Featuring speakers from the ESPD55: Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs symposium, this cafe explores the question:
What does ethnopharmacology have to teach humanity in our present times?
Topics include: the reconciliation of humanity with nature; what traditional and indigenous knowledge systems hold for our capacity to facilitate this reconciliation; the importance and challenge of good reciprocity, fair compensation, and the prioritization and protection of indigenous sovereignty in the process; the importance of all of this in the face of a growing, global ecological crisis; and where psychedelic plants and psychedelic experiences fit within it all.
Our guests: Michael Coe, David F. Rodriguez-Mora, Colin Domnauer, and Jerónimo Mazarrasa
For links to our guest's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind159
*** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C —— Another special thanks to Tanya for their generous one-time donation
Episode Breakdown
(0:00) Opening
(5:38) Cafe begins | Participant intros
(11:02) What does ethnopharmacology have to teach humanity in our present times?
(28:52) The reconciliation of the relationship between humanity and nature
(33:01) The hubris of thinking we can create all that we need in a lab
(39:58) When customs become products
(45:51) Reconnecting with the spirit of nature for the good of the future
(50:14) The importance of financially compensating indigenous cultures
(52:49) Extracts and Standardisation vs whole plant medicine
(55:42) The challenge of financially compensating indigenous cultures
(59:05) Could the industrialization of psychedelics help fund global ecological/cultural sustainability?
(1:06:05) Supporting the sovereignty of indigenous peoples
(1:09:53) Given the scale and complexity of the problems, is it even possible to solve them? Does it even matter if solutions are possible?
(1:18:15) Taking an honest look at ourselves; being a catalyst of change
(1:24:50) Participants concluding thoughts on the conversation
(1:26:12) “The lungs of the world?”
(1:28:09) There is so much to learn
(1:35:21) Closing
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