“There's no other way to comply other than to embrace visibility. embrace new ways of having connected devices, connected inventory. It is going to be a forcing function that I think is going to expedite the path to visibility.”
This is another valuable insight that Ben Bellamy shares on the next episode of the Beyond Visibility Lounge.
There are many more, including:
Why visibility technology will be critical to complying with the growing plethora of ESG regulations, especially those coming from the European Union such as the Green deal
Why it is challenging to calculate ROI on individual layers of technology and visibility solutions, that need to operate in a constellation of solutions
How to cultivate an open ecosystem that promotes continuous improvements, incremental and modular innovation, and avoids the need for radical innovations.
You can listen to them in the next episode of the BEyond Visibility Lounge podcast which goes live on March 26, 2024 on your favorite podcast platform.
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