Today's episode starts with Matt and Femi chatting about Femi’s observations of coaches at his 6 year old's summer tennis camp, which turns out to be a fascinating lens through which to discuss the characteristics of great teachers as it is all about the ‘how’ of what is being done, and not the ‘what’ – which is so often the focus of discussions in teaching.
They discuss the critical importance of enthusiasm and passion; Steven Kotler’s model of motivation for flow; the ability to differentiate; flexibility to deviate from the plan; use of names, and subject knowledge.
The conversation gets into teachers identifying other experts, learning from them and actively seeking coaching and feedback; Coaching and the inner game of tennis; and the ways in which motivation and engagement are a precursor to skill development.
They discuss the power of the word ‘differently’ in coaching; how achieving mastery in teaching makes the job a pleasure and not a drag; How much 1:1 interaction each child gets with the teacher during the session or lesson, and the power and beauty of curiosity, among other topics.
Lots to enjoy today and truly none of it is maths-specific, so we hope this is of interest once again to all colleagues.