Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Finding time to exercise when you've got a 9-5 job can be tough. The thing is, teachers don't just work 9-5, they often take work home, which means that there's even less time to exercise. How can we fit this in when we're exhausted at the end of the day, don't really like to exercise in the first place, or are burnt out from trying? In this episode, Sheri Traxler and I discuss how to find movement that you enjoy sneaking in some exercise, as well as how to craft your own program if you can't stand those pre-made ones. Click here to get Sheri's FREE guide, How to Overcome the Guilt and Shame of Diets, and Get Fit the Sane Way Things to look for in a new gym:
Is it an all-inclusive gym? Or is it boutique like martial arts studios, group/personal training
Are there kids around? Is there childcare or classes for kids
Staff - ask for credentials - American Council on Exercise - best overall health/wellness focus, with an emphasis on client progression and overcoming some health issues - American College of Sports Medicine - perfect for clients needing help overcoming complicated health issues - National Strength and Conditioning Association - ideal for clients wanting to compete at a high level athletically
Cleanliness - restrooms
Don’t worry about repair sign, only if it hasn’t been fixed in a while
5 Principles of strength training
Adaptation: your body will adapt to the same exercise after time
Overload: to keep building muscle, overload beyond what you've been doing
Safety - if you increase more than 10-15% more, you can get injured
Specificity - don’t do crunches to reduce abs, think of overall calorie burning
Rebuilding - microscopic tears in the fibers, 48-72 hours to rebuild. Don’t do the same muscle every day
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