Many people with ADHD face challenges around food. There are many factors, like the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine which are naturally found in lower amounts in the ADHD brain. This can affect how we approach the practicalities of ensuring we can stick to a regular and satisfying eating routine. It's common for people with ADHD to have disordered eating patterns (not linked to eating disorders as found in the DSM-5) and to get caught up in a cycle of dieting, weight gain and subsequent shame for not feeling like they are incontrol of something that seems to come so naturally to others. This diet-weight gain-shame cycle can continue for decades without questioning it or feeling satisfied. If you find yourself relating to this and want to get out of that cycle then Intuituve Eating might be of interest. Sinéad Crowe, a mental health nurse and nutritionist, joins me to talk about Intuituve Eating, a diet-free attitude to eating where we listen to our hunger cues and hear what our bodies want us to eat. Without shame, without stress and while learning to bring compassion into our relationship with food. It's not a quick fix (because like diets, quick fixes rarely work) it is a process that focuses on healing your body and relationship to food. It's way to escape diet culture and get curious about what your body actually wants to eat as opposed to restricting food and feeling guilt and shame about what you are or are not eating. Instagram: @intuitive.eating.ireland @uniquely_wired_adhdcoaching