It's the first written version of Sleeping Beauty, put down to paper in the 1600s by the Neapolitan writer Giambattista Basile. And it's horrifying. The creature is elephant rat. It's an elephant whose also a rat sometimes. No big deal. Now move along and let him murder in peace. -- Music: "Running on Empty" by Podington Bear "Sylvestor" by Blue Dot Sessions "Midday" by Blue Dot Sessions "Black Cosmos Ring" by Podington Bear "The Nightmare" by Podington Bear "Studie I" by Jahzzar "Betrayal" by L...
Sep 05, 2018•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast The king is annoyed. All of these people want to make him work. It's just...not fair. Sure, they're starving and about to riot in the streets, but actually showing up to work is really going to cut into his sitting around time. Unfortunately, he might not have a choice. The people are getting angry, and that leads to a journey west, farther than anyone in his kingdom has ever gone, to unearth an ancient secret. -- The article I referenced:
Aug 29, 2018•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, it's the fairy tale "Youth without Age and Life without Death", from Romania, a tale of love, loss, impossible quests, and acheiving your dreams. Also, why you shouldn't make idle promises to a kid that's just an hour old. It might end with them playing dominos with your horses and taking half of your kingdom's worth of gold. The creature this week is the hili, from Lesotho, Africa. If you've never seen Big Bird's toilet...well...that's because it's you -- Music: “Flutterbee” by Podin...
Aug 22, 2018•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Joaquin is out of control. He is riding through town, doubling the rewards on his own wanted posters. He has cowed or killed anyone who has tried to stop him, and he thinks he is untouchable. He's not wrong, either. The only people who know his face are either very trusted or very dead. Still, the more he pushes, the more the state of California pushes back, until one man is finally commissioned with a bill from the California legislature to hunt him down for good. -- Music: Opener” by Blue Dot ...
Aug 15, 2018•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's 1850. The gold rush in the wild west, and Joaquin Murrieta seeks a better life in the US state of California, only recently taken from Mexico in the Mexican-American War. He tries to play by the rules and live by the laws, but everything keeps getting taken from him over and over again. Tired of living underfoot in a land that used to be his homeland, Joaquin decides to stand up and take his place as one of the legendary bandits of the old west. The creature this week is the headless mule. ...
Aug 08, 2018•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast The story of Meng Jiangnu and the Great Wall is one of the four great folktales of China. It's the story of love, tyranny, and standing up for what is right, no matter the cost. If you like your evil creatures without any way to defeat them whatsoever, then this week's creature might be for you. -- The book by Wilt Idema: -- Music: "Mindset" by Ketsa "Calming Storms" by Ketsa "Management" by Ketsa "Our Digital Compass" by Blue Dot Sessions "Rate Sheet" by Blue Dot Sessi...
Aug 01, 2018•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast The world has been quiet for centuries, but everyone knows that they will return. The demon kings. An ancient evil destined to be reborn a third and final time. Then, one day, a child is born. The parents rejoice, but only for a moment. There is something different about the child, and there are rumors that the monster has been reborn once again and, after his battle with the one destined to fight him through the ages, the world will never be the same. -- That roach: --...
Jul 25, 2018•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Three lifetimes, two guardians, one objective: get back home. In our long overdue first foray into stories from India, it's the story of Jaya and Vijaya, the gatekeepers to Vishnu's celestial abode and the fateful decision they made one day that would change everything. It's the story of a demon that, reborn across generations and millennia, battles heroes that are born for the fight. The creature this week is an angry bird who is less about wrecking towers and more about exsanguinating the corp...
Jul 18, 2018•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast The prince is having a bad day...because the prince is having a great day. His life is just too easy. Too awesome. He is suffering from too much luxury. It's definitely not because he's into a girl who doesn't like him back. Nope. Not at all. Ok, it totally is. But don't tell his mom. The creature this week is a homicidal sea monster baby, because sure. --- Support the show:
Jul 11, 2018•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's the end for Pinocchio. We left him last week the lead suspect in a murder investigation (no, I'm not joking), and we'll catch up to him on the beach, facing the authorities as he stands over the body with the murder weapon in hand. Also a lot of other stuff happens. Like, way too much stuff, like deep-fried puppets, snail butlers, and sleazy millionaires. And that's just in the first half of the episode. The creature this week is a gentleman who is so polite as to bow at every opportunity.....
Jun 27, 2018•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast I wouldn't really call Pinocchio ill-fated. That implies that it's undeserved, and it's definitely not. The little guy lies like it's a second language. Regardless, a lot happens to our little buddy in this episode, starting with him coming back from the dead. The creature this week is the Hai Ho Shang, a vicious merman from Chinese mythology who absolutely has some opinions on your dancing. -- Music: "Slow Dial" by Blue Dot Sessions "Lakeside Path" by Blue Dot Sessions "Arbinac" by Blue Dot Ses...
Jun 20, 2018•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Prison. Assassins. Marionette dance parties. The original story of Pinocchio has it all. Of course, you know of Pinocchio and Geppetto, but did you know that Geppetto, in order to get the wood to make Pinocchio, had to chew on an old man's wig? Or that the original story had a shockingly brutal end, even for an 1800s children's tale? Check it out. This story is wild. The creature this time is a giant grasshopper who wants to have your kids over for dinner. And no, he's not being playfully ambigu...
Jun 13, 2018•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Thumbelina's life is already difficult. She lives in early modern Denmark and is no bigger than her mom's thumb. Oh, and also, everyone wants to marry her. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Frog moms want her to marry their sons and, somehow, the story gets stranger from there. In true Hans Christian Andersen fashion, this fairy tale for children about a girl being born from a flower and trying to find love contains kidnapping, death threats, crushing nihilism, and sleazy moles. Childhood was di...
Jun 06, 2018•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Odin. Jotunheim. Shin Tinder. We're (basically) back in Norse mythology with the legendary story of Hadingus, a Viking king that hates being king. We'll visit nearly half of the worlds in Norse mythology as we follow a spectacularly bad ancient Norse hero. The creature this time is a way to get superpowers...if you ever wanted to be a bitter, stinky, homicidal muppet. -- "Orange Juicier" by Podington Bear "Holding Steady" by Podington Bear "So We Go" by Blue Dot Sessions "Closet Interlude" by Bl...
May 30, 2018•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast The city of Athens is one of the most famous of the ancient world and its royal family was plagued with, well, weirdness. Between the dragon kings and the bird people, you either had to be sure to trust no one, or to never go anywhere ever because the wind or even the dawn could be out to get you. The creature of the week is a fairy cow by the name of Fuwch Gyfeiliorn which I have the good sense to not even begin to attempt to say. -- Music: "Bombadore" by Blue Dot Sessions "The Records" by Blue...
May 23, 2018•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tom Thumb is the story of a guy named Tom...who is as big as his dad's thumb. A practical joke by a wizard, Tom went on to become Sir Thomas Thumb, the greatest knight in the realm, but not before becoming indigestion for a giant, a raven's canker sore, and exploring all the thrilling intricacies of a cow's digestive system. The creature this week is a fish that's more manly than I'll ever be. --- Music: "Le Monstre" by Podington Bear "Pives and Flarinet" by Podington Bear "Elephants on Parade" ...
May 16, 2018•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's quiet. Too quiet. It has been years since the last blood libel and the Jewish community in Prague is starting to relax. Then, the Maharal receives a sign from God a few days before Passover, letting him know that the danger is far from over. On the creature of the week, if you can't take the heat, get out of the desert. Or stay in the desert and be like the Funeral Mountain Terrashot. S Music: "Just need a walk under the lights of the boulevard" by Bisou de l'enfant sauvage "After midnight ...
May 09, 2018•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast As a way to say thank for voting for Myths and Legends for the Webbys (and for being the reason why we won!), we wanted to share an additional story this week. It's from the southern United States, and it was originally an episode on the Myths and Legends member feed. It's a story of two wives in a stupidity arms race over who has the worse husband. The creature is the reason why the owl is such a shady bird that never comes out during the day. Thanks again for your vote. If you liked this episo...
May 05, 2018•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast In 16th century Prague, a people are under attack. Accused of an unspeakable crime they didn't commit, they have no recourse: even the rulers of the city have turned against them. They can't find justice, so they have to make justice - a silent guardian to watch over their community, one to keep the wolves at bay. But is he too late to help guard the innocents against the sinister machinations of one man? --- Music: "An Opus in Bb" by Blue Dot Sessions "A Simple Shroud" by Blue Dot Sessions "Bee...
May 02, 2018•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast The king returns to his homeland after nearly a decade of exile. An evil sorcerer king is at the apex of his power. Owls deliver insults and dating is difficult no matter who you are. The epic story of Sundiata, the first emperor of Mali, concludes. The creature of the week is the grey man of Ben MacDhui, a...grey man. Who lives on the mountain of Ben MacDhui. And also he's naked because why not? --- Music: "Fantasy and Denoument" by Podington Bear "In" by Podington Bear "Elipse" by Blue Dot Ses...
Apr 25, 2018•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast A new shadow rises to the north of Mali and an evil sorcerer king (and connoisseur of severed heads) will rise, but not before Djata, Sogolon, and others are forced into exile by the ruthless queen mother. It's part 2 of the story of Sundiata: an epic of old Mali. The creature this week is a good-guy African dragon who, in a refreshing twist, is the victim of all of his interactions with humans. -- Music: "Somnolence" by Kai Engel "Delirium" by Kai Engel "Oneiri" by Kai Engel "Little Black Cloud...
Apr 18, 2018•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast The epic of Sundiata, the founder of the Mali empire, has everything - magical old women, evil magician kings, nice magician kings, and helpful buffaloes. The first part is like Mean Girls...if Mean Girls was set in 12th century Africa. But really, it's a fantastic tale of love, loss, and perseverance and I hope you like it. The creature today has a surprise for you! It's her mule legs! Also she's going to eat you! --- Music: "Alum Drum Solo" by Blue Dot Sessions "Gaena" by Blue Dot Sessions "Ga...
Apr 11, 2018•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reynard, having received a pardon from the Lion who was a King, is up to his old tricks. Like, immediately. He bit the head off the rabbit that was accompanying him on a holy pilgrimmage before he even left the kingdom. Of course, the ground is shrinking beneath Reynard, and it won't be long before the fox who needs to deceive to survive runs into the king's justice and the king will only fall for the same lies so many times. -- Music "When we set out" by Podington Bear "Bit Rio" by Podington Be...
Apr 04, 2018•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Despite cute talking animals, the world in the stories of Reynard the fox is a rough place. The fox might not be the biggest or toughest animal in the kingdom, but he is the smartest. Once he gets talking, run, because there's no way you're going to come out the other end in one piece. The creature this week is an angry muddy ghost dad. -- Music: "Bad Cut" by Podington Bear "LA" by Podington Bear "Reddit" by Podington Bear "Roscoe" by Podington Bear "Curious Process" by Podington Bear "Operative...
Mar 28, 2018•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Horus's uncle Set murdered his father, and because his mother was shrewd, he gained the throne and the murderer was exiled to the South. There was just one problem: Set wasn't going to go quietly. He vowed on the day he left to kill Horus, feast on his flesh, and reclaim the throne for himself. The boy Pharoah, Horus, watched Set and his followers go, and knew he had to be ready. The war was coming. The creature this time is the vegetable man, and, no worries, he's not going to make you eat your...
Mar 21, 2018•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast A story about a king and his garden...that somehow turns into a story with genies, witches, boats full of male models, guys getting boiled alive, angry kitties, and secret agent mice. It's the story of the bronze ring, as collected by Scottish writer Andrew Lang. The creature this time just wants to pop on by your hut for a beer and maybe turn you into an undying goblin. Because he likes you so much. - --- Music: "Cicle Ariel" by Blue Dot Sessions "Nuthatch" by Blue Dot Sessions "The Molerat" by...
Mar 14, 2018•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Charlemagne is the Holy Roman Emperor, and as a Holy Roman Emperor in a legend, it's not surprising that he'd get a command directly from God. What is surprising, however, is that the command is less than holy. The angry, bitter bird people on the creature of the week will be the death of chairs as we know them. --- "Little Strut Surprise" by Podington Bear "K2" by Podington Bear "Gentle Marimbas" by Podington Bear "Chrysalis" by Podington Bear "B7 Bomber" by Podington Bear "Cicle Gerano" by Blu...
Mar 07, 2018•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast What do you do if an obvious witch stops you on the road and asks a favor? Keep walking, right? Well, for the first time in possibly the entirety of this podcast, here's an example of someone speaking to an evil-looking witch in the dark forest and it actually working out. It's the story of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Tinderbox". Our second story is from Vietnam, and a poor family, a smart child, an evil moneylender, and a fly conspire to cause some legal difficulties. -- Music: "Down and Aro...
Feb 28, 2018•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Things get weird this week. The knights continue their quests through the Country of Strange Adventure, and the side-quests becomes the main quest as the knights get involved with: Bad breakups Vengeance Dragons eating dogs eating stags Death choirs Elderly women looking for a good time Church decorations Way too much more Also, were you wondering what happened to Arthur's incestuous offspring, Mordred? Neither was anyone else! But he's back just in time for something horrible to happen. The cre...
Feb 21, 2018•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Yvain and Gawain are just two best friends taking a fun trip together. Nevermind that they've been exiled from Camelot forever, making it a mandatory best friends vacation. It sparks the beginning of a yearlong quest filled with morbid church decorations, dragon diets consisting solely of puppies, and sad, creepy knights. Basically your standard Arthurian legend. The creature of the week is a fearsome critter who loves your scent...especially if that scent is rum... -- Music: "Blue Highway" by P...
Feb 14, 2018•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast