Although the MBA is over 100 years old, the world of business is wildly different than it was a century ago. Join us as we explore how MBA programs are evolving, what today’s employers are looking for, and how things like big data and innovation are changing the degree. Michael Weber, Dean of the University of Maine Graduate School of Business talks about the relevance of the MBA in Maine and beyond. J. Michael Weber is the Dean of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Maine. He has a 25 year career in academia, with significant experience in graduate business program development and growth. He has successfully facilitated the national and international rankings of graduate programs, by the U.S. News and World Report and CEO Magazine. Dr. Weber has been actively engaged in consulting throughout his career, providing business and marketing services to a wide variety of firms/organizations, government institutions, and even started several of his own entrepreneurial ventures. He has traveled extensively in South America and Europe in conjunction with consulting activities for international and domestic organizations. He received his B.S. from the University of Florida, an MBA from the University of West Florida, and a Ph.D. in Business from Louisiana State University.