Episode description
#360-- We enter into the second week of 2022's Spooktagon with the penny stock-funded ghost story LADY IN WHITE (1988).
We also talk briefly about DR. SLEEP, and, like, nine other horror movies for about half a minute each (including, but not limited to the original THE BLOB).
Donate to the cause at Patreon.com/Quality. Follow the show on Twitter @AQualityInterruption, and James on Twitter @kislingtwits and on Instagram @kislingwhatsit. You can watch Cruz and show favorite Alexis Simpson on You Tube in "They Live Together." Thanks to our artists Julius Tanag (http://www.juliustanag.com) and Sef Joosten (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). The theme music is "Eine Kleine Sheissemusik" by Drew Alexander.
Listen to DRACULA: A RADIO PLAY on Apple Podcasts, at dracularadio.podbean.com, and at the Long Beach Playhouse at https://lbplayhouse.org/show/dracula
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