Episode description
We upped it up. A whole extra notch!
Sometimes we play games as a segment of the show, but this time, the entire episode is a game! We played the "Hillel Secret Word Game", where Guy and Itamar had to compete to get Hillel to say certain tech buzzwords. What were the words? Who won? You'll have to listen to find out...
- Stripe Opens Operations in Israel! https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3926338,00.html
- Elizabeth Holmes found guilty https://www.businessinsider.com/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-juror-explains-why-not-convict-patient-charges-2022-1
- Popcorn Time, an open-source streaming service for pirated content launched in 2014, shuts down. https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/06/illegal-movie-streaming-service-popcorn-time-shuts-down/
- OpenSea raised $300M at a $13.3b valuation (previous valuation was $1.5B in July) https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/04/nft-kingpin-opensea-lands-13-3b-valuation-in-300m-raise-from-paradigm-and-coatue/
- A reality star who says she made $200K from selling her farts in Mason jars is pivoting to selling them as NFTs https://www.insider.com/reality-star-made-200k-fart-jars-selling-them-as-nfts-2022-1
& much more!
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