Episode description
Danny spent the entire week out hunting turkeys.
- Saw more deer than turkeys
- Great weather
- Playing with hens
- Never seen a gobbler
- Tough hunting
- Bongo Drums
Hunter's Blend Coffee joins the Up North Journal
- Official coffee of Up North Journal
- www.huntersblendcoffee.com
Opening up camp
- Check trail cams
- Found a water leak
Trail Cam Photos
- Put two cams on a fresh deer carcass
- Got eagles on camera
- Bobcat drug off carcass
- Coyote video
- Deer browsing on small pine trees
- Deer eating meat?
Deer Browse Surveys
- 2 half mile lines 1000 feet apart is your survey
- 30 steps apart on each line gets checked
- Very educational opportunity
- Use this as a tool to check deer density along with habitat health
- Deer Co-op building activity
- Teach younger people so they grow up applying these techniques