We do full bonus shows on Patreon but for something special we've released this one for everyone to enjoy. But it wouldn't exist without the kind and generous support of our backers. Thank you so much. To find our Patreon follow the link in below or head on over to Patreon and give us a search.
This Game is Broken is a comedy board game panel show with Matthew Jude, Dave Luza, Paula Deming, Nick Murphy and Mike Murphy. We play a lot of nonsense games full of role playing and trivia as well as other fun stuff which can be found at the links below.
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PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thisgameisbroken
This Game is Broken is eternally thankful to our Sponsors
Restoration Games Find them at https://restorationgames.com/
Many Worlds Tavern - Find your coffee for game night here - https://manyworldstavern.com/
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