Anthony Allcock - Chief Information and Digital Officer - British Airways
📢“Change is a constant in life. Strategy needs to be able to cater to change”
In this episode, we hear Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International, talk to, Anthony Allcock, Chief Information and Digital Officer of British Airways, a man with over 20 years of experience in executing £multi-million complex portfolios.
Although Anthony has a huge role, we are asking his personal perspective from years of hands-on and leadership experience. Listen in as we ask how he goes about creating a new strategic direction and discuss the intersection of business and IT, probing him for his top three tips on how to embed strategy into an organization, and make sure it’s implemented, rather than just discussed.
If you struggle with trying to get a strategy to land, listen in as Anthony tells us that the key is to “Keep it simple. Focus on three clear messages, and repeat them constantly”. According to him “Three is the magic number”.
Hear tips on developing a coherent strategy with regards to Big Data as we talk about everything from; how to drive better decisions through data, to how to cascade a change message through an entire organization.
We finish up by asking Anthony what he’s learned over the span of his career, and the top 3 lessons from his first strategy execution role would be - his answer?
🏆 1. “Be bold in Ambition” 2. Have clear accountability 3. Get early buy-in
Listen in to one of our most valuable, concise, episodes to date.