Episode description
LnR 052 Words from French (Replay)
>>> I'm in a hotel room tonight because I leave early tomorrow morning for China! My mother lives 2 1/2 hours from the airport, and my flight is early in the morning, so the easiest thing to do is spend the night in a hotel. That way we don't have to drive in the dark Here's an episode from two years ago. I think you'll learn some interesting words in this podcast!
In this episode I'll give you some French words that we use in English. You can see how to pronounce them and how they are used in a sentence. The words are below:
au contraire au pair ballet blase (this word has a mark over the "e", but I don't know how to make it in this podcast program) Bon voyage! bouquet cafe (mark over the "e") charlatan chic cliche (mark over the "e") clique critique decor deja vu (marks over the "e" and "a") entrepreneur facade (there's a mark under the "c") faux pas fiance (mark over the "e") genre nouvou riche omelette
I ask the French people to please forgive me for pronouncing the words wrong in the podcast and for not using the correct marks in these notes. It seems that the program for the notes doesn't allow the extra marks . . . or I don't know how to use it.