Bret speaks with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche in Bath, England, together for the COVID Better Way Conference 2022.
Geert Vanden Bossche is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who has specialist expertise in virology and vaccinology, Geert has worked in industry in the construction of vaccines, and in the non profit sector working to bring immunity to larger numbers of people.
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Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.
First DarkHorse Podcast with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche:
(00:00) Introduction
(02:10) Previous predictions
(08:06) Mass vaccination during a pandemic
(14:40) Sterilizing immunity
(17:44) T-Cell immunity
(25:52) Narrow immunity to one antigen
(36:05) Selection of vaccine-immune escaped variants
(38:43) Why are we still mass vaccinating with same antigen?
(45:20) Where would we be without the vaccines?
(52:41) Spanish Flu and natural immunity
(57:53) Why innate immunity decays
(01:07:28) Non neutralizing antibodies binding to the spike
(01:13:35) Seasonality and age
(01:18:02) Geert’s hypothesis on ivermectin dosage increase
(01:23:07) Will the virus transmit outside?
(01:27:23) Where are we now in this pandemic?
(01:35:03) Geert’s hypothesis
(01:41:33) Bret breaks down Geert’s hypothesis
(01:47:37) A new phase of the pandemic
(01:56:28) Advice to the world
(02:02:05) Wrap up