So many people are asking for a recording of the historic conference we hosted last night in Jerusalem focused on unmasking Jew-hatred within the palestinian national movement. With deep thanks to the one above, we had a full house at the Begin Center in Jerusalem, and thousands of people viewing from all over the world, across our various platforms. Here is the recording to share with everyone you can. The more people you all share it with, the bigger an impact we can make!For those of you who had technical difficulties, or did not see the email with the conference link in time to join us live, I sincerely apologize. We tried our best to ensure that everyone who registered received the livestream link on time, but we apologize for any issues or confusion that prevented people from joining us live. I promise that we will try even harder to make the experience more seamless for our next conference. In the meantime, I please ask for forgiveness for whatever frustration you experienced.Now, many people take a deep breath after a conference ends, because all their hard work has paid off, and now they can relax. However, for us at the Pulse of Israel, things are different. For us, the conference was just the catalyst to begin the real work. Starting Now. And we need your help.The conference was just about creating the buzz to change the conversation, in order for Jews and non-Jews to wake up and realize that this issue must be shouted from the rooftops, because we have all been orphaned by our leaders. Now, the real work begins to change the conversation on a daily basis so that Jews worldwide will be more empowered to face the growing Jew-hatred in the name of "palestine", and therefore better protected.Now that we have some people's attention, we have to push out these messages in an even bigger way to get even more people's attention. Ultimately, we won't change the actions of our leaders until they hear the cry from us, the public. And for that to happen, we need the support of everyone who understands how important this issue is, to protect us all.I just want to add a few of the many comments of feedback we have begun to receive from people about the conference.Avi thanks again for a fantastic conference! You are truly an inspiration, not only for realizing the importance of the issues we face, but also for being brave enough to lead the way to talk, inform and educate anyone willing to listen about the real challenges. Moreover, you took the time to create a unique event, bring everyone together and actually make it happen!! A HUGE amount of work. The speakers - including yourself - were outstanding and inserted depth, insight and actionable strategies into the conversation. Kol Hakavod!!!
Oshy E. (attended live event)
Amazing conference Avi, everybody was inspiring but Elan Carr brought it home.
Yasher Koach!
Stuart K. (watched online)
Wow wow wow
This event was incredible. Although I was in and out of speeches, I look forward to going back and listening to what I missed BeH.
Shachar A. (watched online)I want to commend you for putting together the conference last night.All of the speakers were excellent and truly understand the dire situation we find ourselves in today.May Hashem bless you with the strength to continue your work.Thank you,Marcia F.Wonderful conference last night!!Thanks for all your great work,Deborah Congratulations on a truly excellent conference last night! I watched all of it from England - although I would have preferred to be there among friends in person! I totally agree with Melanie Phillips when she said we need to go on the front foot. Indeed, that is what the whole conference was about, and I am with you!
Hugh K.