So there’s this jagoff comedian making videos in his garage… I mean, this millionaire Hollywood guy running his own media venture, employing writers and producers… who is persecuted… I mean, criticised… for bravely standing up to the establishment and the corporations and American imperialism… I mean, for being a reactionary, and platforming fascists, and doing interviews on fascist TV with America’s most prominent fascist, and spinning conspiracy theories, and engaging in stealth antivaxx during a deadly pandemic that he downplays and about which he spreads misinformation, and smearing people who point out that he’s full of shit, and making covert apologias for Trumpism, and sneakily implying that brutal, murderous, authoritarian, imperialist dictators like Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad are actually not that bad…
Content Warnings apply, not least for clips of very shit comedy.
Show Notes:
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Episode Notes:
Jimmy Dore:
Jimmy Dore at RationalWiki
Jimmy Dore at Wikipedia
The Jimmy Dore Show
The Dirt: Political Commentator Jimmy Dore Buys Rambling L.A. Compound Jimmy Dore Bought a Charming Los Angeles House – DIRT
WSWS: YouTube personality Jimmy Dore Promotes fascist Boogaloo Boy YouTube personality Jimmy Dore promotes fascist Boogaloo Boy - World Socialist Web Site (
Jimmy vids (or vids featuring Jimmy) we clip / talk about:
ANOTHER Bogus Fact Check of Jimmy Dore DEBUNKED
Yes, Ukraine DOES Have Biolabs – Admits US Government. w/Glenn Greenwald
Total Deaths From COVID MUCH LOWER Than Reported
One of Jimmy’s many cosy chats with America’s favourite fascist broadcaster Comedian tells Tucker Carlson his take on identity politics - YouTube
Videos about Jimmy:
Shaun’s video: Jimmy Dore’s Anti-Vaccine Lies
José: The Jimmy Dore Show, What Bad Leftwing Critique Looks Like
The Majority Report on Jimmy Dore The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder - YouTube
The Serfs on Jimmy Dore The Serf Times - YouTube
Sophie From Mars: Conspiracy on the Left Conspiracy on the Left | Sophie from Mars - YouTube
(Also mentioned: LonerBox: Russell Brand’s Despicable Coverage of Ukraine Russell Brand's Despicable Coverage of Ukraine - YouTube)
Regarding Jimmy’s videos:
Politifact: No, death totals from COVID-19 in England have not been overstated PolitiFact | No, death totals from COVID-19 in England have not been overstated
Regarding Ukraine’s Biolabs:
Victoria Nuland’s Senate testimony (exchange with Marco Rubio) Ukraine Has Biological Research Facilities, Concerned Russian Forces May Seek To Gain Control: US - YouTube
Glenn Greenwald’s Substack article re Ukraine Biolabs and Fact Checkers
QAnon Anonymous Ep183: Ukraine, Bioweapons & Adrenochrome Stream Episode 183: Ukraine, Bioweapons & Adrenochrome by QAnon Anonymous | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald biolabs questions have simple answers. (
PolitiFact | There are no US-run biolabs in Ukraine, contrary to social media posts
Fact check: Claim of 'US biolabs' in Ukraine is disinformation (
Ukraine war: Fact-checking Russia's biological weapons claims - BBC News
PolitiFact | China repeats false claim that U.S has biolabs in Ukraine
Fact Check: There Are NO US-Run Bioweapons Laboratories In Ukraine | Lead Stories
Fact Check: No, There Are No U.S.-Funded Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine (
Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign |
UN says not aware of biological weapons programme in Ukraine | United Nations News | Al Jazeera
Regarding Ukraine’s 2014 Euromaidan Revolution:
Dissent Magazine: A Letter to the Western Left from Kyiv
N+1: Ukraine, Putin, and the West
CrimethInc. : War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine
Remembering Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity | openDemocracy
Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution Was Not a ‘Coup’ (
Good Socialist Takes on Russia invasion of Ukraine:
Marxist-Humanist Initiative Editorial: Ukraine Fights for National Self-Determination Against Russian Imperialism
Radio Free Humanity Ep64 Ukraine Fights for National Self-Determination Against Russian Imperialism Episode 64: Ukraine Fights for National Self-Determination Against Russian Imperialism – Marxist-Humanist Initiative (
Radio Free Humanity Ep64 Rohini Hensman on Ukraine’s Protracted Struggle for National Liberation Episode 65: Rohini Hensman on Ukraine’s Protracted Struggle for National Liberation – Marxist-Humanist Initiative (
The Wire: Rohini Hensman: Ukraine’s Protracted Struggle for National Liberation (
Workers’ Liberty:
Unite the Left to defend Ukraine
Stop the War? Yes, but with victory for Ukraine!
Putin is not a victim of NATO
The Antifada: War is a Defeat for All of Us w/ Alex Gendler
Neil Abrams tweet threads on Grayzone conspiracy theorising to excuse Russia for atrocities in Ukraine:
Behind the Bastards on Paul Manafort in Ukraine:
BBC accidentally forgets to help the Establishment cover-up America’s coup in Ukraine by publishing transcript of leaked Nuland/Pyatt phone call Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call - BBC News
Tucker Carlson’s history of pro-Kremlin, anti-Ukraine propaganda | Media Matters for America
How Russian Disinformation Goes From the Kremlin to QAnon to Fox News (
Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is “Essential” to Feature Tucker Carlson – Mother Jones
Putin’s Assault on Ukraine and the Nonproliferation Regime | Arms Control Association
Orwell, Notes on Nationalism: Notes on Nationalism | The Orwell Foundation
“When one sees the slavish or boastful rubbish that is written about Stalin, the Red army, etc. by fairly intelligent and sensitive people, one realizes that this is only possible because some kind of dislocation has taken place. In societies such as ours, it is unusual for anyone describable as an intellectual to feel a very deep attachment to his own country. Public opinion – that is, the section of public opinion of which he as an intellectual is aware – will not allow him to do so. Most of the people surrounding him are sceptical and disaffected, and he may adopt the same attitude from imitativeness or sheer cowardice: in that case he will have abandoned the form of nationalism that lies nearest to hand without getting any closer to a genuinely internationalist outlook. He still feels the need for a Fatherland, and it is natural to look for one somewhere abroad. Having found it, he can wallow unrestrainedly in exactly those emotions from which he believes that he has emancipated himself. God, the King, the Empire, the Union Jack – all the overthrown idols can reappear under different names, and because they are not recognized for what they are they can be worshipped with a good conscience. Transferred nationalism, like the use of scapegoats, is a way of attaining salvation without altering one’s conduct.”