Part 2 of the 2009 look at Dr Voodoo...Rick Remender talks about what's coming up for charcters like Doctor Voodoo, The Punisher and The Thunderbolts, in books coming this fall. You'll hear about his new series featuring the current Sorcerer Supreme of Marvel's 616 universe.
Plus The Punisher is heading toward a world of hurt in the months ahead, with bizare story arcs like Franken Castle with Tony Moore , and Punisher: The List, with classic Punisher draftsmen John Romita Jr and Klaus Janson.
We also go in depth on The Last Days Of Crime from Radical Publishing, with art by Greg Tocchini and covers by some guy named Alex Maleev
Plus, Rick talks about a special 40 page Thunderbolts issue, and the pending wrap ups to The End League With Eric Canette and Fear Agent with Tony Moore & Mike Hawthorne.