Calling all newbie and seasoned designers, builders, window treatment specialists!
In this episode, I personally invite you to join myself, LuAnn Nigara, and many other top industry experts to LUANN NIGARA LIVE November 5-8, 2023 in Orlando, Florida…
This is a 2 ½ day event that will give you the opportunity to work ON your business, get help solving challenges, and meet other design professionals who you can connect with. This year LUANN NIGARA LIVE is going to be about Health and Wealth! A Well-Designed Business within a Well-Designed Life.
I’ll be there too as a speaker helping you turn your conference "a-ha" moments into wins in your business by making your learning actionable so you can maximize your health and wealth.
It’s going to be a spectacular event you won’t want to miss. But don’t just take it from me. Tune in to this episode to hear a message directly from LuAnn Nigara, the host of the event…
And get your tickets here =>