Episode description
Mike is back from vacation
- Spent time at Gulf Shores Alabama
- Crane on the beach near a fisherman
- Grabbed a Ballyhoo fish
- A seagull and a crab going at it
- FloraBama
Danny talked to Nick Percy of Killer Food Plots and is getting ready to plant his food plots next weekend.
- Danny is getting ready to food plot
- Opening up camp
- Using the PackerMaxx to bust up the ground
- Planting oats and clover
- Taking soil samples
- Putting a few cameras out
Choosing a deer camp to join
- How do you choose the right camp to join
- What are you walking into
- How many members and how do they hunt
- Being like-minded
- What do you expect out of camp
- Hunting areas
- Types of hunting allowed
- Hunting philosophies
- Interviewing the camp as they interview you as prospective member
- Purchasing an opportunity to hunt is what it boils down to
- What game is offered
- What are the neighbors like around the property
- Knowing your own members in your camp
- Hunting rules
- Sharing areas or private areas
- Traditions can get in the way of camps
- Making memories at camp
- Big timber in Alabama