Edward is passionate about teaching powerful practices to help embody true leadership with clarity, presence, and authenticity from the bedroom to the boardroom. He holds a 2nd degree black belt in Aikido and is a senior instructor of Sheng Zhen Meditation. With this unique combination of martial arts, movement, and meditation he has helped thousands of people relax their bodies, quiet their minds, and embody the wisdom of an open heart full of love. He is the founder of Knot Love, an open-hearted approach to erotic rope play. He also providers leadership coaching through Willey Leadership. His 8-week men’s self-leadership program Awaken the Leader Within begins Feb 22nd. Also, register for his free online workshop Essential Self-Leadership Skills For Better Sex on Feb 10th at 5pm PST here: https://mailchi.mp/3cb6ebe9eecc/self-leadership-for-better-sex
Full links to his offerings: willeyleadership.comknot-love.com