Math tends to be one of those subjects that kids either understand and love or are completely befuddled by and hate. New math teachers often find themselves struggling between teaching procedures versus concepts. Unfortunately, there's still a lot of controversy in terms of which way leads to greater student success. In this interview, Robert Kaplinsky of lets us in on why Common Core is given such a bad rap, the concept of Open Middle Math (and if you’re a math teacher who hasn’t heard of it, you’re in for a treat), and then we both get into the complicated discussion of grading. Where to find Robert: Open Middle MathRobertKaplinsky.comTwitter, Instagram, and FacebookSign up for the New Educator Conference in either San Diego or Santa Clara, CA! at CTAGO.ORG Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Want to ask a question and be featured on the podcast? Let your voice be heard! Click here to find out how you can be a part of the podcast by asking a question! Listeners who leave a voicemail will be eligible to receive a FREE Teachers Need Teachers sticker! Click HERE to find out more! Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at Connect with me