Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Pretty much everybody has good intentions to implement healthy habits after January 1, but for teachers, the BEST time to do this is when school is out for the summer! We have more time to think about it, more time to plan, and more time to gently adopt a new lifestyle without the pressures of planning, teaching, and grading. But how do we do this so that it sticks and we don't throw it away with the stress of the new year? In this episode, Sheri Traxler and I discuss how to develop healthy habits in a slow and sustainable way that isn't judgemental or strict. If you've ever wanted to be a healthy eater and someone who exercises regularly, then this episode is for you! Click here to get Sheri's FREE guide, How to Overcome the Guilt and Shame of Diets, and Get Fit the Sane Way Where you can find Sheri:
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TnT 65 The importance of developing a healthy lifestyle when you're a busy and overwhelmed teacher | Teachers Need Teachers podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast