When it comes to Black History, there are so many stories that aren’t told. You can’t know what you don’t know or what is ignored. We aren’t here to talk about the past trauma of Black History in North America, but rather, their strengths and triumphs.
In this episode, I’m talking to Dr. Crystal Menzies about honouring the history of slavery forced upon Black people, but also, recognizing that the Black history is not only tied to that trauma. There is a deep and rich history of power, influence and resistance.
Crystal talks about “Community Cultural Wealth” to teach both students and teachers not to look at Black students as, “a problem” but to see them through a lens of what is ALSO TRUE. That they bring with them a history of cultural capital assets that are aspirational familial, linguistic, social, navigational and resistant.
She looks to stories of Maroon communities who were formed from Africans who freed themselves from slavery and created hidden societies, as a way to model liberation within oppression.
This is a great conversation to star having with your kids so we can all reframe the way we see Black people, communities and history.
For Crystal’s EmancipatED Book List, you can download it from the Parent Toolbox. www.parent-toolbox.com
About Crystal Menzies
A former educator in urban schools, Crystal drew on her personal experience, African-Diasporan history, and her Guyanese and African American roots to found EmancipatED where she develops research-based educational experiences that center Black communities.
In her flagship product, she draws on the stories of Maroon communities – Africans who freed themselves from slavery and created hidden societies – to offer Black and Brown families a model for how to navigate as liberated beings within oppressive systems. She lives in the Bay Area (or the Yay area as she affectionately refers to it) and enjoys reading, Marvel movies, and daydreaming of Black Futures.
Social Media:
Website: https://emancipatededucation.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystal-menzies-phd-a44b2748/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crystal.menzies.1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emancipate_ed/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@emancipate_ed
Thanks for listening! For more on Robbin, her work and free resources, keep reading!
READY FOR YOUR FAMILY CHECK UP CALL? If you’re feeling burnt out by bad behavior, worn down from constant battles and bickering and you’ve struggled to get the cooperation, respect and obedience you want from your kids, I’ve been there too. It might be time to learn new tools (that you’ve never been taught) to help you get your kids to listen to you, build teamwork, and grow the harmony in your home. https://parentingforconnection.as.me/Checkupcall
FREE GUIDE FOR PARENTS OF STRONG-WILLED KIDS: “How to Turn a NO into Cooperation” go to www.strongwilledkids.com
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About Robbin
Robbin is a Certified Parent...