In our best episode yet, Noah Labhart, the founder/CTO of Veryable and host of #CodeStory, hits The Ops Show with a bang covering everything from his CTO journey to how he evolved and simplified his development stack over the last few years. #Monolith2Microservices
We talk about his current startup, what makes a CTO strong, comparisons between manufacturing and software methodology, Heruko to Kubernetes, IndieHackers and journey telling, the code story trends of CodeStory, Ops and workflows for different industries, and the #LambertCheck on his yet to be seen country music career 🎸
Noah's #StackEvolution: Launched on parse and moved to Node and Mongo framework with custom backend for analysis of data. Used Postgres with Node for 2 years. Then Heroku for servers and AWS for RDS with Kubernetes containers, Kafka for messaging, Istio for service mesh. Eventually moving Heroku to AWS EKS. Source control and CICD: GitHub (not Actions) and CircleCI. Node.js level: Express, Google GRPC.
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#TheOpsShow is a weekly YouTube show and podcast hosted by Tristan Pollock and Kyle Campbell covering the wide world of #workflows in #DevOps and the greater developer experience. Watch ALL EPISODES: +
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