Say hello to Amy Hill, a native Australian. A mother of two, an author, a speaker, a wife, and an empowerment coach. I learned about Amy through her instagram @TheFreedomMentor where she was speaking about gas lighting. Shining an important light on the the darkness that gas lighting is. She was exposing what it looks like, and how we can do something about it. Supplying tools for the masses based on her experience, and asking for nothing in return but your attention.
I must admit that I was curious to learn more about gas lighting from her perspective, but I was not ready for this conversation. Especially when it started with I experienced 10 years of domestic violence.
The beauty about these divorce conversations with individuals like Amy, is that you can never look at someone and consider that you know their story. As Amy continued to speak, one sentence was more drastic than the other. I listened to a woman share her story with a complete stranger on a global platform about the struggles of her past, from a continent on the other side of the world. Sharing her story with such vulnerability, such truth and openness, and her reason for doing so was that someone might find strength from it, nothing more.
My belief is that the deeper we dive into healing, the more that is uncovered to heal, but in this interview with Amy. I learned that no matter how bad it was, is, or is getting. It is when we decide to alter reality, that we begin to heal. So, wherever you are, that has you here today, reading these words. I invite you to listen to Amy’s story and allow her to share and contribute to you about what gas lighting is, amongst the other parts of her incredible story. Allow how she healed herself, and turned her situation around, to be heard by you. The entire conversation is filled with gold, but like all gold, it must be mined to be discovered.