Episode description
This week we interview Outdoor Channel Videographer Ben La Londe
- Where Ben has been in the past year
- Hunted in Old Mexico with Dr. James Kroll a.k.a. Dr. Deer
- Doc has been working with deer for 48 years
- Ben talks about his hunting experience in Michigan
- Hunting with Doc he found out quickly he had a lot to learn about deer
- Dr. Deer
- How important deer are to Doc
- Weather in Mexico during the hunt
- Combat Marine Outdoors
- Ben got to hunt with the Veterans group as well
- Dinner and a photo!
- Ben got the opportunity to hunt a management buck
- Snortwheeze
- Bullwinkle
- Ben's buck!
- How has the hunt with Doc changed your expectations if hunting in Michigan
- Appreciation and Respect for hunting
- Why we hunt
- Our experiences are not to be taken for granted
- Does Ben hunt turkey?
- Experiencing Grizzly or Brown bears upclose and personal
- Alaskan experience
- What has Ben learned by being around these experienced hunters?
- We're going to get what we give!
- Forestry stewardship