I started my photography business in 1999, and I had my twins in 2006. So I had been in business for a while before becoming a mom and I remember feeling super worried about how I was going to run a business while also being a good mom once they were born.
I was afraid the business would take too much time and would pull me away from my kids. I was worried that my kids would pull me away from the work I need to do in my business. And I worked really hard to design the perfect work/ life balance.
Well, those twins turned 18 last month, and they graduated from high school a few days ago, and what I’ve learned over the past 18 years is that perfect work/life balance is a myth! And so on today’s podcast, thats what I’m going to talk about!
How to Book More Photography Clients Without Spending All Your Time Marketing
Sandra Coan Certification Program: https://sandracoanstudios.com/certification