It was a different time but not THAT different when Richard Elfman decided to bring the wild things he saw on stage with his equally terrifying brother, Danny Elfman's band, The Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo and marry their showmanship with the racist cartoons of the past to create the Forbidden Zone!
The story of the family Hercules (Ugh-Fudge Banana, Phil Gordon, Hyman Diamond and Virginia Rose, the only one with a SAG card) and their daughter Frenchie (Marie-Pascale Elfman) who live in a house that happens to have a doorway into the 6th dimension. When neighborhood friend, Squeez-It's sister, Renee (Matthew Bright) disappears into the portal, Frenchie decides to check it out for herself.
She goes down down down and meets Queen Doris (Susan Tyrell) and her King Fausto who lock her up for different reasons, the King wants a sex slave and the Queen wants to torture her with the help of daughter, The Princess (Gisele Lindley). When her family comes looking for her, they find a world beyond comprehension where you always expect to see a skid mark and the boys are always humpin' - Forbidden Zone, this week on Doom Generation.
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