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Friend-of-the-show Paul Hart is back and this episode he shares some insights on both the challenges of teaching through the pandemic, and his take on social and emotional learning with his students. Paul takes his passions of comics and pop culture and brings them into his classroom so his students can find relevancy in his topics and dare I say be taught lessons on being better citizens and people. His work was even noticed by a popular member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but you will have to listen to find out who it is!
If you would like to connect with Garima you can do so here:
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Would you like to hang out with some groovy learning nerds and share your story? If so, consider being a guest on our show, it’s easy, just send an email to nerds@thelearningnerds.comwith “Guest” in the subject line. Dan will surely return your email and get something set up. That is when he’s finished watching Netflix. Seriously, we’d love to learn from you as well, so send your email to today
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