Kyle Nelson and Eli Libby, also known as BizBros, are the co-founders of Results Imagery, a company that produces product photos, videos and infographics to arm companies with the content they need to bring their products to life. With years of media and ecommerce marketing experience under their belt, Results Imagery helps its clients succeed in our current visual first, online environment by sharing its clients' creative vision and helping them make it a reality with their 100% custom photo and video content.
Kyle and Eli have also joined forces to share their experiences from past and current ventures with their own podcast, the Biz Bros podcast.
Join us today as Kyle and Eli share the hilarious story of how they met, how they help their clients’ products succeed on a hyper competitive online market, and how the joys of podcasting.
Resources: - Check out Results Imagery if you need help bringing your product to life! - Check out the Biz Bros podcast!
Actionable Take-aways:
1. When developing product photos and videos, don’t think of the product as just filming the product as the subject. Go one step further to think about how the photo or video will perform in terms of its ability to convert a potential customer.
2. Customers shop with their eyes. A comprehensive product strategy will require solid photos of the product on a white background showcasing the product from all angles, lifestyle photos to humanize the product, a video showing how the product is used, and infographics on the product explaining its features and uses.
3. Podcasting is a unique experience that allows you to develop networks and create sales funnels for your business. If you are thinking of starting one, do it!
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