Episode description
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by anthropologist and Sasquatch researcher Kathy Strain, author of the book, Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture.
Kathy Strain is the Heritage Resource and Tribal Relations Programs Manager for the Stanislaus National Forest in Sonora, California. She has a M.A. in Anthropology and conducts research on native cultures and their traditional bigfoot beliefs. Her book Giants, Cannibals & Monsters covers the Sasquatch subject in depth, including 154 stories from 57 tribes from throughout North America.
Kathy is also the on the Board of Directors for the non-profit Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers and a member of the North American Wood Ape Conservancy. She has appeared in numerous documentaries, television shows and radio programs discussing bigfoot. She is currently a regular on the History Channel’s “The Proof Is Out There.”
Stories and other links discussed in this episode:
- Cannibals, Giants, and Monsters by Kathy Strain
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