I sit down with Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist at Screw The Cubicle, Lydia Lee, to dive into her entrepreneurial journey that started with building a large, successful business that wasn’t in alignment with her personal goals and ended with her strategically running a cozy small business she loves that enables her to chase the sun.
What You’ll Discover In This Episode:
✔ Lydia’s Motivating Factor To Leave Corporate For Entrepreneurism
✔ Ways Her Business Grew Organically Instead Of Forcing It
✔ How She Knew The First Business Model She Tried Wasn’t In Alignment
✔ Why She Eventually Settled On The Cozy Business Model She Did
✔ The Evident Power Of A Sabbatical
✔ The Importance Of Executing Check-In Points
✔ So Much More!
To access resources and links from this episode, click on https://AmberDeLaGarza.com/291.
P.S. If you want help managing your time, creating efficiency, making a new hire, reducing the stress and overwhelm of running a business, or making strategic decisions that will help you level up your business, I’d like to talk to you. Let's discuss how we can partner together to help you get unstuck, reduce stress, and determine a clear path to increased profits! Schedule your Discovery Call