future, as well as getting some great information about current topics within equine disease surveillance.
Do you have an interest in wildlife health or are you a vet who sees wildlife as part of your work? If so then tune in to hear my conversation with Dr Becki Lawson from the Garden Wildlife Health Project to find out more about surveillance for disease in garden wildlife!
In this episode we move into the world of small animal surveillance. This promises to be a really interesting listen for anyone doing companion animal work. We have Professor Alan Radford joining us today, Alan is one of the founders of the SAVSNET project and he is going to talk to us about the evolution of the project and the ways it can benefit both vets in practice and the wider surveillance system as a whole.
Calling all cattle vets! If you do any cattle work then don't miss this episode. We have Professor Diana Williams from the COWS project joining us in this episode. Diana is a Veterinary Parasitologist from the University of Liverpool. We will be talking about the work of the COWS project and its contribution to parasite surveillance. Diana will also be giving us some wonderful advice for parasite control at this time of year so this is a must for anyone in farm or mixed practice.
This is the second of our two part episode that started with 'What can you do for Surveillance?'. Are you interested in finding out what Animal Health Surveillance can do for you? In this episode we are going to discuss exactly that. We have Fin Twomey from the APHA joining us again for this episode, and we are going to be talking about the benefits of surveillance to vets in practice and how it can help you in your day-to-day working life.
In this episode I will be talking to James Russell, President of the BVA. Tune in to hear our conversation about the importance of surveillance and the stance the BVA takes on this. We will also be discussing the information available from the BVA and the ways they are encouraging vets to get involved with surveillance.
Are you interested in finding out how you can get involved with Animal Health Surveillance? In this episode I hope to explain exactly that. I am going to kick it off myself, by discussing how vets can get involved with active surveillance in the UK. We then have a special guest from the APHA who will discuss passive (or scanning) surveillance, and the ways you can help with this. This episode is the first of two-parter. In the second part, we are going to talk about what surveillance can do to h...
Are you interested in Animal Health Surveillance? If so, this podcast is for you! In this episode I am going to introduce myself and talk you through what the series is going to be all about. If you fancy taking a quick journey through the basics of surveillance in the UK and the various systems we have for surveillance in different species, then give this episode a listen. I will also be giving you a sneak peek into some of the topics that we will be covering as the series progresses.