Hey Welcome back,
Episode 186 of the whomst podcast; George rambles about Abortion laws, moving the podcast to Substack, being old and the food shortage.
Apparently there is a food shortage up coming ( (200) Food crisis - YouTube ) With this one link I learned that the shortage is really because of all the consciences of sanctions toward Russia and Ukraine. Didn’t know until today the a third of our wheat comes from those two people. After learning that I go into a blind mindless rant asking question on why we are in this situation.
That lead to me talking about ( This Video ) where the youtuber explains how much walmart has to raise prices of their product to actually pay their employees. ALL THAT AFTER I try to do the math in my head live. Turns out im not as dumb as I think.
Even with all the food prices going up, will it actually help the employees? or will it just line the pockets of the people who don’t sweat when they work. Look at Dollar Tree. They raised their prices from $1 to $1.25 but that money isn’t seeing the stores’ workers. Based off of Tik Toks I’ve seen it looks like they are cutting hours more. I give Dollar tree 6 more years before they are done.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the show. Please Subscribe here on Substack. That’s the easiest way to support the show.
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