It was a real pleasure to have a deep and holy conversation with Music Superstars Shlomo Katz שלמה כ"ץ & Nissim Black who teamed up for an uplifting new Song and video called Chayot Hanohamot (“Howling Animals”).
“This song has woken something up in me,” said Rabbi Katz. “This is exactly what I am hoping we live up to as a people, both in the Jewish world, and humanity at large.” He explained that the song is being released at a time as the world comes out of its dormant state, when most of us were inside and alone. “As we emerged from our respective homes to return to the world, the Jewish people faced a consecutive series of terrible challenges: the tragedy in Meron; over 4,000 rockets raining down on Israel from Gaza; a serious rise in antisemitism and physical attacks on Jews around the world, fed by the vitriolic hatred against Jews and Israel being spread on social media.”