Hi! I'm back! I missed you. Did you miss me? Well it's a completely different show now, and I can't wait to share more with you.
Tiffany McNeil is the coolest brand, innovation, and insights exec you’ll ever meet. Tiffany and I worked together at Del Monte Foods way back in 2010 (!) on the consumer insights and strategy team, specifically consumer food innovation for baby boomers. This was the perfect conversation to kick things off.
Here’s what we cover:
Let’s first define consumer insights and strategy in B2C;
When I came over to B2B from B2C, there was no customer research, insights, or strategy that came from that work. It was super strange. So naturally, I just did the work. What is the work;
Why is consumer insights important? How does this carry over to B2B;
What’s new in consumer insights that’s shaping the industry;
What do you still find challenging with consumer research;
Tiffany asks me her burning question.
Tiffany on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tiffany-mcneil-9b1615a
Oaktown Strategy: www.oaktownstrategy.com
For more content, subscribe to Building With Buyers on Apple or Spotify or wherever you like to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you're lovin' the show. Music by my talented daughter.
Anna on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov
Website: furmanovmarketing.com