Ready to chirp your way into the future of IoT? Today we chat with the CEO of Chirp Wireless to discuss how making IoT deployments as easy as flipping a switch. They’re rocking outdoor geo-positioning without GPS, thanks to some tech magic.Chirp’s plug-and-play solutions allow you to track ALL the IoT things. Except Apple, those closed ecosystem-dorks. Tune in and find out how this wireless wonder is helping businesses automate and thrive on this sponsored crypto spotlight episode #745 of The Bad Crypto Podcast. Full Show Notes at: SUBSCRIBE, RATE, & REVIEW: Apple Podcast: Google Podcasts: Spotify: Amazon Music: FREE NFTs when you JOIN THE BAD CRYPTO NIFTY CLUB at FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: @badcryptopod - @joelcomm - @teedubya Facebook: /BadCrypto - /JoelComm - /teedubyaw Facebook Mastermind Group: /BadCrypto LinkedIn: /in/joelcomm - /in/teedubya Instagram: @BadCryptoPodcast Email: badcryptopodcast[at]gmail[dot]com Phone: SEVEN-OH-8-88FIVE- 90THIRTY DISCLAIMER: Do your own due diligence and research. Joel Comm and Travis Wright are NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORS. We are sharing our journey with you as we learn more about this crazy little thing called cryptocurrency. We make NO RECOMMENDATIONS. Don't take anything we say as gospel. Do not come to our homes with pitchforks because you lost money by listening to us. We only share with you what we are learning and what we are investing it. We will never "pump or dump" any cryptocurrencies. Take what we say with a grain of salt. You must research this stuff on your own! Just know that we will always strive for RADICAL TRANSPARENCY with any show associations. Support the show: https://badcryptopodcast.comSee for privacy information.