Raj Goodman Anand is the CEO and Founder of Goodman Lantern shares how written content can skyrocket your business. Goodman Lantern is a one stop shop for your written content needs and is staffed with a team of talented writers who have expertise in various different niches. No matter what type of content you need, Goodman Lantern delivers engaging writing that’s engineered to help boost conversion rates for its customers with the power of written content.
Join us as Raj shares about the difference between good content and advertisements, the different segments of the sales funnel and how you should approach it, and how to ensure that your content is resistant against Google’s algorithm changes.
https://goodmanlantern.com/ - Check out Goodman Lantern and work with Raj!
Actionable Take-aways:
1. While advertisements are great for immediate attention, advertisements only work as long as you are paying for them, the moment you stop paying for them, the attention drops off. Good written content in contrast is a gift that keeps giving which can skyrocket your business in the long run. It is therefore important to have a long term branding strategy that incorporates both advertisements and written content.
2. Content writing should be approached in the form of a funnel. The top funnel is content which you create to attract people to your engine, product or service and is very high level with a focus on creating awareness about the industry in general. The middle of the funnel is about educating people about your service or product and why people should choose your company. The bottom of the funnel is about converting people into a paying customer. Don’t skip the top and middle funnel as it will result in lower conversion rates at the bottom of the funnel
3. When writing content, make sure that it is content that is written to resonate with a human being. It should not be written for robots and spiders that are trawling the internet. This has the benefit of preventing your content from being. This reduces vulnerability that may arise from Google’s algorithm changes.