Freya O'Horo started a blog about her brother Dian who has autism when she was 16 years old. Now, at 21, Freya , a student of social care in Athlone IT has won multiple awards for her blog. She talks about how she wants to break the stigma around autism and start the conversation to raise awareness until as many people as possible are educated on the different aspects of autism while breaking down stereotypes along the way. As well as educating others on autism, Freya designs chewable jewellery for children who tend to hold a lot of tension in their jaws. She also collaborates with an Irish designer who creates sensory friendly clothing and equipment at fair prices. On top of this Freya has also launched an Autism Siblings Ireland Goodie Bag! For more information on this and more you can follow Freya O' Horo and Autism Siblings Ireland on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.